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1st Trimester Bumpy Pics!

ebay for me too. the only maternity shop we have here is mothercare but it is over twice the price of the UK... I bought a pair of trousers in there which had us eating bread and water for months!

I think oversized non-maternity clothes are the way forward. I went on a trip to Matalan before moving here and (even though we hadn't started TTC then :lol:) bought a load of long tops a size bigger. That way I can disguise my growing paunch until it's the right shape to actually show off.

From the side it may look 'cute' but I promise, from the front I just look like I've put back on all the flab I lost and then some!
splashmonkey said:
Ah well, JD, we can be pregnant fatties together :hug: I refuse to spend huge amounts of money on maternity clothes since I figure I shall look hideous anyway - so I just bought a whole bunch on ebay the other day for £40 inc P&P and will be wearing them no matter what they look like unless they're actually too small! Seriously though ebay's great if you don't mind second-hand, people sell whole bundles of stuff and you can get a real bargain.

There are loads of cheap and nice maternity clothes around, and unless you think the pregnant shape is horrid (which I don't) there's no need to look hideous unless you generally don't care how you look!

I went to New Look yesterday, for example, and bought one pair of bootcut jeans (which look just like what I'd wear not pregnant but will accomodate the bump) and 5 maternity tops (all of which I liked and were in colours and styles which suited me) for the grand total of £61. I've bought a few carefully selected pieces of ebay too (mainly decent makes at more reasonable prices because they are pre-loved). In total, I have spent less than £200 and have enough clothes now to last me for the whole of the pregnancy, and for any occasion - either casual or formal. I would say I have as good a pregnancy wardrobe as I did a pre-pregnancy one, though the pregnancy one is much cheaper. If you get big quickly (as I have done this time round), you are likely to get a good 8 months or so wear out of your maternity clothes (bearing in mind you don't snap back into pre-pregnancy clothes the minute you give birth) and that's a long time to walk around feeling like something the cat's sicked up!
Yeah, but the thing is, I genuinely can't remember the last time I spent £200 on clothes! somehow they never seem to be a priority, much as I do care about my appearance, just care about my wallet more I guess! And New Look are great, but somewhat stingy on the old sizes, their maternity only goes up to size 16 doesn't it? I can't see my boobs fitting into one of their size 16s again for a long while lol
If anyone knows anywhere that does size 22/24 maternity stuff, thats cheap and decent quality, theres a big hug in it for you! lol. :hug:
Sorry, not sure about the sizing, so not much good there. Maybe its easier in the slightly smaller sizes to pick things up easily and cheaply.

In all seriousness, if you are planning on having more than one child, and you usually like to dress nicely, it is an investment to spend a little money if you can manage it at all on some clothes you like. You do wear them for longer than you think, and nothing brings your morale down, or makes you feel less sexy than a huge bump and feeling like a frump!

Maybe think of it like the reusable nappy v disposable nappy debate? A single reusable nappy costs a lot more than a single disposable one, but you will make your money out of it over time. You don't have to buy top designer names, or brand new clothes, but to buy second hand stuff which you don't even like the look of at the outset, and which may not even fit, just because it is cheap seems to me to be a fairly cheerless thing to do.
Hehehe no you've got a point emum, I was exaggerating a little bit, buying stuff off ebay is always a punt really as you don't know if it'll fit and when it's a bundle of stuff you can't really tell what it all looks like. But I figure surely there'll be one or two bits that fit and look nice and if the rest is crap well it's still cheaper than new! Now, if only Primark did maternity clothes...
...if the rest is crap then re-sell it bit by bit!!

I have trouble as the only bundles seem to be all one size whereas my arse size is considerably larger than my top size! Some nice bits as well :(

Peacocks order online nowadays (great news for me as I can't really pop into store!) and have a few nice pieces (only a very limited selection and some are truly awful lol)...

I will look at new look - didn't think of them. So far I have tried ebay (which seems great for the more expensive labels), la redoute(who are fairly reasonable but basic), peacocks as mentioned, H&M and topshop. I must admit I'm not topshop's biggest fan though.

ASOS is pretty good too :?
Well exactly budda, reading between the lines I see loads of people on ebay doing just that! And the thing is budda, you have to factor in the future expansion of your boobs. Whilst growing bump will not affect your bottom size in maternity clothes, growing bust will increase your top size, so you might even out! Phew, thank god there's some advantages to being pregnant (not for me though, now getting distinctly top heavy :( )
my boobs haven't grown an inch. My chest size has increased (i.e. the number) but the actual lils are still the same... I only have small boobs so I wasn't expecting miracles and to be honest I don't expect much until the milk sets in...

Either way, if I *do* change size drastically, I have only lost a few quid per item!

I love eBay. I swore off them a while ago as they screwed me around something rotten but this has just refuelled my old addiction :oops:

mostly bloat and flab but i seem to be getting bigger. this is me at 9 weeks
my belly is all water and fab! I'm 13stone so its nice to just cover up and say I'm not fat i'm pregnant!.... now hanf me that mars bar.
hey girls sorry to intrude but i just wanted to agree with what was said about investing in a few cheap maternity clothes esp if you plan on more beebs. if your on tight budget, second hand are fab but choose carefully so you actually enjoy wearing them and feel as sexy as pre-pregnancy as i did this time around. my first pregnancy i didnt buy anything maternity only bigger sized tshirts and jogging bottoms from asda i felt terrible and ugly but having DD2 i wore all sexy tight fitting (stretchy of corse) maternity clothes from ebay and felt a million dollars a;; the way through ;)
well you lot have made me break my ebay embargo and I have ordered several nice maternity tops. Of course I won't need to wear them for several months but it's such fun shopping around :D
Yay for ebay budda! I got a job lot for £40 all in and there's actually a few decent things in there, none of the tops fit me with my newly humongous boobs, but there's some nice trousers and stuff for a bit later on. So I call it a bargain! Now all I need to do is get some early maternity jeans for now and some long tops - I suddenly realise I have very few stomach covering tops at the best of times, for some strange reason :think:
Must do a updated bump pic later this is the main one I have at mo (im now 8 or 9 weeks!)
OO may go do that now atucally!

I love your bump. it's a proper bump shape. mine is just flab, even though i'm actually waddling like i'm 8 months gone (bad back) it's still LOOKS like flab :lol:
I have a little bump now. Just where my knickers sit its getting bigger lol! Its only been over the past week of so that Ive noticed a diffrence. Either that or I'm getting fatter!

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