Would you have a psychic reading?


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
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While pregnant? Or has anyone had one before? :)

One of my friends are having a night in their house with a psychic and asked me to go. I have always said I would like to go to one, but I'm not sure about it while I'm pregnant! I don't know why, I know it's going to do baby any harm or anything, but it just freaks me out a bit :eh:
I am not sure i believe in them but would be an experience to go...i would xx
my mums a medium so ive grown up with it aha

she can do tarot, palm, crystals, life plans and all sorts.

its amazing and she comes highly highly reccomended

plus she doesnt charge as she believes she shouldnt charge for being able to help people

ive asked a ton of questions about this pregnancy already! haha
I'm the same Shauna, I think it's one of those things you need to experience yourself before you'd properly believe it :)
ive been to see one since i was 15 every year with out fail,

every thing she says comes true to a T, im going to book in when ive moved house after the 1st to see what shes got to say x x

but yer defo
Oh my god! you just got me thinking, i had a private reading with a medium last november, and everything he said was spot-on!! but this thread brought it all back!

He asked me were we trying to have a baby? to which i said yes!
but he then asked did i have to do "something special" to concieve?? the only thing i could think of at the time was that i had the implanon removed a few weeks previous!

now i'm worried!! :sick:
i would be interested but also a bit freaked out, and i wouldnt want to know anything about my baby because i dont want anything spoilt for me! lol x
Oh my god! you just got me thinking, i had a private reading with a medium last november, and everything he said was spot-on!! but this thread brought it all back!

He asked me were we trying to have a baby? to which i said yes!
but he then asked did i have to do "something special" to concieve?? the only thing i could think of at the time was that i had the implanon removed a few weeks previous!

now i'm worried!! :sick:

why you worried??

isnt it good you went to see one that was bob on?

mine told me years ago id have a lil boy then a lil girl with two different father lol, she said my lil boy will be full of smiles an my lil girl will be the double of me, she said loads that all come true its crazy, you either believe it or you dont x
oh i believed everything that came out of his mouth! he told me things that no-one knew!

i'm just thinking that maybe there could be something else in the way of me concieving but when it was said i thought nothing of it! (if that makes sense)! I would definatly see that psychic again i find that i always leave wanting to know more!! :thumbup:
i saw one once years ago who told me i would be 35 when i had my first baby....im 35 now....the same one also told me i would def have 1 baby but then my 2nd pregnancy would not be straightforward

i also saw another one who prediected me meeting my OH...even got his name right and she told me 1st pregnancy would be 1 baby and 2nd pregnancy would be twins...

so maybe thats what the first one was getting vibes about.......ha ha

Personally I wouldnt ever go to one I read macbeth and it has put me off for life I dont want to know whats going to happen in the future I like it to be a suprise and someone telling me would just really freak me out x
I'd never go either :). Just because I really don't believe in that sort of thing lol.
me and OH went to a medium before christmas and she was amazing! My OH's mam came through with my son, she knew exactly what was wrong with him. We are TTC and we were told that my baby knows were not trying to replace him. And told us we would have a healthy baby girls this year. She even knew i was going to paint my bedroom!:shock:
From what all of you have said it sounds like they know what they're talking about, it freaks me out a bit that someone can actually tell what's going to happen in the future! :shock:

Are they allowed to tell you bad things or only good things?

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i have alwasy wanted one but then wimped out. as far as i know most will only tell you good stuff. they don't like to tell you bad stuff. xxx
no they aint allowed to tell you bad stuff
and they can only offer guidance and support :)
Hi, I don't think I would want to go while pregnant to be honest chick they can be fun, but mm... it is up to you, but is she a genuine Psychic is my question.. be careful though eh xx

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