Yummy Mummy Club

Well I put 2lbs on this week, although I'm blaming the running! I've run a lot this week so hoping things are toning! Eating hasn't been too bad but maybe a few slips here and there! Xx
So I had to invest in new scales because I realised my other ones were faulty and that would make my weight loss tracking near impossible..

So I am 146lb BMI 24.3 which is normal weight for my height.. So I'm starting a fresh tomorrow. God damn scales!

I realised I am now fitting into a 10. All I've been doing is my water retention and 30 DS and squat but dnt know how much actually lost, considering I've not exactly been watching what I eat I seem to be going in the right direction.

Hi ladies, i am back after celebrating my birthday :) Had 1900 kcal yesterday plus lots of exercise so hoping to stick to 1900 instead of 2000 to see if it makes a difference.
Had mani/pedi done yesterday so feel much better about myself(still fat but at least toes and fingers are sorted).
The heat is helping with not craving carbs but i.crave ice cream instead lol.

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Where are you all oh yummy ones?

I'm now in the 9's whoop whoop. 9 13 to be precise. Feel fabulous.

How are you all doing?x
Well done ladies!

I've been avoiding the scales as I've had a week's overindulgence with the leftovers from my daughter's christening.

Tomorrow I'm back on mfp and on my yummy mummy training regime!
I wondered where everyone on mfp had gone! I'm the only one updating ATM lol! Things are great here, I'm now in the 140s and running and cycling 5x a week.

Well done mrs wibilly!!!!
I wondered where everyone on mfp had gone! I'm the only one updating ATM lol! Things are great here, I'm now in the 140s and running and cycling 5x a week.

Well done mrs wibilly!!!!

Well done to you too my love. Xxx
Well done girls!

I was in the 9s, but I've majorly fallen off the wagon & got no motivation at the moment so I'm probably back in the 10s! Booooo, I'm so rubbish at this dieting malarkey lol xx
Wow lots has gone on since I've been on here- been sooo busy!!!!

I'm now 3st lighter than the day I had Freddie :) got up to 17st 7 and this morning I'm now back at my booking in weight of 14st 7 :) just another 5st go go!!!! Hahah!! I am a short arse at 5ft 2 though.

Good news is that had my 8 weight post cs check and I've been given the all clear for all exercise except spot exercises!! Woop woop!! Off to the gym when oh gets home from work :)

Everyone's doing so well :) xxx
Well done ladies!!! I'm weighing in later I'm really hoping I'm in the 10s!! I was 11.1 last week. I've been rubbish with the exercising at the min although running around after 3 must be something right ;-) lol. Xxx
Whoop whoop I've seen 10.13 on the scales!! 2lb off. Xxx
I'm bringing this thread back to life! Where are you oh yummy ones?

I've just done insanity and I am jiggered but went for a run this morning too so feeling very smug!! Lol.

Hope all you ladies are well? Xx
Well done on the run Mrs Wibbily!! Thanks for resurrecting the thread, I need it!

I've lost my 41st lb I have 8lbs left. I've started aerobics on a Monday morning and Zumba on a Wednesday. I occasionally go to Pilates on a Tuesday, but normally I reserve that for a coffee! I have a community centre nearby that welcomes mums with babies in buggies and only charges £1.60 per class! So that gave me the kick i needed to get active!

I'm doing good I'm under my pregnancy weight now. Still got a stone to go to my ideal weight.

I'm running 3x a week and biking twice. What was insanity like? I was thinking of trying it but feel scared haha!
I've been rubbish! Not weighed in for weeks either.
Knee hasn't twinged this week so will try exercise again.

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk
Yay I'm glad this thread is back. I lost 2 lb this week. Only 4 to go before I'm at my goal weight but I need to get fit. I'm thinking of entering a 10k!! So I HAVE to get fit. U guys sound like you're all doing fab xxx
I'm doing good I'm under my pregnancy weight now. Still got a stone to go to my ideal weight.

I'm running 3x a week and biking twice. What was insanity like? I was thinking of trying it but feel scared haha!

It was hard! Felt impossible at times but I am gonna try really hard to stick with it (on some level), maybe not every day, hopefully every other! I have a few special occasions coming up so want to feel good... We'll see! It's just my big jelly belly thanks to 2 sections!

Well done you, feels good getting towards your goal! Xx

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