Who's still waiting, overdue and miserable?

Hopefully we can knock Kalia and Ginny off this list soon :cheer:

Come on everyone else!!!
Well i'm now 'full-term' but certainly not ready for baby to come out quite yet! I have an OU essay to write and submt and it's really hard so it'll be a while before it's done.


Anyway Kalia and Ginny need to pop way before I do!
We should know all these babies are going to be late....Taurus is the most stubborn sign of the zodiac I do believe, Bex will confirm though she knows much more than me :)
Too right if my little madam is anything to go by. Taureans are the babies most likely to be biffs too :rotfl:

Have updated the list as loads have popped since I was last on. Also have renamed the thread as everyone remaining is now overdue, no?
debecca said:
Also have renamed the thread as everyone remaining is now overdue, no?

If nothing has happened by the end of today then yes, I will be overdue - AGAIN :wall: Beginning to think I either have lazy babies or I'm exceptionally comfy on the inside...
Hi girls! Not been on for ages what with giving up work, lazing in the sun and having no tinternet access but I'm still here! Getting fatter by the day but loving the time off to get my house all straight and catch up on desperate housewives. All very sad :oops:

Good luck to everyone waiting for the bubs' to arrive.... :hug:
debecca said:
OK, so who's still waiting to have their baby?

manda224 - due 22nd April
Tiggergirl - due 25th April
Tillytots - due 3rd May
soulem - due 4th May
bumpmakes3 - due 5th May
Sherlock - due 6th May
jools02 - due 6th May
Sylvie - due 6th May

Eeep! The list is getting shorter what with Manda and possibly Tilly popping today.

Well, I'm still here :wave: a bit fed up because I really didn't expect to go overdue for a second time and what with my failed sweep yesterday it looks like I may be here a while yet. :wall:

Anyone know if Sylvie is still around?
I'm still pregnant!! Not fed up yet though, just getting sick of EVERYBODY in the street saying 'you still here' and 'you not had that baby yet?'!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

My daughter is staying with her friend when I finally go into labour and her friend told her mam that 'Sophia is coming to stay on wednesday night cos her is going to hospital'!! Making her own little prediction!! :lol:

If nothing by friday I'm at consultant appt then and hoping to get a sweep!!! :D
soulem said:
I'm still pregnant!! Not fed up yet though, just getting sick of EVERYBODY in the street saying 'you still here' and 'you not had that baby yet?'!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Tell me about it. I'm getting *slightly* annoyed with the constant phonecalls from my parents now. Dad keeps asking if I'm getting nervous and is obsessed with the fact the docs have got my due date wrong cos 'your mum was early with all three of you' (thanks dad - that makes me feel much better) , mum keeps telling me to put my feet up so they don't get swollen and doesn't understand that if I sit on my ar5e with my feet up all day baby will NEVER come! I don't know why they keep ringing cos I bite their heads off every time. Also, they keep saying 'you will tell us if you go into labour won't you?' :evil: As if I wouldn't? I feel like I can't even leave the house now in case they ring cos they start to panic if I don't answer.
Anyway, rant over :rotfl:
Hoping I don't jinx myself by posting this, but been getting regular tightenings since about 3pm, every 20 mins and they are getting uncomfortable, not painful though yet. Fingers crossed this is the start of something!!!!!! :pray:
Thanks!!! Just got another one!!! :lol:

It will fly by and you will be in same position in no time!!!
Oooh Em that sounds promising... are you around today hun? Any developments?
Ooh soulem, you next then!!! :cheer:

List updated again after so many poppings!!!!
Also, have removed Tiggergirl as she hasn't been on of late and would probably have been induced by now!
Still here!! Tightenings started coming every 10 mins and got really uncomfortable so decided to get some sleep about hlf 10 last night, when I woke up they had all gone away!!

If they start again today I'm going for a jog!!! :D Baby's head is REALLY low today though, so the tightenings must have done something!!!
debecca said:
Also, have removed Tiggergirl as she hasn't been on of late and would probably have been induced by now!

Thanks for that. Amelie Lyra arrived on Sunday after 2 days of contractions and an emergency c section. I've only just got out of hospital and will put my birth story together at some point, traumatic though it was.

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