

Well-Known Member
May 14, 2007
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hope you dont mind me being nosey but i just wondered how you chose the name Willow i think it is a beautiful name

my husband chose Willow because of some lake he fishes at.

my name is Rebecca too.
*peers into thread*

Whenever I hear the name Willlow I think of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the Willow character from that. But then I am a bit of a fan of the show :lol: :roll:
Sherlock said:
*peers into thread*

Whenever I hear the name Willlow I think of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the Willow character from that. But then I am a bit of a fan of the show :lol: :roll:

Me too! I love the name Willow cos I love BTVS. Its my all time fave show and i have every series on box set DVD. :oops:
J-Do1979 said:
Me too! I love the name Willow cos I love BTVS. Its my all time fave show and i have every series on box set DVD. :oops:

A woman after my own heart :) I'm a fan of Joss Whedon and loved Buffy, Angel, Firefly and Serenity. Shame he never got to make more of those as it was a great series.
Quote from boyfriend "Because you had to pick a different name EVERY SINGLE WEEK"

If she'd been a week late she probably would have been called something totally different :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: but Willow really suits her now and i'm glad we chose it.I originally came across it in a book called Ghostwalk.

And it's so strange we both have the same name and our daughters do too :lol: though I spell it Rebekah
we was going to call her Willow from the start we didnt know we was having a girl though.

i also love buffy and angel and origanally i didnt want to call our baby willow is it was a girl because of that reason but the name really grew on me and then i couldnt imgine calling her anything else.

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