What would you suggest...

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Why are you weaning so early? baby rice just fills them up but isn't that good for them, you are better off on pureed veg to start or baby porridge
Rósa;2634213 said:
Why are you weaning so early? baby rice just fills them up but isn't that good for them, you are better off on pureed veg to start or baby porridge

Umm baby rice is recommended for first food for babies! Plus I started weaning as I have a hungry LO and I believe ish's vince is showing the signs of being ready.
Baby rice isnt that good for them. There were plenty of articles floating around on this site about. It basically fills them up but has little nutrional value. They are far better off being started on baby porridge or veg
But early stage weaning is not about nutritional value it's about getting them used to eating off a spoon different textures etc! There nutrition still comes from breast milk or formula
Rósa;2634213 said:
Why are you weaning so early? baby rice just fills them up but isn't that good for them, you are better off on pureed veg to start or baby porridge
Weaning is a very lengthy process and I am taking small steps, trying him with new tastes. He has to learn to swallow before anything fills him up. Very much doubt any of that rice reached his stomach.

He's a very big, greedy baby. All he ever does these days is munch on everything and salivate profusely (not teething), so I'm thinking he might be giving me signals.
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We're going off the signals from Dylan and the fact that he is grabbing food from my plate and taking it to his mouth. I'm holding out for a few more weeks but have spoken to others at my NCT who started at 5months.
I think porridge or fruit/veg puree may be your next option. You may find it was just the first sensation of a new texture and taste that caused the reaction. In my BLW book it says it can take several tries (sometime 10 tries) to get a LO to accept a new food/flavour x
But early stage weaning is not about nutritional value it's about getting them used to eating off a spoon different textures etc! There nutrition still comes from breast milk or formula

But they will be taking less milk if you fill them up with rice.... Anyway I thought you started weaning because you wanted to start Orlando on food before you went back to work? Thats what one of your threads said.

Anyway here is one of the articles on baby rice

Part of the reason but I wouldnt force him if he wasn't ready! I am not Denton what the articles say but I am going by what hv say and also how I was weave and I turned out alright
Part of the reason but I wouldnt force him if he wasn't ready! I am not Denton what the articles say but I am going by what hv say and also how I was weave and I turned out alright

Your post makes no sense
Rosa, it seems to me you are trying to create an argument rather than help.
Don't let this thread get heated ladies, ISH was only asking for advice!
Rosa, it seems to me you are trying to create an argument rather than help.

How is it creating an argument, by linking an article about baby rice and saying it has little nutritional value? You asked for advice about what to feed? Im giving advice? I only asked you why you were weaning at 4 months instead of six..
I needed advice on what food to try Vince with next, not being told what to do in a patronising way. Didn't want to kick up a fuss, I thought, 'early morning, haven't had my coffee yet, maybe she is trying to help and I'm just being grumpy.' But then you start attacking Lilelephant's choices... Not what any mum would be interested in hearing.

Just letting you know how I feel, I really don't want to continue this as there's no point.
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Back to the topic ish, Orlando had a risk this morning mixed with his milk and was really quite thin but he loved it the bowl is now empty ;-) I also sometimes mix say apple purée with rice as he seems to like it more then x
Back to the topic ish, Orlando had a risk this morning mixed with his milk and was really quite thin but he loved it the bowl is now empty ;-) I also sometimes mix say apple purée with rice as he seems to like it more then x
Something of interest to all of us, I think: how are his poos now? :D
Lol all normal just smell worse lol cos his main diet is still formula it hasn't made that much difference I just make sure he has some water too so he doesn't get constipated
Rosa, it seems to me you are trying to create an argument rather than help.

I don't think rosa was trying to start an argument, in my opinion she was just asking why you are weaning early and giving information on baby rice.

I started weaning my lo at 5 months as he was also a big lad and was very hungry. I gave him baby porridge until he got to 6 months and then did blw.

Go on gut feeling. You know your baby best. In my experience, weaning is a long process. My lo has only just started eating most things offered to him in the past couple of months, although traditional weaning is probably different in that respect to blw.
Rosa you come across as oppositional, you always say contradictory comments to ppl, your advise wasnt taken and yet you keep repeating it. those start arguments. especially when you take one person and bring up other threads they have posted and use it to inflame them by it appearing to be a slightly subversive attack on that person.
pinkyprincess already posted saying that maybe they shouldnt be weaned early or arent ready but in a much more non threatening way. if ish or lil elephant wean their lo's a little early then thats their choice as all babys mature early. they understood your first post that baby rice has no nutritional value and pointed out that the rice was being given as a test of texture and a new experience for baby, not for nutrition. you did not need to keep trying to get the point across as it was taken in the first time.
i have seen you do this before in other threads and feel i should point out that if you want to put across your view thats fine and good but you dont need to repeat yourself as it seems to get you misread and then it looks like your having a go or ranting which im sure isnt your intention.

maybe try him with some toast ish or some mushed fruit
If a baby is showing signs if being ready for food I see no reason why you shouldn't start weaning them.
Ish taking it slowly as you are is absolutely the right thing to do. All babies react differently to being weaned and just because he cried does not mean you did anything wrong or he is not ready.
I always found the best time to try weaning was on a fuller tummy that way baby isnt getting frustrated from hunger.
I have to say I wasn't a fan of rice my preference was baby porridge or rusk make it so it's runny so it's not such a big shock to the pallet. Thicken it up the more used to it he gets. I have a feeling Vince will crack it on no time x
Urgh it's changed Cam's nappies totally!! His poo is the same colour as what goes in so if he has three different meals per day I have a multicoloured minging nappy to change :sick:
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