Yummy Mummy Club

Please can I join?

I'm BB and I need to lose 3lb :(

My lo is 3 months and due to an emergency c section I've just been walking a lot for exercise but I'm ready for Zumba and more strenuous exercise now!

I joined weight watchers 3 weeks ago and have lost 2.5lb so far. I hoped to lose 2lb per week but it's coming off slowly, I'm not beating myself up, I'm not going to massively deprive myself but I'm defo not indulging any more.

I am such a grazer and that's my downfall so I'm hoping you girls can help me stay on the wagon!

Hi ladies, had my first WW meeting yesterday so back on it.
I need to lose 3 st too.

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Hl28 I'm doing a 10k in November! We can spur each other on!

Mrs wibbly I may give insanity a go. Probs only every other day too, eek!

Babybushie sounds like you're doing great! I've been losing a lb a week on average and now lost all the baby weight! You can do it! Do you use mfp? I'm rilj on there if you wanna add me x

Knopk good look with ww!!! I'm sure you can do it!
Good luck BB! You can do it!

HL28, a 10k would be amazing and I know you can do it!

Yesterday in my aerobics class we were doing ballet plies and I was told I was very inflexible :\

Bb I'm the same :-/ sooo inflexible it's unbelievable! Does Pilates help with that?
BB I've last mine by doing WW hun. I'm 4lbs off looking 2 st since April. Good luck hun. Xxx

Just been for a run. Only 1.7 miles but all we can fit in before work/school runs etc so will have to fit a few longer ones in at the weekend odd evenings. Cool Diane I'll need a few kicks up the bum to keep going ;-) xxx

Babybee we should enter one in between where we live and do it together lol!!! X
Hi yummy mummies :wave:

It's all going well here, I'm now only 6lb off my pre pregnancy and goal weight. Still a bit of body fat to lose as well.

In theory I'm training for a half marathon in October, but I'm not convinced I'm going to do it. My heart's not in it and it's making me not want to run. I think it might be a little too much too soon and perhaps I should aim for one next Spring. I never managed to build up to HM distances pre pregnancy and I'm not really back to where I was yet. What do you all think?

That said, I'm really happy with life at the moment. I feel like I have my body back (I put on 3.5 stone in pregnancy) and I can finally wear the kind of clothes I like again. I've always been a skinny jeans, shorts, body con dresses kind of girl.
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Thanks girls! :)

I have my weigh in today. I've had a bad week tho with friends over and a big birthday picnic at the weekend so I'm expecting to put on :(
I just hope it's not as much as 2.5lbs!!

I'm not on mfp as I use the weight watchers app which has the same concept.

About to do my exercise DVD now after almost a year, i'm hoping to at least get through the first 10mins!


Will check in later
So I did 30 mins of my 50 mins DVD and was DYING! I hope it'll get better the more I do it?

I lost 2.5lbs this week!!! I was so chuffed and shocked, I celebrated with a big slab of cherry cake that my friend made lol

Well done BB! I am.really struggling with WW. I mean, 1 jacket potato is 8 points and daily allowance is 29? Add on other stuff like spread or cheese and its lots! How on earth do you manage? I had salad for lunch and some meat but its not that filling :( I feel hungry

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Well done bb!!!! That's a great result!

I've never used ww before but I usually eat lots of lean protein in the day which [mostly] keeps me satisfied.

I went crazy at the gym today. Running, cycling, cross training... Got a bit carried away and feeling it now! Got my running training tomorrow hope I'm ok for it. Only 2 days till weigh in day. Don't think I will lose this week tho as I was a bit naughty this past weekend. Also going out for Thai food on Friday, although that's usually quite low cal right?!
Hi girls can I join please :)
I put 4st on in pregnancy and have about 2.5 left to go! I joined sw as I lost 3st on that before so I know I can do it! Fx!
I've lost 9.5lb in 2weeks so far. I weigh in on Monday mornings.

Got my oh doing it too lol

Tapatalking. X
Well done BB! I am.really struggling with WW. I mean, 1 jacket potato is 8 points and daily allowance is 29? Add on other stuff like spread or cheese and its lots! How on earth do you manage? I had salad for lunch and some meat but its not that filling :( I feel hungry

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Biscuits chocolates and cakes are my downfall so I've cut them out, if I'm really gagging I'll have a couple of reduced fat rich tea to curb my craving, they are 1 point each.

I try to drink lots of fluid too so I don't feel hungry all the time and I eat a lot of fruit which is point free. Try frozen grapes , great snack that fills you up and so are banana's.

For my main meal I try and reduce my portion size and bulk up on veg but not so little that I still feel hungry afterwards. It's ok for your main meal to be total 8-9 points but lunch and breakfast can be less if you include lower point bits like snack a jacks, fruit, salads, small whole meal bread, or ww soups.

Try new salads and veg, I've just started using beet root and sweet peppers in my salad and courgettes and parsnips in my veg and it makes it more enjoyable not to have the same foods.

WW magazines have some great recipes in, I bought my first copy last week and I plan on making some this week once I've done the weekly shop, Again trying something new.

Try and amend your shopping so you have good snacks at home and try not to let yourself get too hungry before your main meals as your more likely to feel unsatisfied and want to eat more.

Most importantly don't be too hard on yourself, ww is just meant to change the way you eat not starve you and it takes time to adjust. If you are desperate for something naughty just go for it but make sure you track it, eventually you'll start to want to use your points wisely, it'll have to be really worth it if its high value!!

We can spur each other on!!

Today I saw under 14st on the scales!!! Well, 13st 13.6lb!!!! That means I've now lost 3.5st since Freddie was born!!! That's all my baby weight and more :) I've added some photos, I've still got a long way to go until I'm happy with my weight for my wedding at the end of November, but I'm on a massive mission and I refuse to be a fat bride!!! My goal is 10st for the wedding ;-) I can do it!'!!

The first photo was taken a week after the birth and the second was this morning. These are still my maternity jeans but I'm constantly pulling them up and folding down the tummy bit so I'm off to buy some new jeans yay!!! :)

The third piccie is an Inbetween stage but I can't delete it!!!



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Wow. That's amazing! Well done and good luck for the rest :yay:

Well done bb on your weight loss too.

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Well done Jolly!

I am still AWOL from this thread :shock:

Not got the right mindset but I'll find my way back I'm sure.

Lol nat that's like me..

I'm eating okay, no junk or anything - but exercise has went down the toilet LOL.

I've got back to pre pregnancy weight (maybe a few lbs lighter) - 10 1/2 st - I was about 13st during pregnancy!

Went for a 6m walk last night with OH - actually walked to get a shop then all the way back then out to visit then all the way back! was such a nice night although the cat litter has deffo worked out my arm haha xxxxx
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So I'm 7 weeks post partum and I can't get myself out the door to run. I know it's just a case of getting the first one out of the way. I know this sounds like an excuse but coz its the holidays the park is packed and I don't want to run in front of lots of ppl, maybe I should go early on the morning?? Also my period came back last night so have a headache and feel generally a bit shitty.

Think I'm gonna re-read 'Run fat bitch run' that should do the trick x
Pos, i have heard about that book. My problem that i went running and got shin splints:( Doing WW now and hoping it will help with the initial weight loss

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