what do you call your bump???


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2010
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hey everyone....just call my darling bump by so many names, thought id ask what names you guys called all your bumps...had my 17th wk apt today at the hospital with specialist, all going well, heard the little one, only got a quick hear so couldnt tell much, but defo relieved as not getting kicks as yet!

Hows everyone doing....

no kicks for me yet and a few days of 16 weeks but i call my baby bump, original I know!!!
my bump is noodle :) OH came up with it, now my family and work colleagues use it lol! xx
Me and other half used to call baby 'Poppy' as we read somewhere that it was the size of a poppy seed (obviously earlier in the pregnancy lol)

Now its just baby or sometimes Finn (the name were thinking of)
ours started off as pip now my five year old has changed it into pipster! and we all call it this all the time. My little girl 2 calls it baby boy and we are team yellow so we will have to wait and see
Mine is Little sticky, but will let the kids change it when we tell them if they like
OMG Niccilove, i did the same for the same reason and it stuck!! she's now a 5 year old poppy!! x
We did call bump cornflake but now it's Seb or Sebastian-the name we're thinking of x
My first was button till I knew she was a girl then issabelle my second cookie till I knew was a boy and was Rhys till I changed my mind like a month before hand and he became Alexander lol and this one is ickie boo! Im team yellow this time round lol my daughter called bump
awe ickie boo! Once and it stuck lol!! X
Mine's just peanut :) And I'm terrible cos obviously I don't know if it's a girl or a boy yet but I refer to it as 'her' and 'she' automatically :S

JJ, I called my mum's bump 'freddy bobby head' and he ended up being named fred, so your kids could be the ones choosing the actual name lol :)
we call ours jelly bean my dd chose it and i kinda like it im sure if i properly decid on a name it will be called that
I call mine Dappy after Dappy from NDubz. My mates have a little collection going (think it's up to about £400 now!) that they'll give me if I call it Dappy. It's NEVER going to happen so I just humour them and call it Dappy for now.
Mine has been dubbed SPLODGE!

Which is better than tomato which my mother started calling it cause she read the pregnancy book which compared it to veg!

Im like you becky, except opposite lol, I automatically use male pronouns, Even when replying to my sisters question of "Do you know the sex yet?"
"Nope not yet, He isnt big enough"

Fail. Lol
my other half has named ours nugget!! purely because he picked me up for our first scan and i was hungry so we went to mcd's and i had chicken nuggets and he thought it would be hughly amusing if the scan showed up a chicken nugget shaped baby and it's stuck!!! hehe but when we actually went for our scan i was actually 16 weeks not 12!! oops!!

My brother calls it Columbo (i have no idea why)!!!!!!
mines either baby or bump, hubby keeps refereing to "him" but my mum keeps saying "her" so one of them will be right, role on november when we find out!! lol xxx
for some reason my OH has always called the bump 'patsy' - it's not a name we would give, and he thinks it's a boy so NO idea where that came from!
oh calls him "my son" i call him our boy... we always called him naima cuz we thought it was a girl :)
we have nugget....an name OH thought of that has stuck lol, either that or freddy, a name we're thinking of !!!

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