Yummy Mummy Club

I always do my bike on an evening whilst hubby is watching lo. Then my mum or sister have her 2x a week for an hour whilst I run and hubby has her on Sundays for an hour whilst I run then x
Been out for a 2 mile run this morning. Hoping to start upping the distance over the next few weeks xxx
God you guys are so good with the exercising! I'm rubbish at making myself do anything! I think I probably will once my weight drops a bit, but for now I can't think of anything worse!

Had a result last night, went to a dinner party and was dreading the greedy monster coming out and ruining all my hard work in my first week (weigh day tomorrow)... But.. I didnt like the food! Yay! I wasn't obvious about it as it was self serve so just had a little bit and filled up on veg! Actually really excited about first weigh in! Xxx
I struggled at first but honestly I'm like a new woman now. I LOVE exercising now! It helps that it's been nice weather as I like getting out and about, not too keen on the gym but I have a running program to follow now which really helps keep me on track.

Good job with the food last night; deffo a good idea to stock up on the veggies! Good luck for weigh in tomorrow!!!

Hl28 I'm doing the same; currently just sticking to about 2/3 miles and building up gradually. Really excited about my 10k.

Can I ask a question? How can I combat my tummy flab at the bottom? I know you can't spot reduce far but I weigh less now than before pregnancy but my tummy is still jelly like. I always had a flat tum before pregnancy and great stomach muscles. Now I can't shift the flab!
I think it takes time Diane and some exercises. Did you have your tummy muscles checked for separation? My buggyfit trainer said full crunches leave you with a pouch :shock:

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Wow u run 3 miles at a time?! I'd love to be like that but am soooo unfit (and lazy). I did used to do a circuit course once a week at my work gym so maybe I'll see if there's something similar nearby while I'm still off. Do u just run on the streets? I'd be so embarrassed if I saw anyone I knew as I go purple and very sweaty! Xx
Wow u run 3 miles at a time?! I'd love to be like that but am soooo unfit (and lazy). I did used to do a circuit course once a week at my work gym so maybe I'll see if there's something similar nearby while I'm still off. Do u just run on the streets? I'd be so embarrassed if I saw anyone I knew as I go purple and very sweaty! Xx

I am onlt starting with 1 mile buy got shin splints even after that :( Rubbish

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Yep I've built up to 3 miles now but started at 1. I run outside, I was SO self conscious at first would only go with hubby but now I have found a route popular with runners so I feel a big better lol.

I was checked for separation of tummy muscles when I had lo and apparently all ok :wall: good to know about the crunches! I was gonna start them this week!
Well ladies not sure when i lost this exactly but i weighed last about a week/2weeks ago..
14st 1..
Just weighed at my mums and Im 13st 12lb YAY!! :)

Thats 33lbs down from what i weighed just before i gave birth and a few more to go haha xx

Changing my weighing day from a monday to sunday and my scales are shiiiit at mine! My flooring in the house doesnt like scales.
One day itll add on a whole stone more then the next itll say im 7st... Thats NOT true haha xx
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Woop well done Babyslog!
I put on about 4 stones in pregnancy too. It does go quickly, I've found the last stone the most difficult!

I have my aerobics class tomorrow, Pilates on Tuesday then Zumba on Wednesday. Poor baby is used to going to play and stay groups but instead now gets to see her mum making a fool of herself!

thanks hun :) yeah im finding the first 2st was so easy just fell off! but feel im already having to work hard to get rid of the rest!

I will doooo it :D xx
Well done on the weightloss!!!! Love seeing the scales go down!

Yay at the classes bb! Can e stay with you at them??? Wish we had something like that here!
Yeah she can which is great. Sometimes she gets fed up being in her buggy so she sits on me whilst I do my sit ups or I hold her instead of weights. Unfair when she weighs 9kg and the others are holding 2x 2kg weights!

Good luck with the weigh ins tomorrow!xxx
Weighed in this morning, i lost 1,5 kg! woo hoo

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Wow, well done Knopk!!

I'm waiting until I've fed lo before I weigh myself!
Well done on the weigh ins ladies!!!

Just been for a 2 mile run. Weigh in at 5.30 tonight. Evening weigh ins suck!!! Hoping to atleast have stayed the same and not put on!!!! X

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