Hmm Im not really missing much to be honest
I didnt really drink alcohol anyway so thats not really been a change for me.
I have gone right off eggs lol the thought of them quite frankly turns my stomach so no runny eggs hasnt been a problem lol
I have found pastuerized alternatives for when I fancy baked camembert and crusty bread....mmmmmm damn made myself hungry lol
Im still eating all the fish/shellfish that I ever have done and to be honest Im loving it even more than before

To be honest if its prepared right pretty much anything is a ok to eat so Im either cooking it myself or getting it from good restaurants
Tea/coffee etc, I never really drank coffee so thats no bother, and I have switched to decaf tea which I think tastes exactly the same so Im happy, I ave cut down the diet coke, but I havent cut it out, so im not missing that either
hmmm.....what else
oh actually pate, I havent really missed it...until hubby had some on toast the other day....and I could have easily stolen it off his plate lol
as for non food stuff, sleeping is getting to be a pain in the arse Im missing sleeping past like 2 in the morning, I seem to wake at 2 and then toss and turn all night not being able to get comfy
Oh I miss being able to shop all day long, quite frankly my shopping skills before pregnancy were something to be marvelled at lol I would be there before shops opening for brekkie, then all day shopping and finish my day off with dinner and a I just cant do it, I need to stop for a sit down and a break all the flipping time, and Im lucky to do half a days shopping, this it troublesome for someone like me who LOVES to shop ......however I think hubby is quite gratefull lol
Miss my high heels, along with my love of shopping is my love of shoes, and I have all these gorgeous shoes that I just cant face wearing at the moment lol So I am living in flip flops
Oh and I miss meeting up with friends/family and their first question not being 'hows bump?' 'hows baby' 'you still feeling sick' etc etc etc and the rest of the conversation being them telling me things that I should/shouldnt be doing, they werent like that before why are they doing it now lol