I seem to have far more trouble with my boy names than girl names.
For boys, I like but probably couldn't use :
James - I have a friend named James, wouldn't want him thinking I named my first child after him! Also, I'm not too fond of "Jim".
Jack - It's my Grandpa's name, but my oldest sister sort of has dibs on this if ever she has a boy
Valor - DH and my entire family HATE this name!! Why!??

I knew someone with this name when I was a wee kid, and I've always liked it. And then I could call him Val...and I do love me some Val Kilmer!
Callum - LOVE this name!! I'm not sure if DH would go for this as it's not very common here in the states, as if that's a good excuse!
Owen - My cousin that lives half-way across the country has a little boy named Owen. I don't think I should copy her.
With Girls I've mostly drawn a blank as far as names go, but my short list consists of:
Mila - Another cousin of mine has this name

What's with them snagging all the good ones!
Emma - LOVE this name also!! I think it's absolutely darling, but when I tossed it out to DH he sort of scoffed at it
And that's it for my girls list!

I better have a boy when the time comes because I seem totally inept to come up with girl names.