Yummy Mummy Club

Well as expected only lost 1/2lb this week. But still better than nothing, or worse, gaining! Had a massive slab of birthday cake last night for mils birthday but really didn't enjoy it tbh, my attitude to food has totally changed now! Would have much preferred a melon lol! Hubby and I are going out for Thai food and drinks tonight so gonna have a big sesh at the gym today!

Pos I know how you feel regarding the running. I hate running when people are around! I usually go late (ish) at night when all the kids and family's have gone home and then it's just all the runners (and boot camp people lol) around! I may read that book too, sounds interesting!

Good luck anyone weighing in today and good weekend guys!!!!
I need to join this..

Pre-preg : 12st 7lbs
Post-preg: 14st 13lbs
Current weight: 13st 7lbs
Goal: 11st

Not joining ww or sw yet. Going to try & do it on my own!

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I'm new too!!! And "committing" to losing weight by putting it down here!! I'm doing WW and have started doing the 30 day shred as well.
Have to fit into a bikini in -yikes- 22 days time and having 2 babies quite close has wrecked havoc on my tummy!!

Pre 1st - 58kg
Pre 2nd - 63kg
Preg weight - was too scared to weigh myself!!
Weight now - 63kg.
Goal - 58kg
Welcome new mummy's!!!

I just overdosed on Thai food! Glad I had a good gym session earlier tho! Gonna run round a lake tomorrow morning with hubby!
Im a new mummy and i need to lose weight!! And tone up! And zap my stretch marks!!!

Pre pregnancy: 12st 2lbs
End of pregnancy: 16st 3lbs
Currently: 14st 1lb

Goal: 11st 7lbs

Not joining SW or WW just guna hope i can do this myself! OH is a personal trainer and gym/class coach so hopefully hell put me through hell and get rid of my belly!!

Another newby!

I am really keen to get back into my size 10 jeans comfortably as Im kidding myself by wearing the 'more generous' ones ie the pair that were always that bit bigger for some reason. I also need to fit into my work clothes by the time I go back as I refuse to buy new stuff.

Pre pregnancy weight: 8st 12
Post Pregnancy: 11st 6
Current Weight: 10st 7
My own Target Weight: 9st

Im currently still under my WW target weight of 10 st 10 but Im not happy in myself! Back to my old faithful WW class next Wed!! I lost 8 stone with WW to get pregnant so I know it works if I stick to to it! Had such a sweet tooth when pregnant and its not left me. Could eat my weight in Nutella!!!!!
Hi ladies! Sorry didnt realise there was already a thread for weight loss, glad we can all help eachother!

I started WW (again) on Monday, I have just under 2 stone to lose.

Pre preg weight - 10 stone 11
Full preg weight - 14 stone 3
Current weight - 12 stone 5
Goal weight - 10 stone 7

Determined to do this as none of my clothes fit and I refuse to buy even more bigger clothes! Xxx
I've joined sw and weigh in on Mondays!

Pre preg: 12st 12lb
Full term preg:16st 7lb!!! :(
Now: 14st 5.5lb
Goal: 12st 7lb

1st week at sw: -3.5lb
2nd week:+3.5lb (grrrr I followed plan!)
3rd week: -4lb
4th week: -5.5lb

Total loss to date: 9.5lb :D

Good luck girls!! Lets get skinny!! ;)

Tapatalking. X
Hey to all the new ladies!!! I've been rubbish this week but will try and get out for a run and hopefully I can manage to be good until weigh in Monday evening at WW. I'm so close to goal weight but I'm struggling to stay motivated and need to exercise more still feeling flabby!!! X
Come on hl28 you can do this!!! Think how far you've come and how good you'll feel accomplishing what you want!!!

I'm feeling ok, hubby is at home today yay and my lo was at nannas last night so going to go for a run in 30 mins. I think I've been great with the exercise but letting my diet slip this last week so going shopping today and getting NO junk food!

Oh and I bought a new pair of size 12 jeans yesterday! BUT they actually feel a little loose!!!
Well done ladies and welcome new ladies! From the looks of it you're all doing so well already.

I've been ok this week and lost a lb. 3 more to go and I'll be in the 10s! 9 more to go until I reach my goal!

Does anyone else who had a c-section still have a bit of a big lower abdomen? My stomach is by no means flat but it's a lot more toned except for the stupid part above and below the scar!

Well done ladies and welcome new ladies! From the looks of it you're all doing so well already.

I've been ok this week and lost a lb. 3 more to go and I'll be in the 10s! 9 more to go until I reach my goal!

Does anyone else who had a c-section still have a bit of a big lower abdomen? My stomach is by no means flat but it's a lot more toned except for the stupid part above and below the scar!


Me! It drives me nuts. I weigh less now than I did before I was pregnant, I now fit in my pre-preg jeans but my csection overhang make them so uncomfortable so I'm still living in bloody leggings! Xx
A little advice for some of you newbies - don't go too overboard - I see some of you have very young babies, so at the moment you just need to focus on being healthy (especially if you are BF'ing). Don't worry too much about exercise or calories counting..

This is said as someone who hasn't lost anything since having baby, so I am not lecturing :lol: I am just saying take it easy ladies, enjoy you LO's while they are teeny and do the whole weight loss thing gradually!!

I am allowed to lose about lb a week.because of BFing by the way

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Had a great run today. Very proud of achieving a personal best!

Lovely healthy tea tonight; salmon with Thai stuffing, boiled rice, sweet chili sauce, asparagus and green beans! Yum! Hope my lo likes it too lol!

What's everyone eating tonight? X
WW is a good way to loose weight if you BF as they give you plenty of points. And it is only a lb a week they like you to loose. That's how I've done it. I also didn't start till lo was about 8 weeks I think. Xxx

Well done Diane! Instead of running me and b have been for a 2 hr nap. I've been such a grump on a family day out with the older two I thought I need to sleep. Lol. So much for a run although might go later. B never sleeps this long in the day so hoping also got a happy bubs when she wakes xxx
Yes I couldn't believe it when I went to WW and they told me I get 14 more points as in breastfeeding! It of course makes it really quite easy! In fact I'm eating better now than I was before as I'm not just grabbing food and instead forward thinking and including more fruit and veg as they're free ;-) just hope it starts to show! Xxx
Well done on loosing girls. Im doing ok with the eating this week as Ive reverted back to the pointing WW approach. I had been doing Filling and Healthy but I know I dont have the control for it at the moment. It relies on you stopping when you feel comfortably full and in honesty at the moment Im a bottomless pit. I know the green foods ate 'free' but I could eat a 1KG tub of low fat yoghurt and 2 crumpets a day. Not going to loose weight doing this. So Im writing everything Im biting and pointing.

Where Im not doing so well as pre pregnancy is with the exercise. I have had to cut down from 3 hour long sessions of badminton a week to 2 as I didnt think it was fair to have my sisters watch LO 3 times in a week. So thats 4 PP worth of exercise down and then I used to go on my exercise bike religiously every morning for 30 mins earning 2 PP a day so 14 PP in a week. I never 'ate' these PP but im sure helped my weight loss. I really now dont have the time for the bike. I find any spare time I havr now I need to do dishes or make bottles etc. I have to shower after doing it too so needs to be first thing or last thing.

Need to see how I do and if weight loss is not happening Ill need to make the time!

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