WEANING How much milk and how much food?

Gemma & Jake

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2006
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I have been thinking about weaning Jake and have given him baby rice the last two mornings for breakfast but then he didn't drink as much milk in the day yesterday. When you started weaning if you started before six months then how much food did you give them and how often and did the milk feeds stay the same? Jake usually has about five 7oz bottles but he started waking in the night when he hadn't been previously so I thought it might be hunger. Last night he didn't wake and he had four 7oz bottles and about 4 teaspoons of baby rice in the day. I am a bit unsure what to do as he is 4 months now but my H/V said don't wean until 6 months.
ive started weaning jack now, he was having 5 6oz bottles a few weeks ago, all during the day, then these went down to about 5 bottles of 3-4oz and 2 5ox bottles at night. im now giving him 1/2 an icecube of veg puree at lunch and 1/2 an icecube for tea (it has taken 2 weeks to slowly build up to this much) and he is actually taking more milk than he was before! i think he needed some solids to help settle him ,he is so happy now and taking his bottles without all the fuss and tears we used to have.
it is hard to know how much to give them but i think its important to remember that milk is still the main part of the diet for a long time yet, and weaning is only getting them used to new tastes and textures so you shouldnt be trying to fill them up. i think 2-3 spoonfulls is plenty to start with then just let your baby take the lead. if hes drinking less milk then maybe he isnt ready yet..

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