High risk / low risk?


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Just wondered how / when you know whether you are high / low risk? I'm guessing things like age and maternal medical conditions are factors, but don't know how you know. I have not been told whether I am high / low risk (or even 'medium' if there is such a thing) - maybe it is too early for them to know? Has anyone already been told what they are? Can this change throughout pregnancy (i.e. move risk groups)?

Thanks for any info you might have!
I am high risk as i have Multiple Sclerosis. This is my first child so they do not know how it will affect my condition or how my condition will affect the pregnancy or birth. I just have extra checks with a consultant obstetrician and will have extra scans at 30 and 36 weeks. People can be classed as high risk for lots of different reasons, like if you go to the scan and they notice something to do with the baby that needs monitoring or if you have had problems in past pregnancies. I think that you will probably find out how things will be for you at your 12week scan. xxx
I havn't been called 'high risk' but my baby had a thick nuchal fold measurement so i've had to have a CVS and lots of extra scans and attention. Shouldn't affect my birth tho!
i had my "risk" worked out at booking, she took maternal and paternal medical history into account and age ect! they might wait to tell you at your 16 week appointment, as i know the mw i had at that appointment checked my scan/blood results and said that i was low risk, hope that helps x
i think there are probably hundreds of reasons someone could be considered high risk and i would guess it can change during pregnancy.

i'm high risk because of a low blood result and had the amnio. but i was also high risk before this because of a stomach condition i have.

i've found that they don't tend to mess around, if there was something wrong you would have been told your high risk. hope all is ok though! x
It can change as you go along to be honest, I was 'low risk' until bang on my due date when I became 'high risk' as my blood pressure shot up. In general if the midwife think you are a high risk you will be asked to see a consultant to decide if you need any special attention or treatment during your pregnancy and labour. Its useful to ask "risk of what?" if youre told youre high risk.
Thanks everyone for all your answers. I'm guessing I will be told when I have my next appointment - if they don't say, I will probably ask. Thanks!
I would say that if they havent mentioned it then you are prob low risk at the min!! I dont get any extra scans I dont think but I see the consultant and have to wait for the top scanner lady and midwife for my appointments. Think they are just very cautious to be honest!!
Mrs N - it's good to feel that you are getting the best treatment - makes you feel better cared for!

To be honest, I would prefer to see the 'top midwife' as the one I saw at my booking appointment, although lovely, was quite newly qualified and didn't know what half the conditions on my risk list were. I had to explain them to her, and that didn't really make me feel that confident that my care was being planned as well as it could've been. I guess that is why I wondered who exactly works out the risk category - if it is the midwife I saw, and she didn't know what half the conditions were, it's a bit worrying! Still, I have an appointment with the consultant in 2 weeks, so I think i will talk over my worries with her then. :)

Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy! x
I am high risk. I was told at my booking in appointment that I was high risk pre-eclampsia as I had it over both my boys, even though that was 12 years ago! I am under a consultant at hospital and may have to have extra scans after 20 weeks to monitor my placenta. My midwife also told me I was 'increased' risk of Downs Syndrome and was offered the NT scan, which increased my risk even more because of the blood results! We had an amnio Thursday and will hopefully have the 1st results Monday!
Good luck ladies :) x x
Yeah im quite happy with it to be honest as we have had great service so far. I do wonder if it is because our hospital maternity ward is one of the worst in the country and have been given a year to turn it around so I think they are really erring on the side of caution!! Works for me tho!!
I am high risk. I was told at my booking in appointment that I was high risk pre-eclampsia as I had it over both my boys, even though that was 12 years ago! I am under a consultant at hospital and may have to have extra scans after 20 weeks to monitor my placenta. My midwife also told me I was 'increased' risk of Downs Syndrome and was offered the NT scan, which increased my risk even more because of the blood results! We had an amnio Thursday and will hopefully have the 1st results Monday!
Good luck ladies :) x x

I've been reading up on preeclampsia risk and really interesting study, aparently if you had preeclampsia previously your risk is only higher if the subsequent pregnancy is with the same father. With a different father they can't find any increased risk! Wierd! I maintain OH gave me preeclampsia ;)
If they don't tell you either way, you're probably just... Normal... If you get me. I was low risk for pregnancy but because of medical history am high risk for birth apparently x
I am high risk. I was told at my booking in appointment that I was high risk pre-eclampsia as I had it over both my boys, even though that was 12 years ago! I am under a consultant at hospital and may have to have extra scans after 20 weeks to monitor my placenta. My midwife also told me I was 'increased' risk of Downs Syndrome and was offered the NT scan, which increased my risk even more because of the blood results! We had an amnio Thursday and will hopefully have the 1st results Monday!
Good luck ladies :) x x

I've been reading up on preeclampsia risk and really interesting study, aparently if you had preeclampsia previously your risk is only higher if the subsequent pregnancy is with the same father. With a different father they can't find any increased risk! Wierd! I maintain OH gave me preeclampsia ;)

Yes that's what my midwife said! The first question she asked was 'Are you still with Ash?' I was shocked and said 'yes!' she said she was sorry but she had to ask! Yeah I am now blaming Ash :)
I am really hoping and praying I don't get it again :(
Ill keep my fingers crossed for you, I can imagine how you feel, Im gonna be getting a home blood pressure monitor when I get pregnant, its a scary thing, but Im sure you'll be looked after well cos of your history. :hug:
I think i will be high risk as i have high blood pressure, overactive thryoid and in my last pregnancy (which was 10 years ago) i developed obstrics chlostatis, but i havent seen midwife yet, seeing dr on thrusday so i'll see what she says then about my history.
I wasnt told I was high risk or low risk. But due to me having Laser treatment for CIN 3 cells twice (last treatment was January) I've been told I have to get scans every 2 weeks from 18 weeks. They also have to keep an eye on the cells as I havent had a clear smear in 1 and a half years, and they are also gonna check the length of my cervix at the next scan to make sure its not too short, cause if it is they have to put a stitch in. So I take it Im high risk, eventhough I havent been told haha xxx
Ill keep my fingers crossed for you, I can imagine how you feel, Im gonna be getting a home blood pressure monitor when I get pregnant, its a scary thing, but Im sure you'll be looked after well cos of your history. :hug:

Thank you :hugs: This time I have my own consultant at the hospital, so hopefully all will be fine :)
Good luck for when you conceive :)
Hi everyone,
After my week of worry, I have come to terms with the very high likelihood of having a baby with downs syndrome. I just wondered if there was anyone else here who is having or has had a baby with downs syndrome? It might be really good for anyone who has to be able to chat together? Xxxx
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:hug: oh gosh, this mustve been a really difficult time for you.

You might get more response if you start a new thread. I work with children with Downs syndrome so if you have any questions, which arent from a parents point of view, fire away :flower:

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