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You can eat some seafood, things like prawns are absolutely fine, but you do need to make sure they are definitely fresh and well cooked. The risk with seafood in most cases is that its easy to get food poisoning from them, rather than there actually being a problem with them.

BabyCenter's seafood advice:

Most fish are safe to eat in pregnancy, provided that you cook them properly.

Fresh, raw seafood is potentially risky because it can contain parasites, such as tapeworms. Tapeworms can make you ill and sap your body of the nutrients that you and your baby need. If you're eating in a Japanese restaurant, ask for your fish to be well cooked. Japanese restaurants often lightly sear fish on the outside, then serve it rare.

Sushi sold in supermarkets is usually fine to eat. Even though it often contains raw fish, it will have been frozen beforehand which kills the tapeworm parasites. If you're buying sushi that's been freshly made in a restaurant or shop, check with staff that they use raw fish that has been frozen.

Raw fish that has been smoked, such as smoked salmon and mackerel, is also safe for you to eat. Smoking the fish kills any parasites. Other methods, such as salting or pickling, also make raw fish safe to eat.

If you enjoy raw oysters, mussels and other shellfish, you'll need to stop eating these during pregnancy. Raw shellfish may be contaminated with harmful bacteria and viruses that can cause food poisoning. You're more susceptible to food poisoning during pregnancy.

Food poisoning from raw fish won't harm your baby, but it can make you feel very unwell. However, if you thoroughly cook shellfish, this will kill any bacteria and viruses and make it safe to eat.

When you are cooking seafood at home, follow the guidelines below to make it safe to eat:

  • If you are cooking whole fish or fillets, check that it's cooked by slipping the point of a sharp knife into the flesh and pulling it aside. The flesh should be opaque, with flakes beginning to separate.
  • When you've taken the fish out the oven, or turned the heat off the hob, let it stand for three to four minutes to finish cooking.
  • Prawns and lobster turn red when cooked, and the flesh becomes pearly opaque. Scallops appear milky white or opaque and firm.
  • For clams, mussels, and oysters, watch for the point at which their shells open, which indicates that they're done. Throw out any that remain closed after cooking.
  • When microwaving seafood, check several spots to ensure that it has cooked properly.
  • You could use a food thermometer to check that your seafood has reached a temperature of at least 63 degrees C. Then you'll know for sure that it’s cooked and ready to eat.
When choosing oily fish, bear in mind that they can contain some environmental pollutants, such as PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and dioxins. So it's best that you don't have more than two portions a week.

Oily fish is good for you, so it's still important to include it in your meals. It contains omega 3 fatty acids and other vitamins and nutrients which are good for you and your developing baby. There are plenty of oily fish to choose from, such as:

  • salmon
  • trout
  • mackerel
  • herring
  • sardines
  • pilchards
  • kipper
  • eel
  • whitebait
  • fresh tuna
  • anchovies
Bear in mind that you'll have to limit how much tuna you eat to four medium-sized cans or two steaks per week. Tuna contains mercury, which won’t harm you, but too much can harm your baby's developing nervous system.

Shark, swordfish and marlin contain much higher levels of mercury, so you shouldn't eat these fish at all while you're pregnant.

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cheese! cant touch it now (any kind) makes me gag lol x
I've had loads of seafood. I even had sushi yesterday and smoked salmon sandwiches. Yum!! So you can still have your prawn cocktail on Xmas Day!!

Also, you can still have pasturised soft cheeses so as long as you get pasturised brie (most are these days), you can still have it.

I've also had runny eggs right through my pregnancy, as long as I know they are lion stamped. In fact, I had carbonara yesterday for dinner with raw egg yolks in (only cooked by the heat of the pasta).

The only things I have really tried to avoid are blue cheese (although I did have some for the first time at the beginning of this week) and pate (although I have had a couple of mouthfuls on 2 or 3 occasions.
I rather not risk it for the sake of a few months! Im not a fan of 'cooked' seafood, can so easily be under cooked so just staying away!
I miss having the odd glass of wine with dinner not that I dranka lot before but still a nice wind down thing sso missing being able to stay awake on about 4 hrs sleep as I now need a minimum of 8 plus a nap where possible! And missing gettin out of bed and not being sick roll on that passing soon lol otherwise I'm happy enough :) x
i have missed pate but beef spread has been doing the trick!
Ive missed pate, parma ham, runny eggs and soldiers (kiddy meal I know!), the odd glass of rose, KFC used to eat lots of kfc before but making an extra effort to avoid it. Surprised my body hasn't gone into shock ha xxx
wine and pate! I was complaining to my midwife that I really missed prawns during my last pregnancy and she explained its only raw prawns you can't eat so as long as they are white/pink (not grey) they are fine to eat and a healthy alternative to red meat. So plenty of yummy thai green prawn curries here!!! (but definitely missing the glass of rose to wash it down with - alcohol free becks is doing the trick atm)
I love the prawn sandwiches in tesco now I can't have it.
i miss painting my little stumpy toes and how they look afterwards when done, i cant even reach them. Make the most of painting your toes ladies :)
Then its definatly a pint of lager x
i miss painting my little stumpy toes and how they look afterwards when done, i cant even reach them. Make the most of painting your toes ladies :)
Then its definatly a pint of lager x

I've discovered my OH is a dab hand and painting toe nails!!!!! Ha ha ha - always worth getting them to give it a go...........
Was just thinking that I can onlyjust paint my toes now!! been trying to show hubbie how to do it but dont think it is going to work!!
Oooh exciting, mind you convinced that im due the 22nd tho as the dates dont fit but I have to trust the doctors dont ya!! whens your 20 week scan? Mines the 2nd!
i miss pate too! love it

Also my glass of white wine on a saturday night, i didnt drink much before i was pregnant but did always have a glass of wine at the weekend.

I have to say most of the banned foods i dont like, hate seafood.
prawn salad or prawn sandwich is fine as long as the prawns have been cooked before (as long as they are white or pink - not grey) they are fine to eat

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