✨ July Testing Thread ✨

It’s the vacuum procedure to get the pregnancy out as wasn’t coming away on its own or with the misoprostol pills xx

I hope you’re ok? It’s horrible, I had to have this too - in April, thought we’d passed it all then I woke up suddenly heamorraging and ended up in theatre. The bleeding was too much - lost half of my blood basically and my HB went down to 6.2. :(
Hoping for a BFP this time for us all :)
Rainbowmama - your such a warrior to be going through this for all this time, so sorry for your losses x x
That sounds awful @Sugar10, and thank you! I am about to be diagnosed with Stage 2 Chronic Kidney Failure.. I think I’ve given up on TTC really, if it happens it happens. X
I have a question over ovulation tests. As I’ve never done them before.
Does holding wee in influence the result? I’m on cycle day 12 , so apparently in my fertile window, and the line is still faint. I had a much darker one on day 8.
Should I do another after holding it?

I know it doesn’t matter , I will just test in 2 weeks and see what happens! But was just curious.
@Sugar10, I'm actually not sure about that. I do know you're not supposed to use FMU. But that's as much as I know, I'm too POAS obsessed! :lol: How are they looking today?
Here's mine at CD9 :lol:

I just got bored and decided what the hell. Premom said it's a 0.12 and honestly, I guess I'd have to agree because it's soooooooo faint. :lol:

I have a question over ovulation tests. As I’ve never done them before.
Does holding wee in influence the result? I’m on cycle day 12 , so apparently in my fertile window, and the line is still faint. I had a much darker one on day 8.
Should I do another after holding it?

I know it doesn’t matter , I will just test in 2 weeks and see what happens! But was just curious.
I do a standard 4 hour hold just to be safe xxx
I have my pelvic ultrasound tomorrow. I am SO nervous. Chances are, I'm going to have to wait until August for the results with the gynaecologist - I hate the wait. It makes me even more nervous. I wish in the appointment they could just say, oh - everything looks okay, or oh, I think I see a polyp there etc. Saves the stress of having to wait so many more long months.
I have my pelvic ultrasound tomorrow. I am SO nervous. Chances are, I'm going to have to wait until August for the results with the gynaecologist - I hate the wait. It makes me even more nervous. I wish in the appointment they could just say, oh - everything looks okay, or oh, I think I see a polyp there etc. Saves the stress of having to wait so many more long months.

Aw hope it all goes ok.
I haven’t tested for couple days so could’ve missed the ovulation day if it’s happened already.
Hope everyone’s ok :)
Aww, bless you @Sugar10. Not testing could be less stressful for you!
Thank you, I am so nervous about today it’s unreal.
I’ve decided I won’t be charting this cycle, but I will pee on OPK’s (I can’t NOT). :lol:
Aww, bless you @Sugar10. Not testing could be less stressful for you!
Thank you, I am so nervous about today it’s unreal.
I’ve decided I won’t be charting this cycle, but I will pee on OPK’s (I can’t NOT). :lol:

Hope it’s going ok today. :)
I’m half way through my cycle , feels like the longest month haha.
But only 10 - 14 days to go and will know :)
How’s everyone else x
Can I have the 22nd please although unsure if we're TTC over the next few months as I'm waiting for tests for thyroid and my heart. Dr said I need to lose weight also I'm only 13st and 5'7 I'm not obese fgs
CD4, at least another 3-4 days until AF packs her bags.
Who’s charting their BBT this month?
I've charted in the past when TTC my first. Temp doesn't go up until after ovulating so would need to use opks to, unless you do it it a few months and it's always around the same time.
Scans for recurrent losses are completely fine nothing to stress about I've have loads the most uncomfortable thing for me was when they was pulling it out, some did it slow and some just yanked like my inside would fall out with it lmao x
@Sugar10, Good luck lovely, I hope that :bfp: is coming! <3

@PeanutButter, Hello! I shall add you for the 22nd. What tests are they doing on your heart? How high is your TSH level? I'm being investigated for both too - small world. :lol:
Have they tested your progesterone levels mid-cycle? If your BBT doesn't raise at all after ovulation, I'd suspect they need to be testing why and if they can help you.

My scan went extremely well. I am CD11 (so 2-3 days away from ovulation) and I was worried last night I had ovary pains, I thought maybe I do have a cyst on my ovaries - but no no. Scan went extremely well. After what has been a very long day I am pleased to report that everything is normal and good. I feel in many ways this is somewhat of a double edged sword as there is (so far) no explanations to the recurrent miscarriages. I am also glad it was an abdominal scan, I've had these scans before and they've always been transvaginal. :lol:
Sorry ladies just taking some time out. I’m 40 tomorrow so just de stressing and spending time with family. I’m in my fertile window from tomorrow so fingers crossed xx
@Sugar10, Good luck lovely, I hope that :bfp: is coming! <3

@PeanutButter, Hello! I shall add you for the 22nd. What tests are they doing on your heart? How high is your TSH level? I'm being investigated for both too - small world. :lol:
Have they tested your progesterone levels mid-cycle? If your BBT doesn't raise at all after ovulation, I'd suspect they need to be testing why and if they can help you.

My scan went extremely well. I am CD11 (so 2-3 days away from ovulation) and I was worried last night I had ovary pains, I thought maybe I do have a cyst on my ovaries - but no no. Scan went extremely well. After what has been a very long day I am pleased to report that everything is normal and good. I feel in many ways this is somewhat of a double edged sword as there is (so far) no explanations to the recurrent miscarriages. I am also glad it was an abdominal scan, I've had these scans before and they've always been transvaginal. :lol:

Cos my feet keep swelling up like huge for no apparent reason and family history.
Thyroid is just to be safe and again family history.
We only started ttc number 3 in Jan well stopped preventing it, then a few months ago we started properly. 6mcs before number 1 then number 2 was born premie so only 9 months between number 1&2 aha. (Number 2 was a big amazing surprise). Then another mc late last year. Think having a chemical this month but unsure so not counting it lol.
@Sugar10, Good luck lovely, I hope that :bfp: is coming! <3

@PeanutButter, Hello! I shall add you for the 22nd. What tests are they doing on your heart? How high is your TSH level? I'm being investigated for both too - small world. :lol:
Have they tested your progesterone levels mid-cycle? If your BBT doesn't raise at all after ovulation, I'd suspect they need to be testing why and if they can help you.

My scan went extremely well. I am CD11 (so 2-3 days away from ovulation) and I was worried last night I had ovary pains, I thought maybe I do have a cyst on my ovaries - but no no. Scan went extremely well. After what has been a very long day I am pleased to report that everything is normal and good. I feel in many ways this is somewhat of a double edged sword as there is (so far) no explanations to the recurrent miscarriages. I am also glad it was an abdominal scan, I've had these scans before and they've always been transvaginal. :lol:
So glad the scan went well and everything is fine!
Have you had your blood tested?

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