What is your reason to loose/put on weight?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Hi girls!

Well, the question is in the subject. My reason and biggest motivation is that I want to have another baby (start trying when Danny will be 2). I just understand, that if i get pregnant with what I have now, my tummy will stretch to my knees :roll: :shock: And, of course, just being healthy and wanting to get into size 10 clothes.

What is yours? I think, it is importaint to remind yourself why are you doing this.

I want to be healthy for myself and my kids, and i want too look good in jeans! Iii fed up bg time of being overweight and my stomach sagging and other areas :rotfl: if i didnt laugh seriously i would cry.

If i got over all my issues in life i wouldnt have the urge to eat and chase away the obliterating feelings i have.

If i was happy id be thin!
I want to lose weight so that I can look gd again :(
I want to lose weight for a number of reasons. We want to have another baby next year and I dont want to add to the weight I already have, I want to be a size 10 again, I want to wear nice clothes and feel sexy for my husband. I'm big and covered in cellulite and its awful :oops:
my reason to put on weight is to be healthier and to be a good role model to my daughter and to be more attractive to my boyf. i need to fill a bra again!
I just want to be able to wear what I want with confidence instead of feeling like everyone is laughing at me and thinking 'Look at her, she hasn't lost her baby belly' :cry:
my reason for wanting to loose weight is because im fat and soo unhappy,
pregnancy raviged my body and i hate it dont think il ever get back to how i was :(
I'm getting married next year, so I want to look good in my wedding dress :D

Also, non of my normal clothes fit me at the moment! still wearing my early term jeans and cheapy asda tracky bottoms! :oops:
I want to lose weight so I'll be around long enough to see my children grow up. My Mum died when she was 42 (I was 15) from a heart attack and she was a big lady. My Dad died when he was 60 (in 2002) from the same thing, he was also a big guy. The postmortoms on both of them was the same - blocked arteries. I am scared I will die young too if I don't do something about it, and as I get closer to 40 it terrifies me more :?

Also we have been TTC for almost 15 months and I think that my weight is the main reason I'm not getting PG.
happy_chick said:
I want to be healthy and happy :)

Same here. I've needed to lose weight for a while and have even more since I was pregnant. Was at work today saying bye to everyone for the summer and one of the kids gave me a big hug, prodded me in the belly and said innocently, "are you pregnant again?".

my reason for wanting to lose weight is so that i cn feel happy within myself again :(
to get back in to a size 10-12 rather than a 16-18 :oops: :oops: :oops: and too loose at least 3 stone by the time christopher is 2 (this nov) so we can start ttc#2..but after watching that Britians biggest babies there is no way i would get preggo now as im too over weight :oops: i wouldnt risk mine or a unborn childs life. and i want to feel nice and slim for OH :hug:
vanity :oops:

I want a toned belly back again- I'm fed up with it hanging over my jeans!
Awww, girlies! :hug: :hug: :hug: We have to try to think about what we want every day! For me it is so easy to loose my motivation. Have to tell myself every single day that with all this extra weight i am not getting anywhere :(

I was always quite curvy, but I was curvy, not fat! I really hate to look at my body in the mirror. All I can see a huge fat tum with strechmarks :cry: When i am lying down, I can even shake my boobs without touching them, just by moving my tummy! :shock:

God, please, please give us strengh to do this! :pray: :pray: :pray:
A few reasons for me, apart from the first one they're in no particular order as they're all important

1 - get healthy, I'm fed up of feeling rubbish (I often get really bad digestion problems due to weight)

2 - get fit, I want to have kids and want to be able to run around after them without feeling like an elephant

3 - to get pregnant, I know I'll put on weight during pregnancy but I only want to put on baby weight not more me weight!

4 - to feel attactive and sexy again, for me and for DH

5 - to be able to buy clothes easily again and to be able to wear skimpy summer clothes (on days like today it can be torture being covered up)

I think I might write this list somewhere I'll see it often, maybe that'll help my motivation :think:
i want to loose weight and tone up after bean arrives so i fit into my wedding dress :D

and have to agree with Jade, vanity! i loved my body before and want to be toned and healthy again!

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