*** Working Mum's Support thread ***

What is OMP ella? That's rubbish that your not earning, it would just make it even harder! I'm technically back although seen as S chose the first day I go back to start having seizures it's been a bit stop start. It just adds to the pressure and anxiety of being back. I'm in 4 days too so I'm finding it a lot between that and drop offs /pick ups and keeping the house and dinners etc. I just keep reminding myself that woman all over the world are doing it too! Sometimes it feels like a break to actually be at work tho iykwim!

Austin will be grand nat, they have a great time at nursery once settled in.

LD once your back and got in the swing of it you will feel better.
I can't speak highly enough of how much my LG has come on in every way being in nursery 3 days a week. And I do occasionally enjoy work now ;-)
Jen - OMP is occupational maternity pay and is paid on top of SMP by my employer. In my case because I was only working 2 days a week prior to my mat leave, it's not as much as it would be, but is still over £3k! How is S doing at nursery? It must be such a worry with the seizures - are you any closer to finding out the reason for them?
Aw I see! I've never heard of that. She's only been in maybe 4 days ella cos I've had to keep her off when she's unwell. We have an EEG on fri to hopefully find out what's going on, they suspect she has an underlying seizure disorder. :-( very nerve wracking! x
Not just me then fliss! At least you get a tea and a lunch break ;-)
Hey ladies,

I am on the home straight to my next maternity leave now, 5 weeks today is my last day :shock:

(As it's Crimbo though it means 3 full weeks and a couple of short ones)

Juggling FT work, a toddler and being heavily pregnant has been nothing short of horrid. Lots of guilt and lots of tiredness!! Oh and on top of that we've also just moved house as well. Stressful times!

We've decided my OH is going to take the next few weeks off to have James until I go on maternity leave as my sister had been struggling to have J along with her 3 boys. She did us a massive favour though, 10 months of free childcare has allowed us to save so I can afford another year off this time.

I am so looking forward to spending some proper time with my son, feel like I've spent a year neglecting him (I know I haven't but still !!)

Don't suppose the end of the 5 weeks can come quick enough! Are you going back FT after your next lot of mat leave? I don't know how you do it - amazing! Hope you're able to get a bit of rest once you're on leave.

Aw I see! I've never heard of that. She's only been in maybe 4 days ella cos I've had to keep her off when she's unwell. We have an EEG on fri to hopefully find out what's going on, they suspect she has an underlying seizure disorder. :-( very nerve wracking! x

I can only begin to imagine how nerve wracking it is (my daughter was in SCBU for 3 weeks when she was born and all the tests there were bad enough). I hope it all goes well.
I hate work , im going to hate my new job.
I need a job with suitable hours x
Hey Jen, that must be really scary not knowing yet what is happening. I don't get many lunch breaks, but I do enjoy just being grown up for 3 days a week :lol:, and occasionally someone will take pity on me and bring me tea!

Nat, I don't know how you're doing it, lady. I'm totally dreading the idea of having another pregnancy, but do want 2 children. I'm such an old croc, I don't have too much more time to dilly dally on this either! Enjoy some well earned time off when you get there. x
Well I had a meeting to sort out my back to work dates today. Not back till end of Feb but God knows how I'm going to get myself and 2 kids ready, out for dropping off and into work for 8am 3 days a week!
Luckily I have flexi hours and my childcare is my dad & MIL so if need be I can drop the kids off in jammies of its a bad morning!
Thought I'd pop in to say hi, my matenity leave has now ended, the next 4 wks are annual leave before I go back to work full time on 5th Jan. Daughter will be with grandparents Mon & Tues then nursery for 3 days, most of the time I feel ok about going back to work but I'm starting to wobble a little as its closet :shock:
Well I'm due back tomorrow and both my kids are ill with some sort of cold/flu virus - fever, sore throat, headache, dizziness, aches and pains, and my son broke out in a rash at the weekend which hasn't completely disappeared. Luckily my OH is taking tomorrow off so he can look after them while I go to work. I've spent ages psyching myself up for it but there's no way they're going to nursery (don't suppose nursery would have them anyway!).

tinks77 - I've found that once you've got some practice at it, it's actually not too bad. I've been taking mine to nursery since the beginning of last month and making sure they get there for opening time as that's when they'll have to be there when I'm working. I used to take my daughter to my parents when I was working before and if I was on an early shift (7am), I'd get her dressed but would leave my mum to give her breakfast, which made it a bit easier. Nursery will involve a bit more organising as they don't open until 8, so OH will be on drop-off duty!
What is OMP ella? That's rubbish that your not earning, it would just make it even harder! I'm technically back although seen as S chose the first day I go back to start having seizures it's been a bit stop start. It just adds to the pressure and anxiety of being back. I'm in 4 days too so I'm finding it a lot between that and drop offs /pick ups and keeping the house and dinners etc. I just keep reminding myself that woman all over the world are doing it too! Sometimes it feels like a break to actually be at work tho iykwim!

Austin will be grand nat, they have a great time at nursery once settled in.

LD once your back and got in the swing of it you will feel better.

I know Jen! It's just that initially settling period.

Not everyone gets the omp but if you are paid it you get it for 12 weeks from week 7 - 18
So thought I would do a lil post, was meant to go back to work on Monday but Isabelle was very poorly so childminder couldn't have her! Luckily work were really understanding and are letting me have my first day all over again tomorrow :) is it strange that I'm weirdly looking forward to it?! I guess it's abit of normality! I'll only be working 2 days a week and barely seems worth it but that lil bit of cash will make all the difference :) hope everyone is well x. Xx
I work two days a week; I do find it hard leaving my children for two days it is not easy to do. I just want to be at home with them.. x
Me too. Olly is 18 months and loves his 'nana time' on Mondays and Tuesday's but I hate leaving him xx
So thought I would do a lil post, was meant to go back to work on Monday but Isabelle was very poorly so childminder couldn't have her! Luckily work were really understanding and are letting me have my first day all over again tomorrow :) is it strange that I'm weirdly looking forward to it?! I guess it's abit of normality! I'll only be working 2 days a week and barely seems worth it but that lil bit of cash will make all the difference :) hope everyone is well x. Xx

How long will you be back before your off again? Have you had any more test results? Seen your thread in another section about your DS tests. Hope everything's going well!

Thank god it's Friday! Not long til the weekend ladies :-) S has her EEG this afternoon, will be so glad to get it over with and hopefully get some sleep back. She was in nursery for her first full day yesterday and I felt so anxious, I just wanted to run back and get her! She was absolutely fine of course - it's me that's the problem! x
Good luck with the EEG Jen! What time is it?
2.30 nat, not long! I'm at work so it's passing the time x

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