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1st Trimester Bumpy Pics!

buddabun said:
But surely the baby is the size of an olive + the uterus is the size of an orange (I like my fruits, see?) how can that be 'bump'?

Obviously the excess podge is caused by the baby but surely it's indirect. I mean, my uterus is still inside my pelvis until 12w isn't it?

Well yes, the bump you see is not actually your uterus, but still the uterus has grown and all the stuff it's displaced has to go upwards... not saying there's NO podge/bloat involved, but some of it... but the way I see it that will continue to be the case for ages and ages, certainly the top part of the bump won't be actual baby till really really late on, so if you can call it bump at 20 weeks when only the bit below your belly button is uterus, then why not now?! Just trying to make you feel better girls! But if you prefer to put it down to bloat go ahead :rotfl:
No no, bump is ace! I was just confused, not trying to be argumentative sorry :lol:

So it's all intestines now? My bladder is certainly feeling the pressure of being between an orange and a hard place :roll:
buddabun said:
So it's all intestines now? My bladder is certainly feeling the pressure of being between an orange and a hard place :roll:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Yep, nice squishy intestines lol. They say the bladder pressure eases off once the uterus pops out from behind the pelvis (I'm not so sure myself, there's still not a lot of room down there lol and I can't say I've noticed a change... but then again I was never that bad on the weeing anyhow). I read soemthing in tri 2 I think it was saying by the time of birth your uterus has increased in size 1,000 times - that just sounds hideous - can you get stretchmarks on the inside do you reckon? :rotfl: :rotfl:
Ok splashmonkey that kinda makes sense and kinda goes with what my hubby was saying, he says above my belly button is my stomach and below is everything else, so my bulge isnt fat its bump as how can it be fat when its below my stomach! which is a good point!

so I suppose as everythings getting pushed up to accomadte baba it pops out coz it has no were else to go!!
I do notice after a big meal (which nowadays is anything more than a bowl of cereal) my stomach gets bigger (i.e. above belly button) rather than my 'bump'

1000 times eh? That's frightening...

What amazes me is the fact that straight after the birth it contracts straight down again to its original size (according to my book although it cant be permanent) to stop from haemorrhaging. The whole body/hormone interaction thing fascinates me. Mind you, I was saying to Rock Angel that the whole early development/embryology thing fascinates me too. I studied it briefly at university and the way each little cell knows what to be and where it is. It's mind boggling how humans ever evolved!!!
I find it all totally amazing TBH. Even right from the beginning - how does your body know the egg's been fertilised? I mean, it's just floating around, how does it KNOW? It's all just totally incredible, it feels like it really shouldn't work but somehow it does... I guess it must all work the same for animals too, but somehow people being so complex it seems more impressive, I guess the basic principles don't alter though... isn't it weird how you suddenly wanna know how it all works now it's happening inside you?! I was always interested, but not THIS interested I'm sure...
did you see that wolf program last night, apparently a wolf is only pregnant for 9 weeks, elephants 10months us 9 months, isnt it strange how we all bred the same yet different species from egg to baby is different lengths!
9 weeks! God, so we'd have had our babies by now! That sounds nice... I guess with elephants it's mainly cos they have so much growing to do, whereas with us it's more about the complexity, given that mostly the first 12 weeks is just forming everything, plus the remaining 6 monhts for growing... although our babies are so much more helpless when born, makes you wonder what they're donig in there!
Emum how cute is your bump! :dance:

Elephants have a gestation of 22 months!!! Dolphins are 12m, our cat was about 9 or 10 weeks we reckon.

The thing that gets me is that SO many animals look exactly the same up until a certain point, so much so that a turtle is indistinguishable from a chicken which is indistinguishable from a human etc.

Even dolphins apparently develop embryonic lower limb buds which later disappear, a result of their land ancestry. That is mental!

I found this diagram, which I remember seeing a more detailed description of in an old embryology text of mine which I can't find. But it shows fish, salamander, tortoise, chicken, pig, cow, rabbit and human embryos and you can see on the top row they are pretty much exactly the same. :shock:


There's a larger version of it here: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... awings.jpg
So it's not even mammals who all look the same to start. Bloody reptiles and fish do too :lol:
Blimey budda that's just freaky! Evolution is a truly incredible thing. And Rock Angel wasn't totally wrong about the elephants, it's only the Indian ones (I think - coudl be the wrong way round) that have the ridiculously long gestation. At least there's something that makes you glad to be human! That definitely sounds like WAY too long to me :lol:
oh right sorry. I know normal sized elephants (whatever one they showed on that 'in the womb' program) are 22 months...

And isn't it scary how similar they all look?! The whole thing just fascinates me.

On the subject of bumps, I swear mine has doubled in size overnight. I have had to unzip my skirt on the way home I was so restricted. Methinks it is time to upgrade to baggier clothes, who am I kidding :lol:
Yay for bumps! Mine's definitely coming along but I think it's gonna be a while before you can tell it's baby :(
Yep, that's the plan :lol: I've noticed maternity trousers make you look much bumpier so now that I've got some I feel more pg hehehe
oooh good idea.

i only have those with the adjustable button-elastic in the waist and they are too big for me (arse wise, not belly wise). I want a pair with the massive elastic you stretch over your flab but I think it's a little premature for that :lol:
LMAO there's just too many different styles! I've tried on a load with the panel to go over your bump but they look really weird underneath - maybe I'm just too short. Mine have got the stretchy pockets - adjustable in the jeans. I can't believe how much bigger than normal they are - I wouldn't have a chance of fitting into a new look size 16 normally I don't reckon but they're enormous - do they think pg woman want really loose fitting clothes (on the legs I'm talking) or is it that they expect us to put on weight everywhere do you think?
Well they do say your arse increases a lot so maybe we will get loads fatter everywhere else as well? Who knows...
Oh god really? I don't want a bigger arse! :( No sign of it yet though, not that I've noticed anyway, so maybe that's a good sign :lol:

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