1st Trimester Bumpy Pics!

This is my first though slummymummy so I think itll take a while to get it really to start showing. Youre bump looked great though!
on my pic how far gone do i possibly look i can only tell im pregnant with my belly button sticking out :( lol x
november was the time i concieved but i hope i do get little bigger in weeks to come otherwise i'll be worrying lol my hubby thinks im about 8 weeks but i do have a tiny body frame :/ cant be helped i guess :) x
Depends when in november you conceieved i'm sure you've worked out your dates a milion times! You have the statrs of a nice bump - fear not i'm sure you'll be huge soon.
the beginning of november and because ive been forgetting i didnt even put the dates in my diary but my hubby is sure its the beginning of nov how does it depend :S ? lol
Well we conceieved on the 8th of november and i'm 11 weeks on thursday so maybe you are futher along than you think. Have you worked out your date from you LMP
I'm beginning to wonder if I'm pregnant at all looking at all your bumps! lol. Am not seeing my midwife for first time till next week am beginning to doubt myself!!
How far along are you mixi?

I swear mines got bigger overnight! It feels alot harder today and Im alot more concious theres something below my belly button! I still question whether its real or not sometimes!
I'm 8 weeks 4 days. Can't believe how long its taken to get to this point if you know what I mean. I've only known I'm pregnant for four weeks and that has lasted forever lol! So far only sickness and some soreness are only signs. Sigh! Will just have to keep waiting!
I know exactly what you mean! The first 4 weeks went so slowly but Ive felt than from about week 8/9 its flown by! I think christmas has taken my mind off it though.

Luckily my sickness is wearing off, which im VERY happy about. Hopefully your sickness wont last long and everything will go smoothly. Your bump will be here soon!!!
Don't worry at 8 weeks eveything is neatly behind your pubic bone once ou hit around 12 weeks you'll begin to notice the beginnings of a bump - is this your first? don't forget lots of us have had others and we expand much quicker!
I dont have a bump yet :( would love to show you a picture of my toned washboard abs but unforuntely they are drowing in a layer of ...erm...padding!

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