What Does Your Babys' Name Mean?

Anjali is a indian name meaning 'offering with devotion'

picked due to her indian heritage.

Her middle name is Kaur (pronounced core) meaning Swan or Princess and that is the middle name given to all Sikh females (men get Singh meaning Lion )

Her second middle name is Kinsella which is my maiden name and pays tribute to her irish ancestry. Kinsella comes from an irish clan name
Faruq (Farooq) <- undecided on spelling yet :lol: will have to make our minds up once he shows himself :roll:

Arabic name meaning 'distinguisher of truth and falsehood' :D

Hoping the influence of the name and a good up bringing will mean he grows up to be a sensible-sensative chap :pray:
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Don't know what the new baby will be yet but I'll definitely take the meaning in to consideration. I remember liking a name once (can't for the life of me remember it now) then finding out it meant 'he cries out' and thinking that was just asking for trouble!
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Tally - dew of god
Eve - life
Katherine - pure

i love the meanings of her names and she wouldn't have been given them if the meanings wearn't right. somehow i managed to pick quite religious names as well lol, she suits her name looks wise but theres not really much to suit personality wise
Constance means "constant and steadfast" - who'd have thought it eh? :rotfl:
Maia - Greek origin Maia was the daughter of the Greek God Zeus, meaning "great, Mother". Maia was the Greek Goddess of Spring and the month of May was named in her honor. Maia was also an ancient Roman Goddess of springtime and means "she who is great". The name is also of Hindu origin meaning "dream, illusion"

We chose Maia because we love the name but also it fits perfectly because she was born in May.

Amy - This was my Great-Grandmas name so thats the reason we chose it. Old French & Latin origin meaning "beloved"

Her name definitely suits her, I cant think of her by any other name that we had on our shortlist.
Clark - Clark is Anglo Saxon derived from the Latin clericus meaning "scribe" or a scholar within a religious order, referring to someone who was educated. Clark evolved from "clerk". First records of the name are found in the 12th century.

Thats not particularly why we chose it though, it had alot more to do with my OH's Superman obsession! :lol:
Phoebe - Greek meaning bright, shining which fits her very well!

Not sure what the next bean will be but we have plenty of time to come up with something!
Summer- The season of Summer
Christine- Follower of Christ
Carole- Farmer
Briggs- a bridge
the name we have chose for our daughter is Ruby Emily

Ruby - Simply means "ruby" from the name of the precious stone (which ultimately derives from Latin ruber "red"), which is the birthstone of July. It came into use as a given name in the 19th century

Emily - English feminine form of Aemilius (see EMIL). In the English-speaking world it was not common until after the German House of Hanover came to the British throne in the 18th century; the princess Amelia Sophia (1711-1786) was commonly known as Emily in English, even though Amelia is an unrelated name.
Famous bearers include the British author Emily Bronte (1818-1848), who wrote 'Wuthering Heights', and the American poet Emily Dickinson (1830-1886).
Cameron is Gaelic and means "crooked nose", i made sure he had a very cute name before namig him. Scott means painted warrier and is my brothers name.
Isla is scottish island...shortened version of Islay and Shona means God is gracious; beautiful in hebrew origin. We thought god had indeed been gracious but mainly the combo came from a tiny island off the west coast of scotland where we spent our honeymoon and many happy holidays...its a special magical place (where the inspiration for neverland came from and where peter pan was written) and we look forward to taking her there next year.
i have a friend who also called their baby Isla after the island where they had their honeymoon!

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