Where are all the high risk mums-to-be?!

I don't actually mind them I am so worried at times that being checked out so often reassures me. It's annoying I have appointments on the 4th and 5th in the same place. Could if done them the same day :/ xxx
I think that's totally understandable hun. I have a scan tomorrow and to me it seems a total waste of time. It's a NHS dating scan, I've already had a viability scan and a NT scan privately but apparently my consultant wants the NHS to date my pregnancy and doesn't trust the Fetal Medicine Centre in London to tell her accurate dates.

Personally I never saw the point in seeing a midwife the same week I was seeing a consultant. I think sometimes when you're high risk you see so many people they sometimes confuse themselves and it's just a waste of your time and energy. But it's up to you hun.
Hello ladies. I am high risk too.

Had a colospscopy a few years back, have PCOS and hubby's little sister died in infancy due to cardiomyopathy. This put me high risk from the start.

Also found out I am high risk for Downs but refused an amnio. We have had lots of extra regular scans to check babies heart and that she is growing nicely.

I also spent most of wks 16-18 in hospital on morphine due to severe sciatica. I literally couldnt walk or sit down. Pain was excruciating and I was on max amounts of paracetamol and dihydrocodiene. Due to lack of mobility I was on clexane injections too. The morphine did naff all to be honest but I had my own room on maternity ward so felt less of a burden on my family and I hated my little girl seeing me crying and screaming in pain all the time. Even though I missed her terribly. I have been on medication for it since but have to stop taking it this week (36wks) so baby doesnt have withdrawal at birth. Pain might come back, it might not. If it comes back I am straight in for induction (where an epidural would be compulsory due to level of pain, but it was a failed epidural last time that damaged my sciatic nerve). They will be putting epidural in early and if it doesnt work again this time its off for a section.

So basically baby could be here anytime! I am hoping pain doesn't come back and I can go into labour naturally. I got induced on due date last time and it was totally hideous!

But its all worth it in the end. Xx
I know I am! I have one tues, wed, and thurs this week! Actually, just checked and it's two on Tuesday :-/. And those are just mine. I have to take hubby to one on Thursday after mine. I must admit...been a bit naughty. I should have a mw appointment this week as well and I have avoided it because I'm seeing the consultant (with a different mw) on Thursday anyways. Shame on me, I know....but I just don't see the point on seeing the consultant and mw for my 28 week appointment separatly. Is it worth trying to get into the mw too?

I think the mw takes blood at your 28wk appointment. Cant remember what they test for this time. I know at my consultant appointments they never take thr normal bloods or anything. So worth going. Midwife also listens to baby with doppler. All extra checks!

I remember one week I had a GT test on a monday morning (3hrs in hospital) then consultant and scan tuesday morning (2hrs in hospital) then midwife on the wednesday and anaethiatist on the Thursday! Was crazy.

My consultant is great though and when I saw him last week he said he is perfectly happy with the way things are going and unless I really want another appointment with him and scan I didnt have to. I said I would prefer not to as it would be nice to have a "normal" end to this pregnancy if possible! X
I guess I better call her up tomorrow then! I forgot about the extra blood tests and 28 weeks. Hopefully they can squeeze me in sometime during the week!

I hope your sciatic nerve stays calm during everything. Every now and then mine will twinge a bit, but nothing too severe.
Any other high BMI mums sick of hearing your fat/overweight?
Im quite aware of it I dont need constant reminders! My weight dropped quite a bit in tri 1 due to HG, and now im slowly getting back to eating but still relying massively on anti sickness tablets, ive only gained 10lb and im 24weeks but the way they talk to me,its as if they think all I do is live on utter shite. I eat quite healthily with a takeaway treat once a week, I eat better than most and they are smaller than me.
Meh. Just fed up. Have no clothes that fit me and anything I do find makes me 10x larger than I am, like I need that!
:(. Anyone else feel like this? I want to enjoy my last pregnancy. Yes its clear to see im pregnant so thankfully im not getting the "is she pregnant or just fat" queries but I dont feel the glow, I dont feel nice,im uncomfortable due to SPD and back issues and would happily live in my family guy lounge pants and vest tops...why cant this be acceptable for the public lol x
Hi ladies! I belong here too, sorry you are all in the high risk group too!

With my daughter, I was low risk, no health problems etc and had a really healthy pregnancy right up until I couldn't feel her move much at 38+5, went in for a trace thinking I was being over anxious, 2 hours later she was born by emergency c-section. Turns out somewhere in the past few weeks my placenta had haemorraged slightly and her blood was slowly seeping out into me at a faster rate than what she was producing. She had ended up losing over a third of her blood volume and needed a blood transfusion and a few nights stay in NICU. She's a happy, healthy little 16 month rascal now.

This pregnancy I've been bleeding the whole time including a few big gushes of blood and this is all due to a subchrionic hematoma. It's not near the placenta thankfully but I'm almost halfway through 6 weeks of doctor prescribed bed rest to help the SCH resolve itself.

I hate being high risk, it sucks!xxx
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Emma- with my first my dr actually told me to not gain any weight. I was always getting lectured on what to eat and not eat. It was so frustrating! With that pregnancy I managed to not gain anything, so by the time dd arrived, I actually lost some weight!n This time around, the dr and mw mentioned weight and healthy eating just once (at my first appointments with them) and it has felt much less stressful :). Like you, I don't need constant reminders from anyone else that my bmi is high. Let's face it....it's hard enough trying to find plus size maternity clothes and nursing bras! Lol

Goat- my hat is off to you! I am horrible at bed rest when I'm sick. I don't know how I could handle six weeks of it. I hope your sch resolves very soon. Sorry to see you in this section, it really sucks being high risk. It is nice to have each other for support though :)
Hiya Ladies, i am also High Risk as i have a blood clotting disorder and had MANY blood clots over the last few years, i have to have injections into my belly twice a day which arent the best but as long as it helps the baby i suppose just have to deal with it! xx
I'm sorry girls. I just got back from a rather tiring scan and am in a foul mood. I want to say welcome to the newbies to the thread though...

I'll come back a bit later when my mood has calmed down a bit and post personal responses, I promise! :)
Hope everything is ok, I hope your bad mood is just because you had to wait for so long x
Welcome to this great thread, As I have said before it is nice to know that we can all support each other
Sorry about the other days girl. I had a mini meltdown and just couldn't cope with the appointments, being this ill, the medications and on top of that I had MIL and DH being complete jerks to me.

How is everyone doing?

Toffeegirl - Thank you so much for responding to my crappy post the other day! How are you doing?

Wrighty - I'm right with you. Blood clots (only get them in my lungs) nearly killed me and now am stuck on these blinking injections - but as you said, it's totally worth it to stay healthy and alive!

Sprk - How are you doing? Nearly 29 weeks!!!

Goat - What a terrifying experience you had last time. I hope this time goes smoother for you, despite the bed rest.

ema-lou - I think I'm classed as having a high BMI too due to my weight. Like you I have no clothes that fit me and I swear almost every maternity site I've been on only has stock up to size 14!!! So frustrating! I hate being this size, I'm determined to lose everything and more once this baby is born! LOL

Lynds - Sciatica sounds awful. I had no idea it could be so debilitating! I suffer from severe SPD and usually end up on crutches or in a wheelchair or stuck in bed for weeks which is bad enough, I can't imagine the pain levels it must reach though to end up in hospital for 2 weeks and still not have the pain under control. (((((HUGS)))))

Lilmisshopeful - How are things going? You've been quiet for awhile!

Lanny - are you continuing to ward off the high BP?

MissRay - Where are you? Are you OK?

I think I got everyone - I'm sorry if I missed someone though!

As for me, we discovered yesterday the radiator in my girls room has been leaking for a long time. It had ruined the carpet, the wardrobe and one of the beds. So yesterday we took the opportunity to empty the room, pull up the carpet, repaint the walls and today we've put a new carpet down (had it already just hadn't got around to putting it down!) and they've got some of the boys old furniture and a bunk bed to go back in there. Manic! LOL And not what we planned to do!

Oh and my scan the other day went well. Baby is measuring ahead again. I'm a tiny bit concerned because my EDD has been put forward by a day or two at every scan (four so far) I've had. Thank God I'm having the OGTT next week as it'll put my mind at rest if it comes back showing I don't need insulin yet! (Don't normally show positive for GD until later in pregnancy.)
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Mum2many- Sorry to hear you had such a tough time! Radiator leaks really suck, but at least you were able to get it all sorted. Glad to hear your scan went well though :)

I've been doing ok. Just a bit stressed, but what's new? Lol. Had a growth scan today...everything came up normal except our lo's tummy measured big. Dr says she isn't worried as my gtt came back normal, but she is having me in for another scan in two weeks to see how much she's grown. Found out today that I've actually been losing weight (not a issue though :) ). After all of that we drive out to Addenbrookes for hubby's MRI. Unfortunately it didn't go well as he had a panic attack - so the consultant is going to have to figure out he to get a scan for him. I'm glad it's half term as I've had 3 appointments this week. Very tired of seeing doctors and desperately need a day to relax. Maybe Saturday :-/
that is what we have this for to have a good moon and to let of steam, glad your feeling better, I am also glad that baby is ok. I hope that your bloods come back ok for a while yet as being diabetic is a real pain. I have to eat as blood drops sometimes and I feel so bloated at the moment it is driving me mad.

All you other ladies I hope everything is going well x
I also think there should be a emotion for BLOATED as I feel like I have swallowed a balloon :)
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Glad everything's ok mumtomany. I'm ok just having a brief moment of feeling sorry for myself lol. I'm itchy all over and it's driving me mad. I'm smothered in cream that dosnt help to try and get to Monday so I don't have to go to hospital. Have a test Monday for oc :/ a gtt Tuesday and appointment with the anesthetist Wednesday so busy week next week. So glad I'm only 5 minutes from the hospital xxx
Hope you're feeling better soon lilmiss! I've noticed a few others who have been really itchy lately.
Hi everyone I'm classed as high risk with baby no 3. This is my 4th pregnancy. I had my first son at 27 weeks due to a uti he weighed 2lb10. I miscarriaged at 10 weeks due to the sac rupturing. At my 20 week scan with my daughter she was measuring really small so I had to have steroid jabs at 26 weeks just incase she came early so her lungs were developed, and a growth scan every week as there was a problem with the ambilical cord so the blood flow was slower then normal. I was induced at 37 weeks and she weighed 5lb15. Up to now I will have to have steroid jabs again at 26 weeks and growth scans at 28 and 32 weeks to be safe. That is a Defo but could all change at the 20 week scan if this baba is measuring small aswell :( xx
Welcome Rach87... I hope your 20 week scan goes OK. Got everything crossed for you this time around! :)
Just want 2 wish u girls all the luck in the world , my 2nd pregnancy was difficult at 20w I had amino done as I was high risk and was measuring small and had hole in heart along with other worries my placenta stopped working and was induced early , I could never c the light at end of tunnel and was in and out with scans ect, but I now have a perfect 11 year daughter , I know how hard this can b especially when ur ment 2 enjoy pregnancy but just can't , I really hope everything goes ok 4 u lovely ladies , hope u don't mind me butting in !!xx
Hi everyone and thanks for the shout out mum2many..

Had my cervical length scan today, although it has shortened since previous scan I am happy to report there will be no stitching required..! Hurray..! Just a daily pessary to help support cervix for the next few weeks.. Im so relieved, I was kinda anxious about the prospect of stitching..

Just waiting for blood results to check out the levels of the pesky antibodies and fingers crossed all will be well..

Wishing all the high risk mums good news and healthy days ahead..

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