Where are all the high risk mums-to-be?!

Hi girls sorry not been on for a while.

By Bp mum to many is sat perfectly at 140/68 at it's lowest and 140/80 at it's highest. I dnt Evan have hgh bp so I'm sick of them saying I have essential hypertension.

Had GTT test and was in normal range though registrar kept telling me watch my diet - F off, I live with a chef so it's all healthy meals. My current cravings are salad and fruit.

Baby is above average size but I'm fat & 5ft 8 and oh is as thin as a rake and 7ft 1" (yh he really is a giant) so not expecting a tiny baby ha ha.

Sick of being given a healthy eating guide.

Only good thing about being high risk is the extra scan tht u dnt have pay for :),

Hope everyone ok :) xx
Hello All
Misss Ray, So glad all is well fingers crossed bloods will come back as you want,

Lanny 1981 I know what you mean about diet I have lost 4lb since I found out I was expecting but yet I am still being hold to watch what I eat. I am also eating lots of fruit and I am eating tomatoes like they are cherry's, Keep having to buy them husband said baby will come out looking like a tomato.

Hope all you other high risk ladies are doing ok x
Andreax2 - Thanks for the well wishes! Think we could all use them some days!

Miss Ray - I'm so glad to hear you don't need the stitching. I must admit it made me cross my legs just thinking about it! LOL I hope your blood test comes back good too!

Lanny1982 - I'm sorry they're bugging you about your weight and health. On the plus side though at least they're being proactive and keeping an eye on you. They never really bothered with my other high risk pregnancies, just left me to largely fester and get worse and worse. It's annoying, but good too that they're keeping a close eye on you!

Toffeegirl - how are you doing these days?

How is everyone doing?

As for me, I'm 16 weeks today and have my first OGTT tomorrow. Not looking forward to starving myself for that! I hate water too so sipping water won't be pleasant either! Just hoping it comes back clear. We know I'll probably get it and need insulin, just hoping it stays away until later in the pregnancy!
Mum2many- Good luck on your gtt tomorrow! I know how 'fun' that test is lol. Had mine last week and luckily it was normal.

Saw my consultant a few days later at a growth scan and she has booked me in for another next week as lo has a big tummy. (Although I noticed the technician graphed the mark in the wrong place, so tummy isn't too much larger than normal) all other tests are fine. Still dealing with Dh's health issues - but that's another post. I think it's really starting to get me down so I will mention next week when I see the consultant again. I've thought about doing so before, but dh is always there and I don't want to hurt his feelings by saying I'm down because he's not well. The home health visitor didn't really help with the look on her face when she realised I'm going to have an lo while having to be a carer for dh until he's better. But that's the way it goes.

I hope everyone else is doing better :)
Had my gtt this morning erghh manky stuff it was vile. Sweet sickly stuff how I didn't bring it up I'll never know. Just waiting for the results now they said could be 10 days. Seems a long time to me.
I'm sure I will end up with that too lol why not I have everything else lol.
Got a call off the doc yesterday my iron has fallen to 8.1 and I have low protein in my blood too and that can restrict babies growth. So massive change in diet needed considering I live off macaroni cheese ooops. Baby is still growing tho I can tell as his kicks are stronger every day. Hoping the midwife will sort a scan to check him out tho as my next one isn't till July xxx
Mum2many, yeh i mainly get them in my lungs now but also had a massive clot in my groin a few years ago (and had a clot in each lunch at the same time), this is when it all started and this was the one that nearly killed me, they said if i had gone in any later i would be dead because i was dying! so scary..had no idea what was happening to me or what the signs were! luckily I've had so many now that i know what to look out for!! xx
Hi All
mum2many, I am doing well feeling very full all the time. Blood sugars are all over the place but as getting there slowly. How are you?
Hope all you other ladies are doing ok, has any one had any cravings? I am stuffing tomatoes I think I will turn red soon :O)
I'm sorry girls. I promise I'll be on later to do some personal responses...

But I literally got off the phone from the hospital and am crying my eyes out. I failed my OGTT and have gestational diabetes AGAIN. I failed so spectacularly that it's a certainty I'll need insulin again.

I feel like I'm literally falling apart right now. Neither kidney is working as they should be and facing surgery to place a nephrostomy bag to drain the worst kidney out, I've got to inject heparin daily for blood clot prevention, I'm going to have to inject insulin and check my BMs via finger prick several times a day, my SPD is killing me so I can't walk much and only leave the house to go to my appointments which happen several times a week.

Just feeling very sorry for myself. On the plus side I guess it means I'll see my baby sooner rather than later as the chances are I'll be induced at 36 weeks again.
Sending you MASSIVE hugs as I know the joys of insulin and fingers testing. I was hoping you would get away with it for a bit longer.
I have to say as least you will be well watched and cared for if your diabetic nurse is anything like mine.
I am having a few issues myself as I have a stoma and my bag is sticking out like a flag and nothing seems to hide it so everyone is oh look at you showing already and I am like well actually is my pooh bag :O)
That shuts them up (hehehe)
LOL Toffeegirl... I'm so sorry for laughing but reading about your response to people made me laugh for the first time since I found out!

I'm dreading a nephrostomy bag if I'm honest. I've heard they strap it to your leg and I'm worried that I won't be able to hide it... Or that it'll split when I venture out the house and I'll end up covered in my own pee!

My DH is so worried about me that he said to me "if you want to end this now, I won't argue with you and I'll support you. I'll understand if you don't feel you can go through all this again"... :( I know I'm not doing well at the moment, and I know it'll only get worse but never, not even in my darkest moment, have I ever considered aborting this baby. I love her so much, I could never live with myself, just for the sake of a few months of ill health. I guess it's sweet of him to say and if I was that way inclined the Drs would be happy to do it, but it just made me feel worse, like I'm obviously not coping well with everything that he thinks I'd even contemplate doing that.

Ho-hum. Just got to remember the end goal. A sweet little baby to finish our family, who I've dreamed of being able to hold for years now and never thought I'd ever be able too.
So glad it made you giggle, it makes me giggle when I see the look on there faces. I know what you mean about leaks and things but I have had leaks with my bag been out and been covered in pooh and I always take spare knickers and bags just go to the loo and clean myself and get on with it. As you say it is only for a few months and your have your wonderful little girl in your arms and it will all be insignificant. I have been lucky in a way as I have had the bag and diabetes for a long time so I just get on with it. I can totally understand your worries.
But when your feeling down just look at your scan picture and think she is so worth all this rubbish x
I failed my gtt too ooopsie. Got to take my blood several times a day and they will decide Monday tablets or insulin. Love you response to people about your bag. Make light of a situation. When some people look at me and comment like oh wow you big how long left? I reply till what? They don't know where to look or what to say lol xxx
I think we should start calling this group the finger prickers :O)
Sorry to hear that lilmisshopeful fingers crossed your only be on tablets.
Lilmisshopeful- sorry to hear about your gtt. I hope they can get you sorted with tablets.

Toffeegirl- I hope you are doing well. I love your response to people who forget their manned and stare :)

Mum2many- I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time! I think sometimes it can really seem like when it repaint, it pours. But in the end you will have a beautiful lo in hour arms.nice truly hope you are doing/feeling better ASAP. We're all here for you.

I have finally learned my lesson about not overdoing things, as I I was in A&E for a few hours last night. I had been at the grocery store and suddenly felt as if if my chest was being pressed and my arms went heavy. I made it home and hubby called the maternity ward. They told me to go to A&E as bump was fine, it was me that felt crap. Hubby dove me in (furthest he's driven in months! I don't think he could have done it if he hadn't been who worried.). After a few ECG tests, blood work, and sitting around for 4 hours they found nothing wrong - no clots, no heart issues. I was actually starting to feel better so we chalked it up to being way over tired. They let me go home and said to have a lazy weekend - which is exactly what I have planned. Light cleaning only and only because it's a must at this point.
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I am glad everything was ok it is very worrying. I have had a few scares of a different kind I am diabetic and my insulin has been increased a bit to much and I have had pins and needles in my tongue and the left side of my face thought I was having a stroke. As for people and my bag it makes me laugh so much when they just don't know where to put themselves.
Mum2many & Lilmisshopeful - hope your both doing ok with your blood sugars.
Toffee girl- I hope they get your medicine sorted out soon. I know it's not fun 'waiting' for your body to adjust to new meds. Last time they changed my BP meds I passed out as it dropped my hp too low. Happened every evening for about a week and a half!

Hope everyone is doing better :)
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Should I post in here? I'm not sure really, I was/am having a high risk pregnancy, Nuchal fold was 3.6 so I opted to have a CVS- ouch. Results came back that I am the '1' that everyone hopes they aren't. Such a hard time but to spare you all the drama between then and now I am still pregnant and am 27 weeks. The pregnancy it's self has been a breeze but there are obviously lots more appointments to attend than if I was having a 'typical' baby. So far so good though, I'm well and if I hadn't had the CVS I'm not sure we'd be any the wiser that she has Downs.
I'm sure I can't be in my own going through this but for weeks I've and found little apart from American forums where Downs pregnancies seem far more common or maybe just spoken about more than over here. Anyway, thanks for reading, I'm full of info if anyone has any questions and would really love to speak to anyone in the same boat as me.
Porsche- you are def posting in the right place ( you can always post just about anywhere :) ) I'm sorry t o hear about your situation and wish I had information for you. I'm high risk for other reasons (high BP, high bmi, low papp a score). I'm happy about all the extra appointments as I know we're being looked after well, on the other hand, I'm sick of them because they tend to get in the way of everyday life.

Please post anytime you need or want to :)
We'll I hope everyone is doing ok.... I know it's been a bit quieter than usual here.

I have my next growth scan tomorrow (last one was two weeks ago). Here's hoping baby is getting too big. I think I'm going to finally buck up the courage to talk to the dr about my mood being so low due to stress. I think I will have hubby sit in the waiting room for that part of the appointment. As much as I know he'd be supportive, I don't want him feeling guilty about me being so down (it just makes him feel even worse knowing I'm down, and I don't want to feel like I'm rubbing it in).
Sorry girls. I will be back, I promise. I'm struggling quite a lot with my blood sugar levels and insulin at the moment. Can't seem to get either under control and so have been quite ill the last few days and just lying dozing on the sofa.

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