What were you most scared of?

I think my biggest fear is tearing during delivery, I think this scares me more than the actual birth itself xx
It sounds daft but im terrified of the pain of baby crowning I had episiotomy with my first so didnt feel it

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I had a MMC where I eneded up in A&E for not stopping bleeding, and had tranfsusions etc , then with birth of my last baby , I wouldn't stop bleeding last time even after they stitched up my uterus (c-section), and so I have a patch now inside apparently! So If I get pregnant again, I'm scared of being a right bleeder!! ha
I'm still scared of something going wrong before baby is born even though I'm now feeling movement and have no reason to think anything will go wrong. Guess it all just seems so surreal and it's hard to believe that in 4 months I'll be a mummy!
Weirdly I am looking forward to labour! I've always wanted to know what it's like, and I think I have a high pain threshold so it doesn't worry me in the slightest. Will see how I feel on the day haha!

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