What names can't you use/are you not brave enough to use?

If I had a boy he couldn't be called Connor...

My surname is Cope.

With the Stoke accent it would sound like ''Can't Cope'' ( I Conner Cope. )

My Dad want's us all to name the grandkids : Connor, Micros, Teles and any other scope :evil: Fat chance lol!
I always loved Beth/ Bethany as a girls name, but our surname begins with a J so it was just a big no no. because of what the initials spelled. and i know she would have got teased coz my OH did all through school because he came begins with B. Though it didnt stop OH's parents giving him and his brothers all BJ names :? . The other name i love is Lily but felt like i couldnt use it as SIL's brothers little girl is called that. And she was born on my birthday which is right near my due date.Also Rose but i decided i didnt like her being called Rosie and wouldnt want to have to keep correcting people. Haha funny that they are both girls name anyway and im having a boy.
My favourite boy's name is Jesse but can't use it, partly because OH doesn't like it (ie. 'you big Jessie'), and also my sister is called Jessica.

I also really wanted to call this baby either Hardy or Kirby (both for boys) but I think they're just too unusual.

I love Wilf for a little boy too but OH doesn't :(

I like Justin but couldn't have an Austin and a Justin.

For girls I love Matilda but OH's not keen, and Holly but my niece is called Molly so that wouldn't work either!
i like Lola for a girl ( think leland and lola go nice ? ) but oh wont let me cos of the women with big boobs and the song :(
he like serenity , but it would prob be called seren for short

boys names , not really got anything i cant use , i woudlnt use david ( cos of david platt from corrie) and i cant use andrew ( cos my arsewhole of rather will think its named after him)

tbh , we'd be totally stuck for another boys name ! leland is so unusal , how do we follow it !!!!
I really loved Giacomo but just knew it would be shortened to Jack, which is too popular for my tastes,.
badgergirl said:
I've got a similar problem to daftscotslass - I work in a school (ironically, since most of my work is with kids who don't go to school!), and nearly every name we came up with had negative connotations for me.

And me! As a teacher I've taught grotty kids with almost every name!!! No Connies though :cheer:
We both like the name Kaia but can't use it, it would just be silly and confusing.
With the last name Tymens, Justin definitely is out. The bloke almost sneaked "Annie" past me, though, until I twigged
Love this thread - I have a store of unusual names that I probably shouldn't use .... we'll see hahaha!
I love mythological names from Greek and Roman stories eg. Juno, Isis, Megaera and Nyx. But they're a bit out there.
And I've got quite a few french girl's names I like (I'm of French heritage) eg. Raine, Vivienne, Larue (which my moher hates with a passion lol!!!) but the only French boy's name I like is Dax which is a bit severe.
They're all a bit odd but I love them. I bet I'll chicken out and end up calling my little one John or Jane :D

Oddly enough, I'm seriously considering Valentine if I have a girl - baby's due the day after Valentine's Day!
With the last name Tymens, Justin definitely is out. The bloke almost sneaked "Annie" past me, though, until I twigged
Love this thread - I have a store of unusual names that I probably shouldn't use .... we'll see hahaha!
I love mythological names from Greek and Roman stories eg. Juno, Isis, Megaera and Nyx. But they're a bit out there.
And I've got quite a few french girl's names I like (I'm of French heritage) eg. Raine, Vivienne, Larue (which my moher hates with a passion lol!!!) but the only French boy's name I like is Dax which is a bit severe.
They're all a bit odd but I love them. I bet I'll chicken out and end up calling my little one John or Jane :D

Oddly enough, I'm seriously considering Valentine if I have a girl - baby's due the day after Valentine's Day!
*MARLEY* said:
And I've got quite a few french girl's names I like (I'm of French heritage) eg. Raine, Vivienne, Larue (which my moher hates with a passion lol!!!) but the only French boy's name I like is Dax which is a bit severe.

My sister used our girl name for my niece as she borrowed our baby name book and it had our faves list written in the front from thinking of DS name.

Raine was a fore runner for a girl last time,

my sis spells my nieces name Reiyne. I think its beautiful and really suits her
I like the name Joby but it gets such a negative response and I don't know why-anyone think it's awful and can explain?!! It makes me laugh when names are suggested and people say 'that's old-fashioned' loads of names that are popular at the moment would have sounded old fashioned a few years ago, and if they'd been used 30+ years ago would have been hated. I wish I could be more adventurous and brave with names, but all it takes is one look of distaste from family/friends and I'm immediately put off.
I've worked in schools for over 10 years and it is AMAZING how many names you go off because the child is naughty, or names you begin to like for the opposite reason, there's one very poopular boys name I won't mention that every child I've come across with that name is really challenging, having said that they've been characters I suppose! :shhh:
Aramintalovegrove: I love Raine, but I wouldn't want people assuming I'm a hippy!!! I know you shouldn't worry about what other people think, say, yadda yadda yadda, but you just can't help it, can you???
When I mentioned Raine an aquaintance replied, "Why not just call her Sunshine and be done with it?" :x I actually love it because it means 'queen' - and what a great meaning for a girl!

Mumstheword: I think a lot of classic names are coming back into use; names like Amelia and Alfie haven't been used in a while, but now you hear them more often, I think. And the great thing about classic names, they'll never be laughable!
I seem to have far more trouble with my boy names than girl names.

For boys, I like but probably couldn't use :

James - I have a friend named James, wouldn't want him thinking I named my first child after him! Also, I'm not too fond of "Jim".
Jack - It's my Grandpa's name, but my oldest sister sort of has dibs on this if ever she has a boy :(
Valor - DH and my entire family HATE this name!! Why!?? :( I knew someone with this name when I was a wee kid, and I've always liked it. And then I could call him Val...and I do love me some Val Kilmer! :lol:
Callum - LOVE this name!! I'm not sure if DH would go for this as it's not very common here in the states, as if that's a good excuse! :?
Owen - My cousin that lives half-way across the country has a little boy named Owen. I don't think I should copy her.

With Girls I've mostly drawn a blank as far as names go, but my short list consists of:

Mila - Another cousin of mine has this name :( What's with them snagging all the good ones!
Emma - LOVE this name also!! I think it's absolutely darling, but when I tossed it out to DH he sort of scoffed at it :(

And that's it for my girls list! :shock: I better have a boy when the time comes because I seem totally inept to come up with girl names. :lol:
Val Kilmer...........yes please! Val's great for a boy (although I think Val Kilmer was Valerie - boy guy!)
OH really liked the name Joey, but his surname is Barton and a footballer has just been sent to jail named Joey Barton!
beanie said:
Oh this was a source of tension for me and OH. If we have a boy I want to call him Felix, I love the name. OH is scared others will tease him, and say he is called after cat food. We rowed so much about this :(

Exactly the same situation here, Rudy would have been Felix if I had my way- I LOVE it but OH kept trying to put me off with the whole cat thing etc. It was a sore subject for a while. I love the name Rudy though so it's not too bad, the next boy can be Felix ( :? )

I also really like the name Harry or Harriet for a girl but OHs (Rudy and any others would have his surname) surname is Harrison so to much of the same sound.
I love Rosie but OH's surname is Bowell. Rosie Bowell
My surname is ruff so we could just hyphen the two

Rosie Ruff Bowell

The poor child! :rotfl: :rotfl:

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