What names can't you use/are you not brave enough to use?

I love the name India for a girl but I wouldnt use it, shame as I love it, its so pretty
beanie said:
Oh this was a source of tension for me and OH. If we have a boy I want to call him Felix, I love the name. OH is scared others will tease him, and say he is called after cat food. We rowed so much about this :(

I LOVE Felix. Such a fantastic name.
ninjawomble said:
I liked Mia, but OH is in army and said "eww no! M.I.A...missing in action? Cant have that!! :roll:

A lady I know, in one of the classes at her kids school there is a Mia, Tia and Kia :shock:
my husband wanted to call green bean "Randy" - i said he's already going to be randy if he takes after his dad in any way, we don't need to name him it as well!
I love Ava for a girl but don't know if I would actually use it & now SIL (from HELL!) has decided thats whats she's going to have if LO is a girl.

I also like Dayle for a girl but DH said no.

For a boy I like Noah & Osha but he says no.
Oooh names is a massive bone of contention in our house.... mainly everything i like DH hates :wall:

The girls names he has vetoed so far are:


And boys well everything i have ventured so far...

Jack (surnames does begin with a J so understandable!)

I'm totally stuck for names.... this baby may well remain nameless :lol:
I've always liked unusual names, but my OH and family laugh! For my son we liked loads but ended up deciding on 'Aiden' which my family thought was unusual, wait until they hear my ideas for this one!



My other half does like Cole but none of the girls names.
We went with fairly unusual names for our two, Shea and Micah, but stuck with more traditional middle names - mostly to keep the grandparents happy :roll:
I liked Gabriel but OH said no straight off, he thought it was too religious.
My first choices were Gideon and Violet, which I love. But everyone hates the name Gideon including the OH. He also says Violet will get called Vi, which reminds him of the Cray twins mother. :roll:

I'm gently working on Gabriel, but he also thinks it's too religious. I've got plenty time to wear him down. :D
I Love Violet, but sometimes in my head I say VioleNt :? I won't let it put me off though, I think it's soooo pretty :)
I love Violet too, and was a contender for Thomas, but I dont like 'Vi' I liked Xavier but it was a bit too unusual for boring me :oops: I like names with family links and meaning.
My DH has decided for a girl he likes thorn!! erm!!!!!!!
Potbelijo said:
My first choices were Gideon and Violet, which I love. But everyone hates the name Gideon including the OH. He also says Violet will get called Vi, which reminds him of the Cray twins mother. :roll:

I'm gently working on Gabriel, but he also thinks it's too religious. I've got plenty time to wear him down. :D

I love Gideon but my OH doesn't :roll:
scones said:
I love the name India for a girl but I wouldnt use it, shame as I love it, its so pretty

Me too!

I also love Hermione (as in granger lol)

and an old fashioned one which my OH won't even consider :roll: is Mary! I love it.

He loved Tahira?? Never even heard of it LOL
these are names i want but my hubby is having none of it, i dont like any of the names he chooses so this baby aint gonna have a name :shakehead:

My friend wanted to call their baby Madaline but their surname is Cowley so her hubby thought the poor love would get called Mad Cow!!!

I really liked the name Snowdrop :lol: when we were thinking of names for Freya - am so glad we didn't go with that now!!!!
OH wanted Troy... but I was afraid because of the film.. lol, so wouldnt let him. It was a toss up ( :lol: ) between Corey and Tyler... but friends of ours have a 5yo, and there are 3 tylers in his class... and no Corey's. Really he'd been corey since day 1, OH just had to cave in.

He also suggested Holly had it have been a girl - My surname is Holly, and seen as we are not married (yet) we hadnt yet decided who's name bubba was going to get, his or mine. Holly Holly would not have been cool tho.
I love the name Hermione too but wouldn't use it as I wouldn't like the " Oh like off Harry Potter" comments! I did like Angelina for Lucy but I didn't want the "oh like Jolie" comments lol! Its a shame when you think of a lovely name and then something comes on tv with that name and your put off using it! :(
I love Luna too! It was a tough choice this time! OH loved Luna too but everyone said "loony??" :wall: So annoying but something she would have to deal with all her life so went for Lola! Though now everyone goes "Her name was Lola, she was a show girl" I say no Im naming her after the transvestite in the Kinks song! :lol:
Archie (my colleague's son is called Archie)
Benny (but wouldn't want it shortened to Ben)
Bobby (but wouldn't want it shortened to Bob)
Riley (my cousin's son is called Riley)
Keegan (my Dad is a Geordie & my surname is Priestman so it wouldn't go anyway!)

Samia (but wouldn't want it shortened to Sam)
Lexie (but wouldn't want it shortened/altered)

LisaJ, don't worry about A.Blackman! I went to school with a lad called Iain Ball, it was in year 8 when the class discovered that he was "I.Ball" lol We thought it was cool though, he was quite popular! Plus, my surname is Priestman, and everyone used to say to me "is your dad a Priest, maaaaaan?" in like a Jamaican accent! :roll: xx


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