budge said:ive never given juice until they are around 7 months old and on 3 meals a day
Tasha20 said:I know my mums friend started her son on rice about 14 weeks too, was a greedy gannit tho was on her boob every 5 mins
Ok well I will get some in and it will be ready for her when she is ready.
Do you mix it with breastmilk? how do you do that, lol I know sounds silly, I do express so maybe saving some in the fridge would be ok?
What about warming it up, does it need to be warm for them to eat?
How long before yours needed more? what did you do then?
budge said:using formula is ok but i would have loved to have expressed.
i used a la leche electric pump once and it was great1 i pumped off wuite a bit and froze it. but it cozt a bomb to hire it and i soon had to give it back
budge said:ive never given juice until they are around 7 months old and on 3 meals a day