Yummy Mummy Club

I've lost 3lb this week! Now 13st 5lb, only 33lb to go!

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Had my weigh in at WW tonight and have lost 2 pounds! Not fantastic for first weeks loss, but better than nothing! 1stone 10 pounds to go. AND.. As I was a gold member before, ww have a rule where new mums get to go for free for 6 months! If I don't get back to my goal weight by then, then I have to pay. How good is that! Xxxx
Thanks hun, such a result isn't it! Well done sarahlouise too fit your 3 pound loss! Just had my cheat night which I always do after weigh in... Consisted of lots n lots of chocolate...mmmmm... Xxx
Well done on all ur losses girls, we'll be skinny mini's in no time! :)

Im finding exercise hard too, I've done my exercise DVD a few times but I have a really sore back so I've only done it once this week. I do walk everywhere tho so I hope that is helping.

This week has been a bit up and down for me, had a busy week and it was my birthday and oh took me out for a slap up meal! I don't think I've lost but I hope I've not put on.

Oh and Claire I love cheat night!! My weigh in is on Tuesday's and my meeting is at 12.30pm so in normally naughty all day to get it out of my system, I never track on Tuesdays!! It really helps me be good throughout the week lol!!

Weigh in tomorrow, I'll let you know how I got on.

Well done girlies. If you're breastfeeding hun I wouldn't aim for more than 2lb a week at the most. WW is only supposed to be a lb. Just remember you guys have only just had your babies!!! And filling booby milk is important too. I kept an eye on bubs weight to check she was doing ok while I lost too. As for exercising maybe just walk. It did wonders for me. I'm running more now but lo is 6 months nearly. You're all doing fab though well done. I lost half a pound last night. Which I thousands get maybe I'd put on so I'll take that lol xxx
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Well done HL28!

Def agree about taking it easy the first few months, especially if breastfeeding. Don't underestimate how much energy you need for that milk - you burn ip to 700 calories a day! I remember weighing myself before and after a morning feed and there was almost a 2lb difference on the scales! 9 months on 9 months off is what I'm following!
Well done on all the losses!!!

I weigh in on Friday mornings so I can have a bit of a treat at the weekend then stay on track all week. Works really well!

Thanks for the Pilates tip! I downloaded a video last night and did some this morning; really felt it on the tummy!

Well yesterday I had a gorgeous home made Indian curry and some more of mils birthday cake lol but I sneaked on the scales this morning and its looking ok for Friday. Can't believe I weigh less now than before I was pregnant! 12lbs off my wedding weight now eek! I wish I remembered my exact weight at the end of my pregnancy. I think I was about 180lbs so i have now lost 35lbs!

Today my plan is a 3 mile walk then an hour in the gym when hubby gets home. Not sure what to have for tea tho, but has anyone tried those "lazy eggs" doing the rounds on fb? Yummy!
Well done girlies. If you're breastfeeding hun I wouldn't aim for more than 2lb a week at the most. WW is only supposed to be a lb. Just remember you guys have only just had your babies!!! And filling booby milk is important too. I kept an eye on bubs weight to check she was doing ok while I lost too. As for exercising maybe just walk. It did wonders for me. I'm running more now but lo is 6 months nearly. You're all doing fab though well done. I lost half a pound last night. Which I thousands get maybe I'd put on so I'll take that lol xxx

All I'm doing is eating more healthily, cutting down on crisps, chocolate, fizzy ect & it seems to be falling off! I'm certainly not going hungry! Breastfeeding is the best diet I've ever been in lol, its so easy!

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Saralouise it really is! I remember one week I lost 9lbs!!
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Same here, i havent even used my weekly allowance fully cause i didnt want any more. I will keep weighing him too

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And Diane, 35lbs is brilliant! Well done chick!

Breastfeeding really is a fab way but I found that after around week 8/9 I reached a plateau and really had to work to get off the remaining pounds. What is funny though is at every growth spurt, E drinks more and that's when I drop a few more pounds and reach the next plateau! What we mean when we say take it easy is when you reach these plateaus and get disheartened that the weight isn't shifting as easily, don't be tempted to dramatically drop food intake.

Though, it sounds like you're doing fab and you probably didn't put as much weight on as I did anyway so you'll probably reach your goal a whole lot quicker! :)

I have 20 kgs to get rid of that that i.put on during 2 pregnancies (well, 18 kgs now). So lots

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You're doing so well hun if that's from 2 pregnancies!
I had 25kg from just 1!

We'll motivate each other. We can do it!x
Right I'm joining ! I'm ready .. I will be skinny :)

Pre-preg : 13st 7lbs
Post-preg: not sure
Current weight: 13st 12ibs
Goal: 11st

First goal : 13st for my 6 week check up (4weeks to go)

I'm not the best at exercise but I'm trying to go for walks to start with I'm not ready for anything hard core yet , I'm ready to cut down on food tho I'm eating like I'm still pregnant and I'm eating real lazy food so Iv done my shopping list and I'm off to do the shopping I'm hoping having a list will stop me putting naughtys in the trolley !! Wish me luck :p

And we'll done to everyone losing you look amazing !!
I definitely find meal planning really curbs eating junk so good job on getting lots of healthy snacks!

Just really pushed myself at the gym. Feel great now!
I made a meal plan this week because I end up eating frozen junk and spending a fortune on crap so I bought out my breakkie lunch and dinner made a plan for each day.

So far day 2, no treats. So I'd deffo say it helps stop snacking.

I made a meal plan this week because I end up eating frozen junk and spending a fortune on crap so I bought out my breakkie lunch and dinner made a plan for each day.

So far day 2, no treats. So I'd deffo say it helps stop snacking.


Ohhh share ur plan?! Wotchhaaaa got!!? :) xx
That what Iv done Iv planned till Sunday , Iv done slimming world before so I'm going to do that but not go to group x

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