Where are all the high risk mums-to-be?!

Thanks ladies :)
I'm hoping for a pretty normal pregnancy without hospital stays or constant appointments lol
I know I will get the 3 growth scans and will see a consultant but other than that I'm unsure how it differs xx

I'm currently high risk too due to previous static growth.

2nd growth scan this pregnancy revealed growth is static again, been back at ANDU today and then again on Tuesday and another scan thursday and if no improvement possible induction

I am high risk, as I found out today that I am expecting identical twins! It's very early days though still, as the doctor only thinks I am about 6 weeks.
Just to update....after a high risk pregnancy, Logan was delivered with no intervention. I had continuous monitoring and had to have a cannular in but it wasn't needed. It was a hands off delivery, I wasn't examined after my initial assessment and he is perfect xx
Hi! I am considered high risk as I had IVF, it's twins and I am 43. 1st 2 IVF attempts were unsuccessful, we had embryos transferred but they stopped growing, next go I had all the immune protocol but the same thing happened. Then we had IVF & had all the embryos screened but they were all chromosomal abnormal so we weren't allowed to have any transferred. Last go with donor eggs finally worked! I am on 4 different drugs until 12 weeks!

I am hoping that we've had all our bad luck and all will be OK now!
Hi all just had my first visit to the midwife and am also classed as high risk due to bmi 31, and IVF twinnies X
Hi I'm Jay and I'm we from Scotland, just found out im expecting my second. Was told before I fell pregnant that any future pregnancy would be considered high risk because I had Chronic Villitus in my first pregnancy which was not discovered until she was delivered.
Going to ask my dr to check my thyroid tomorrow. After I had my daughter I suffered post partum thyroidist. My thyroid returned to normal but was told I will likely have problems in future. When I didnt know I had thyroid problem I honestly thought I was dying as I felt so terrible.
I'm a high risk as I have von willebrands disease (a blood clotting disorder) and pregnant with twins, love giving the Drs a challenge lol
Hi everyone, saw the midwife today and was told I'm classed as high risk as I had pre eclampsia with my first pregnancy, got to wait for an appointment with the consultant
I'm just reading this post, and hope you doing mind me asking, what have you done with your pregnancy this time round? I'm sorry to read about all your losses, I have had five so far and am only 5 weeks in now. I'm so worried, I haven't been the hospital yet as they told me I'm too early to check anything so still a long wait for reassurance. I've been told about cleexane injections and some other kind of suppositories to help the placenta and I'm on aspirin, but reading about what you said about the cleexane making your placenta come away his really worried me. This is a long post, sorry but I'm just looking for some advice. Hope your pregnancy and delivery has gone to plan.

I was on Clexane and progesterone for ivf but had to stop it at 12 weeks, was scary going drug free but everything was fine! Just on aspirin now as they suggest everyone over a certain age takes it.
Its awful waiting for the first scan, lots of hurdles to get over, are you still taking tests?
I forgot when I am supposed to stop the aspirin, does anyone know please?
Oh gosh that's a good point I need to ask that at my next midwife. I'm on asprin for 2 reasons one for recurring miscarriage and also for my heart I sometimes add in extra beats and my heart goes arrhythmic. Oh I hope the consultant let's me have the birth I want!
I think you can take the aspirin all the way if they want you to, it's the clexane that's a little different & has to be stoped a day or two before delivery. X
Thank you. I'll double check but that's reassuring. It obviously thins the blood and I was worried a bit about it. Mind you my consultant is checking in Jan to make sure the asprin is enough and I don't need to go on cleaxane anyway.
My midwife said I should stop it before I'm induced or before in case they come early, just can't remember which week she said to stop, can't see it in my notes. Will ask the consultant next week. She said its because it thins the blood they don't want you to bleed too much during the birth.
I'm high risk too. My first pregnancy,towards the end, was terrible. I had gestational diabetes which was diagnosed late on. I then developed extremely high blood pressure and had to be induced at 36+2. All was fine with mg wee one but now I'm worried about what will go wrong this time haha! Xx

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Well I had my c section, it was traumatic but went smoothly and the boys were good weights. So my age, IVF & having twins wasn't a problem. Glad I got the extra monitoring though, it was very reassuring.

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