What would you suggest...

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I have no idea why people are misreading this thread's title as 'please, o enlightened minds, tell this poor pleb what to do, as she is incapable of making her own decisions'.

I was interested in knowing what other babies found palatable as a first food. Just want to say thank you again to all the ladies who've shared that, as it's been very helpful.

I'm 29 years old and more than capable of making my own decisions. Baby weaning is not an exact science, and, from the little experience with reading baby books I have, they give the most conflicting advice. And, if it's not conflicting, it changes back and forth as time passes. If anyone thinks they're in possession of universal truths, I think they should reconsider.

I refuse to post in this thread any more, this is supposed to be a fun time for me and Vincent.

Well said hunnie! :hugs: I am gonna start a TW thread in feeding and nutrition just for us who r goin down that route after making an INFORMED decision! Love to lil rice hating vince xxx

That would be a great thread hun x

I refuse to post in this thread any more, this is supposed to be a fun time for me and Vincent.

Just keep posting here hun, Some people will always have issues with how we do things, no matter what way we do them (if that makes sense). It's not always because they want to force their beliefs on us or think they are better or know better, it's just what they have read/researched or feel is right in their own minds just like we do. You will never find 1 single topic relating to babies, toddlers or even children that every single person will agree on.

Having said that, stick around and get some more good ideas. Oh and when Vincent learns how to throw food everywhere, including on you, I think it will become even more fun for him :D.
Hey Ileana. Please do let us know how Vince gets on. Its an exciting time and I for one like hearing about how you're getting on with it. Ooh and pics please!

:hug: xxx

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Yes ISH please keep posting, you shouldn't be pushed out of your own thread.

Guys ISH didn't open this thread for people to debate TW or BLW. Whatever peoples choice, it is personal and people shouldn't be judged for it.

MrsCow - Well done you on making all your own food. I've been making my own myself but have given Ella's kitchen sachets too, which I don't think there is anything wrong with, there is nothing extra added to them. I don't think people should be made to feel bad for giving jars or sachets.
Lilelephant - I wasn’t asking for people to justify their reasons, nor am I against TW (as very clearly stated in my first post) … and as for an INFORMED decision the WHOLE point I was making was that I believe that if every parent actually understood the reasons why they say NOT to wean before 6 months then I’m sure more people would not then go ahead and do it. There is not enough awareness and I find it incredible that so many people choose to ignore the NHS and government guidlelines (fact) that state no solids before 6 months.

ISH – it’s a real shame that you see that as how people are interpreting the title of your thread… the very first thing I said was that my reply was not aimed at individuals on here.. and it’s unfortunate that your post was the final one which actually prompted me to reply for once about my views on weaning when normally I don’t bother. Your whole point about universal truths is exactly what I was trying to explain when I said about BLW being based on ACTUAL research, scientific evidence and studies which have ACTUALLY been carried out on how babies immune/digestive system develops and also the mechanics of how and when they actually are able to learn to eat. The author studied infant feeding and child development for many years and worked as a health visitor, midwife and breastfeeding volunteer for over 20 years… she studied “Babys developmental readiness for solids” as part of her masters degree… so in “my” opinion her facts, research and experience has been the most important information I could ever have learned.

I am not trying to convert people or say that everyone should go with BLW however I do now disagree with weaning before 6 months which is therefore why “my advice” would be not to try anything at all.

The one thing that winds me up (and probably the reason why I very rarely reply to threads) is that as soon as someone has a difference of opinion and gives their advice they are either ignored completely, or then ganged up on by the majority who feel that “their” way is the right way so let’s not listen to anyone else.

Manda84 summed up completely by saying about the fact that everyone is entitled to give their own opinion without being made to feel that they are wrong.

I think I will return to just not commenting again as it seems as soon as you have an opinion which the majority don’t like you are then attacked for it, made to feel that you are in the wrong and bombarded with comments and replies such as:

“don’t be pushed out of your own thread”
“lets go start a new thread just on TW”
“I refuse to post on this thread anymore”
“well said hunnie”.

It is completely hypocritical to all gang up and take sides immediately to make it look like I am the bad person whose “different” opinion is completely wrong. What is the point in asking for suggestions and advice if you only want to hear from people with the same opinion/advice as your own?

The main thing i "disagreed" with was the FACT that gudileines suggest not to wean before 6 months. Well that has been completely ignored and made to look like I have made it into battle of TW v BLW which is totally not the case.

Lilelephant - I wasn’t asking for people to justify their reasons, nor am I against TW (as very clearly stated in my first post) … and as for an INFORMED decision the WHOLE point I was making was that I believe that if every parent actually understood the reasons why they say NOT to wean before 6 months then I’m sure more people would not then go ahead and do it. There is not enough awareness and I find it incredible that so many people choose to ignore the NHS and government guidlelines (fact) that state no solids before 6 months.

ISH – it’s a real shame that you see that as how people are interpreting the title of your thread… the very first thing I said was that my reply was not aimed at individuals on here.. and it’s unfortunate that your post was the final one which actually prompted me to reply for once about my views on weaning when normally I don’t bother. Your whole point about universal truths is exactly what I was trying to explain when I said about BLW being based on ACTUAL research, scientific evidence and studies which have ACTUALLY been carried out on how babies immune/digestive system develops and also the mechanics of how and when they actually are able to learn to eat. The author studied infant feeding and child development for many years and worked as a health visitor, midwife and breastfeeding volunteer for over 20 years… she studied “Babys developmental readiness for solids” as part of her masters degree… so in “my” opinion her facts, research and experience has been the most important information I could ever have learned.

I am not trying to convert people or say that everyone should go with BLW however I do now disagree with weaning before 6 months which is therefore why “my advice” would be not to try anything at all.

The one thing that winds me up (and probably the reason why I very rarely reply to threads) is that as soon as someone has a difference of opinion and gives their advice they are either ignored completely, or then ganged up on by the majority who feel that “their” way is the right way so let’s not listen to anyone else.

Manda84 summed up completely by saying about the fact that everyone is entitled to give their own opinion without being made to feel that they are wrong.

I think I will return to just not commenting again as it seems as soon as you have an opinion which the majority don’t like you are then attacked for it, made to feel that you are in the wrong and bombarded with comments and replies such as:

“don’t be pushed out of your own thread”
“lets go start a new thread just on TW”
“I refuse to post on this thread anymore”
“well said hunnie”.

It is completely hypocritical to all gang up and take sides immediately to make it look like I am the bad person whose “different” opinion is completely wrong. What is the point in asking for suggestions and advice if you only want to hear from people with the same opinion/advice as your own?

The main thing i "disagreed" with was the FACT that gudileines suggest not to wean before 6 months. Well that has been completely ignored and made to look like I have made it into battle of TW v BLW which is totally not the case.

Nobody is saying you don't have the right to an opinion. I have absolutely nothing against BLW. It just wasn't right for me. But the point is ISH has already made her choice on how she wishes to wean and the thread wasn't started for her to be told that she shouldn't do things her way. She was simply asking what other people gave as first foods and is sharing her experiences. It was in no way intended for people to debate BLW and TW.
Your whole point about universal truths is exactly what I was trying to explain when I said about BLW being based on ACTUAL research, scientific evidence and studies which have ACTUALLY been carried out on how babies immune/digestive system develops and also the mechanics of how and when they actually are able to learn to eat. The author studied infant feeding and child development for many years and worked as a health visitor, midwife and breastfeeding volunteer for over 20 years… she studied “Babys developmental readiness for solids” as part of her masters degree… so in “my” opinion her facts, research and experience has been the most important information I could ever have learned.

Treeze - could you perhaps post a link to the outcomes of this study or name the author please as I would like to read the report and see if there are other reports/referances that have similar outcomes. I have issues relying on one particular person and their theories/studies.

In the dog training world we have a saying 'Ask 100 dog trainers how to train a dog and you'll get 100 different answers'. This is also despite thousands of different studies with differing results, but as you rightly say views and research SHOULD change with the times. Heck it wasn't so long ago we had Barbara Woodhouse issuing check chains and advocating hitting your dog with a rolled up newspaper!!

I happy and comfortable with my decison to start my LO off now though!!
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This subject pisses me off ppl ask advice and get blw shoved at them! ARRRGGGH I don't comment on threads asking for advice on blw coz I don't do it!!
I was told they are considering lowering weaning age again, they dont really know and not all kids are same. I weaned my son early and will with my youngest if he is ready. Tw and blw all have there benifits what worked for us was tw for a month or two then switching to blw i love blw but dont think any thing against tw. Good luck with it my son loved blended fruit and also mash with veg in its fun thinking of new combos to start with. Good luck and dont forget to take lots of pics x

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Oh I just remembered I read somewhere that can take babies up to 15 trys of a new food to like it so you might want to keep trying foods even if lo doesnt seem to want it x

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Yes ISH please keep posting, you shouldn't be pushed out of your own thread.

Guys ISH didn't open this thread for people to debate TW or BLW. Whatever peoples choice, it is personal and people shouldn't be judged for it.

MrsCow - Well done you on making all your own food. I've been making my own myself but have given Ella's kitchen sachets too, which I don't think there is anything wrong with, there is nothing extra added to them. I don't think people should be made to feel bad for giving jars or sachets.

I am not making anyone feel bad, you have understood wrong. I am just saying that I feel proud not to have given jars etc. Time is not an excuse, doesnt take long to cook a few veg. :roll: Also just for the record I agree with tw, did it myself with both mine, but not before 6 months, as NHS guidlines advise. We all are allowed our own opinions, but for me homemade food is best, you know exactly what is in it.
This subject pisses me off ppl ask advice and get blw shoved at them! ARRRGGGH I don't comment on threads asking for advice on blw coz I don't do it!!

Errm no one is shoving BLW down anyones throat
This thread was made by ish for advice on what food to give her LO can it not be left at that x

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I am completly shocked and appalled at that vile outburst! I'm literally speechless!
OMG out of order- what a load of utter bollocks.
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lilelephant.... what a narrowminded comment about BLW....you quite clearly mistunderstood if you read my post to be ramming BLW at people.....

my whole issue was that so many people are starting weaning at 4 months yet when the NHS GUIDELINES state not to do so (other than medical exceptions). Yet this point has been completely ignored because it is something that you have chosen to not follow. People want factual/proven information before they will listen to anyone, well is the NHS gudielines not enough??? ... do you disregard everything else the NHS advises too??

a prime example of NOT READING & UNDERSTANDING POSTS PROPERLEY IN THE WAY THE WERE INTENDED and then taking them to mean something else, not forgetting then bullying the person who said it and making them feel bad for having a different opinion.

you should start to take other peoples opinions and feelings into account a little more.
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