What names can't you use/are you not brave enough to use?

I love Padmé for a little girl pronounced PAD-MAY my boys picked it because they are big star wars fans although i don't think i could get away with it the only meaning i could find was 'wife of dark' ..... :think:
I wouldn't want her getting teased for being darth vadars mrs!
mum's the word said:
I like the name Joby but it gets such a negative response and I don't know why-anyone think it's awful and can explain?!! It makes me laugh when names are suggested and people say 'that's old-fashioned' loads of names that are popular at the moment would have sounded old fashioned a few years ago, and if they'd been used 30+ years ago would have been hated. I wish I could be more adventurous and brave with names, but all it takes is one look of distaste from family/friends and I'm immediately put off.
I've worked in schools for over 10 years and it is AMAZING how many names you go off because the child is naughty, or names you begin to like for the opposite reason, there's one very poopular boys name I won't mention that every child I've come across with that name is really challenging, having said that they've been characters I suppose! :shhh:

My Brothers name is Jozef but i have always called him Joby! I love it!
Cixes said:
My Brothers name is Jozef but i have always called him Joby! I love it!

That's my brother's name too! Exact same spelling lol!! :D

When I have children, I want to go for a Polish name - one that isn't too 'foreign' sounding, but different. My boyfriend is half Polish but his dad changed his surname to a more English-sounding name - so my boyfriend's name is very plain and boring!! :P I haven't found any names I really, really like yet.

My Mum wanted to have my initials as EJOG (hedgehog), but was told no. My Dad wanted to call me Mercedes Porsche - and strangely enough, my boyfriend's surname is a make of car too - imagine if my Dad had had his way!! :oops: I hope to be kinder to my children than that :P
Em89 said:
Cixes said:
My Brothers name is Jozef but i have always called him Joby! I love it!

That's my brother's name too! Exact same spelling lol!! :D

When I have children, I want to go for a Polish name - one that isn't too 'foreign' sounding, but different. My boyfriend is half Polish but his dad changed his surname to a more English-sounding name - so my boyfriend's name is very plain and boring!! :P I haven't found any names I really, really like yet.

My Mum wanted to have my initials as EJOG (hedgehog), but was told no. My Dad wanted to call me Mercedes Porsche - and strangely enough, my boyfriend's surname is a make of car too - imagine if my Dad had had his way!! :oops: I hope to be kinder to my children than that :P

Its a cool name isn't it!! My Granddad is Polish so thats where it comes from in our family.
Cixes said:
Its a cool name isn't it!! My Granddad is Polish so thats where it comes from in our family.

Yes it is! My Granddad was Hungarian lol... :)
I love Willow for a girl (we have agreed on a boy already). I'd just be woried about the impact of an unusual name on a child once they go to school. Don't want them to be teased.
Choices choices...
i started thinking about names before we started trying. i LOVE the name Ruby for a girl...but my partner is ginger so knowing my luck (if we had a girl) she'd be ginger (or her hair would turn ginger as she grew up) and get bullied for the name! we're thinking Chloe for a girl.
he likes the name Noah for a boy...but i'm not sure. i like Theo better.
i like the name Levi as a middle name for a boy but only cuz i'm not brave enough to use it as a first name! lol

I want ed to call Imogen Piper - I absolutely love it. And when he said i couldnt I cried alot because i was seriously gutted.

But i love the name she has now though, if I have aother child and its a girl, she will be a Piper and another american state as a middle name as both my kids do now!

People think im mad but its all about taste and personal prefernce, i say balls to what other people say about name choices, its upto us the parents.
I wish people would get this whole 'kids being bullied for having an unusual name' out of their heads.

I have an unusual name and have never been bullied and have loved having it. I wouldn't want to be called anything normal now.

Unless it has any unusual connotations with surnames, initials, etc. then an unusual name is great. I'm so grateful to my parents

I've only ever had positive comments about how lovely my name is.

ASD123456 said:
beanie said:
Oh this was a source of tension for me and OH. If we have a boy I want to call him Felix, I love the name. OH is scared others will tease him, and say he is called after cat food. We rowed so much about this :(

Exactly the same situation here, Rudy would have been Felix if I had my way- I LOVE it but OH kept trying to put me off with the whole cat thing etc. It was a sore subject for a while. I love the name Rudy though so it's not too bad, the next boy can be Felix ( :? )

I also really like the name Harry or Harriet for a girl but OHs (Rudy and any others would have his surname) surname is Harrison so to much of the same sound.

I just had to jump in here because I love the name Rudy but thinking I'd never have any more, I called my CAT it! I do like Felix though...
I liked Mia, but OH is in army and said "eww no! M.I.A...missing in action? Cant have that!! :roll:
ninjawomble said:
I liked Mia, but OH is in army and said "eww no! M.I.A...missing in action? Cant have that!! :roll:

I would never have thought that in a million years. :? I tell ya, our guys make this way too difficult!
shesmurf said:
I love Willow for a girl (we have agreed on a boy already). I'd just be woried about the impact of an unusual name on a child once they go to school. Don't want them to be teased.
Choices choices...

Willow's the best name ever

I like some pretty strange names. My OH had to hold me back. Off the top of my head, some were
Morgana- though I don't like it now

It's not so much that I even like them as names, I just like them as sounds
I really like Ezra for a boy, but my OH can't stand it, I also like Rudi and Ruben, but again he's not letting me go there.

I love Edie for a girl, but OH say's it makes him think of an old lady!!

Really stuck this time on what names to go for with this baby!!
[/quote]Willow's the best name ever

I like some pretty strange names. My OH had to hold me back. Off the top of my head, some were
Morgana- though I don't like it now

It's not so much that I even like them as names, I just like them as sounds[/quote]

Luna is my fav from that list:)
I think Willow is out I'm afraid - mum pointed out willow makes you think tall, slim and graceful. Our child will be none of those since I'm 5ft3" and curvy at best and between the two of us it doesn't stand much chance of being graceful - especially the more charming things Ive picked up last couple of months like loud burping and a lot of wind :lol: but it hurts if I hold it in :oops:

However we have agreed two girls and two boys:
Alexander or Cameron and Rowan or Eva. Rowan is my fav but having seen Wall-e the movie a while back Eva stuck with me so that's back up!
Who on here called there new lil one meadow? I thinks that absolutly beautiful!!!

If we were to ever have a boy I wana shove the name roland in there somewere..........DH says No way!!!! (sentimental wedding day reasons!)

seriously though I love unusal names, I have never known a child to get bullied for a strange name, OH loves hope & joy, which are cool, I love fern!!

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