Who's still waiting, overdue and miserable?

Thought I'd bump this thread up as it was just about to drop off onto page 3. Absolutely nothing to report from me today. Getting some HUGE kicks on my left side which are making me jump, and huge bulging movements to the right of my belly button. No pains really.

Anyone else?
sod all from me apart from really bad poop :oops: :oops:
think ive just got bad guts though and its not labour related
manda xx
nothing from me either. I have a bit of the bad tummy too manda :?

If I could I try and forget I was preggo and just do normal stuff to save myself from going inane with boredom....but Im too bloody huge to do anything :roll:
Tillytots said:
nothing from me either. I have a bit of the bad tummy too manda :?

If I could I try and forget I was preggo and just do normal stuff to save myself from going inane with boredom....but Im too bloody huge to do anything :roll:

You're welcome to come and help me pack.... so far this morning I have put 4 books in a box... then I took one out and I started reading it! :rotfl:
Must be a day for toilet trips!! I've had a 'clear out' today too!!!

My tightenings are getting tighter but still no pain. Think my baby will be late, my other 2 were but at least I know that in 2 weeks I'll prob have my baby here!!!
Sort of really tense tightenings last night,,, maybe some BH contractions as I've never experienced them before :?
My OH was in a panic and asking me "is it contractions?" and I was like "I don't know!!! I think it's not painful enough..." :wall:
Stopped during the night and nothing today... but I don't mind waiting a few more days :wave:
I've jinxed myself. I've gone from having my normal BHs to them getting tighter and lower down.

I'm off to have a bath so that they hopefully stop!! I still haven't done anything today :roll:

:pray: Stay put until after the weekend please baby :pray:
inforabumpyride said:
I've jinxed myself. I've gone from having my normal BHs to them getting tighter and lower down.

I'm off to have a bath so that they hopefully stop!! I still haven't done anything today :roll:

:pray: Stay put until after the weekend please baby :pray:

It sounds about the same as what I had yesterday night,,, the bath worked for me :D
And just like you I don't mind waiting until next week :wink: I just don't want him to be two weeks overdue!
I forgot to mention that yesterday evening when these mild contractions started I was saying "no, not now, I haven't received my TENS machine yet!",,, which was quite ironic as for weeks I've been telling everyone how useless these machines probably were and how I would do without one,,, until deciding to order one for hire on Friday afternoon :oops: Postman tried to deliver it on Saturday but we were out so this morning before getting to work my OH had a very important mission: collecting my TENS machine at the post office! Poor thing, he had to leave one hour earlier than usual :? But who would want to upset a pregnant woman one week before her due date? :rotfl:
I'm still here and not very happy about it. I've even filled in all the bits I can in the baby books - even the stupid sections like 'childbirth and parenting clesses'. Why would baby like to know about them in years to come??!! :rotfl:
I've resorted to making baby's family tree which is really hard!
I'm off to visit my brother's new puppy now so hopefully that will cheer me up :D
Just noticed the change on my ticker today,,, can't believe I'm entering week 39 :wall:
Ok so drea b has popped and Jade (inforabumpyride) leap frogged over the lot of us :shakehead: so who do we think is next girls? I reckon nikkimitch or manda.
Nikkimitch, manda and Kalia, although Kalia has not been on so Im hoping she has popped bless her!
Kalia hasn't popped yet that I'm aware (i'm her text buddy) although she definitely deserves to go soon :hug:

Manda next!!!

Have updated the list.
I've put in a request for a transfer to the May list :rotfl:

I sooo wanted baby to come at 37 weeks that by now I'm just resigned to being pregnant forever. I've outgrown all my maternity clothes apart from one dress and 2 pairs of pajamas so every day is a clothing adventure!

I had a sweep on Wednesday and I'm 2-3 cm dilated :dance: I think with all the pain I'm in I've built up a good supply of endorphins so maybe I won't notice labour until it's time to push :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I'm booked for induction next Thursday at 3pm. The midwife said that I could ask for them just to break my waters then wait a few hours to see if I get in to labour on my own as that way I would still be allowed to use the pool :pray: But if I'm stuck to a drip it's no pool for me :(
Mum says the key is to forget you are preggo and the baby will come. Once you give up hoping it wll happen :lol:
Tillytots said:
Mum says the key is to forget you are preggo and the baby will come. Once you give up hoping it wll happen :lol:

I think your mum might be right. As soon as I hit 26th April I felt a lot calmer and gave up worrying about when she was coming (I posted on here about it) - went for a chilled out curry (but was a wimp and it was only tikka masala!) and lo and behold the next day... :cheer:

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