1st Trimester Bumpy Pics!

I can feel a change this week but it just looks like a belly, not a bump. But when you press it its hard underneath. At least its the time of year for gaining weight so noone will suspect!
I looked pregnant before - have always had a pot belly, even when I was skinny at uni. I've tried everything to shift it!!!! :wall2:Now I have a bigger pot belly and do look a bit pregnant but I think it's more to do with the fact that I'm not exercising as much!!! It's really wobbly - yuk!!! I imagine in a couple of months having a nice hard bump with this yukky wobbly bit stuck to the front!!!:shock:
I've taken some pics of my belly and cant find my usb cable to get them on my laptop! ahhh! anyone clever know if I can use bluetooth or wifi or something?
i have a bump but dont think it has anything to do with pregnancy, lol!!!
ok, this arrived yesterday when I was at work, so I do not think this is entirely post 2 long day bloat :D


  • P1150001resized.jpg
    32.4 KB · Views: 44
I'm now 6 weeks pregnant with my second child. I have a daughter of 14 months and although I lost alot of the baby weight and am back to a size ten my belly now seems to be bumpin out alot lol this kinda worries me as I was trying to put off telling people until the 3 month safetly zone is pasted and the bump didn't seem to come as quickly with my daughter. Has any one else experienced this? Dunno how to put my pic up will have to ask my OH
hardly a bump really, just the flab being pushed up and redistributed :lol:
but it does make me feel a bit better :D
hardly a bump really, just the flab being pushed up and redistributed :lol:
but it does make me feel a bit better :D

I think my flab is also redistributing! :rofl: Either that or its just more fat developing which I really hope isnt the case. Either way, I look like I had one too many mince pies!
P.S. if my flab looked like yours Id be well happy!!
Thought Id shove up another picture. This is me at 13 weeks 4 days. I think its pretty much the same as the 12 weeks picture. Im just feeling tubby in my clothes now :( But at least its on its way!!


  • 13w4dbump.jpg
    66.6 KB · Views: 50
Crike today my jeans are way too tight round my middle and underneath my lower flap of flab (haha) is a definite enlarged uterine bump - I can feel it, it almost appeared overnight. Will have to post a pic :)
Crike today my jeans are way too tight round my middle and underneath my lower flap of flab (haha) is a definite enlarged uterine bump - I can feel it, it almost appeared overnight. Will have to post a pic :)

yes post a pic, Id love to see!!

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