What names can't you use/are you not brave enough to use?

We really like Miley but a bit unsure what with Miley Sirus/Hannah Montana being so popular at the moment. :think:
Partners Sirname is O'Hara so everybody says to call her scarlette lol! but im not keen. Think were settled on Summer, i love that name but its quite popular now and i would have preffered something more unusual. not sure on middlename, i like Blossom or eve but would sound strange with Summer!!
I really like Lana, but considering what it says if you read it backwards I could never ever name my child like that!
I really like Connor but don't think it sits well with our surname (Caudwell), I'm not completely closed off to it, I'm just not sure.

We are also reluctant to chose any first names beginning with R, there are plenty that we like but my husband and I are both Rs and it could get a bit confusing when the post arrives :wink:

We like a few Arabic and Indian names as well but as neither of us are from those backgrounds we think it might be a bit too 'out-there'. I love some of those names though :)
ooh I think Connor Caudwell sounds lovely, really nice ring to it
scones said:
I love the name India for a girl but I wouldnt use it, shame as I love it, its so pretty

I know a girl called Indiana (India for short) I LOVE the name.

OH vetoed Jensen which I LOVED for Riley, but we were so stuck for him I didn't really have that many names I wanted for him, it was so hard. SOme names OH suggested were way to normal for me. Some people here might think after the becks thing I would veto Riley but I like the name and am not going to give a toss about stuff like that :lol:
when i was pregnant with grace i really wanted owen for a boys name until my so called best mate (lol) pointed out that i would sound like an obsessed take that fan................... imagine shouting them in when they are older!!! also H is michael and is a mad newcastle fan. mark owen or michael owen. then after all that she was a girl. we had grace picked out from day one for a girl. i liked lilly but DH hates it.
me and my boyf like the name Snake if we ever have a son... dunno if im brave enough to use it tho!
I know too many dogs and horses and whenever my husband or i think of a name it reminds me of a dog!
Cosmopolitan said:
I really like Lana, but considering what it says if you read it backwards I could never ever name my child like that!

Haha never saw it like that before, that one's deffo off my list now :shock:
I really like Matilda for a girl (shortened to Tilly) and Ellis for a boy but my hubbie hates both of them :(
I've always loved the name Portia for a girl! There is a character called Portia in Shakespeare's 'The Merchant Of Venice', which is where I got the name from.

My OH really likes it too, it's one of the only names we actually both like... but when I've mentioned it to other people, most of them have asked me why I would name my Daughter after a car! (as in Porsche)! Someone actually said 'Oh you might as well push the boat out and make her middle name Mercedes'! :roll:
just remembered another boys' name i love- felix- but cant use coz its a cat food :roll:

*EDIT* just read back the topic, and i see beanie you have the same problem! :wall: :hug:
scones said:
I love the name India for a girl but I wouldnt use it, shame as I love it, its so pretty

i met a little girl called indijah at my parents' bonfire last nite- she's absolutely beautiful and i love how her name is spelled
zebrastripes said:

i love that name too! wolfgang amadeus mozart had THE BEST NAME EVER!!!

i like wolfgang, love amadeus

i also liked the way slobadan milosevic sounded when i heard it on the news, but from the snippets i heard i think he was a bit of an asshole so thats a no-no
My OH told me the other day he liked the name Miley! I dont think he realised it is made up by Miley Cyrus :lol: It is cute though and if it werent for Hannah Montana I maybe would have used it! Then again though Miley Mottershead doesnt quite sound right heehee
trixipaws said:
scones said:
I love the name India for a girl but I wouldnt use it, shame as I love it, its so pretty

i met a little girl called indijah at my parents' bonfire last nite- she's absolutely beautiful and i love how her name is spelled

I still love the name India but I love it spelt India because of the country, its so amazing there.
valentine said:
trixi, are you broody by any chance? :D


Valentine Xxx

:rotfl: :talkhand: noooooooooooooooooo not yet! hehe

its ironic realy that iv been reading this thread because most women seem to LOVE thinking about baby names- even before theyre pregnant- i was the opposite i HATED it it was the massivest chore ever with such a huge responsibility and i was like this :talkhand: and putting fingers in my ears going "lalalalala" until i was 35 weeks pregnant! and u may have noticed i dont come in this section that often! lol but i saw a topic that catched my eye on the main index about the name phoenix and it reminded me of the name felix which i like and idk i just read all the thread hehe!

so no sorry, no more baby trixies just yet! on day tho, promise! :wink:

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