What were you most scared of?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
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Hi ladies,

I'm still waiting to join the wonderful world of pregnancy but I though it would fun to hear your thoughts on this!

My biggest fear after being preggo is that I won't ever feel the same 'down there' and I'll never be able to stop eating for 2!!

What were/are yours?

I have experienced how labour can go life-threateningly wrong and that scares me.
I'm scared of vomiting - makes me cry every time.
I was scared of the pain In labour and also worried that I wouldn't be a good mum xx
Omg! Of course being sick!! I cry everytime I throw up, which isn't very often and actually need my mum there lol
Im scared something will go wrong not anything in particular just anything in general xx
I'm scared of the long road ahead I just want my 12 week scan to be here so I can see my peanut all healthy! :) I'm not scared of labour I am quite looking forward to it, I have a high pain thresh hold so hoping I can get through it! :)
I was actually more anxious about telling people I was pregnant (especially my mum, which is ridiculous as shes the most relaxed person ever) than I was about the whole pregnancy/labour thing!
after watching one born every min im scared that ill poop while in loabour lol

on a serious note im scared about being a mummy that i wont do a good job that i wont be able to handle the sleepless nights - that things between me and my hubby will change once our baby arrives at the moment i love this little baby of mine with all my heart and just hope for the best. Im very lucky to have this chance and will try my best that is all any of us can do xx
I'm scared about all of it. Its all new to me.
Don't get me wrong I'm excited too, but scared at the same time.

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im scared about the road ahead too.... i also just want my 12 weeks scan to be here already so i know baby is ok! So I can relax a bit and start to feel a bit more pregnant!! Im scared of having twins... as it runs in the family and have been told by two psychics im going to have twins, im scared of pooping during labour too lol! xxx
I was most scared of how I'd be able to cope with a baby- turns out I was right to be so, it never ends, as opposed to labout, weight gain, etc.!
I'm scared I'll have a baby that doesn't sleep! I have friends who have babies that slept through the night from a few weeks, but I also have friends whose babies wake up every hour! I know which I'd rather have! x
Very scared of labour, the whole thing terrifies me and i actually do get myself in a bit of a tizz if i sit and think about it properly for long enough. Also worried about how i'll cope with looking after a new baby, i have no experience with kids so it's all a bit overwhelming xx
I feel like I'm scared of everything!

A Labour
B Weight Gain
C Pregnancy going tits up
D Sick Baby
E All of the above (TICK)
i feel soo scared of it all, am going to be bringing up this baby alone althought i have a fabulous network to help.
Im scared about hw im going to provide and i know these things sort themselves out. Im a born worrier but sooo sooo excited.
I wouldnt say im scared of labour, its more the unexpected and not knowing if i can do that part of it. xx
I am most petrifed of being a crap mother! I have had an 'interesting' up brining with loads of good times but equally as many bad times.... I am just scared that I will make the same mistakes....

The weight gain aslo worries me, but I have battled with weight issues before so I am sure I can again!

The labour doesn't worry me half as much as the above two issues! xx
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Everything scares me, i've never done this before so it's all very new and very scarey! In a good way though lol

Though i am terrified aswell that i will poo on the midwife...

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