What Do You Call Your Little One?

We call ours "Turnip", as it was a nickname given by a friend. When we find out the sex we'll know whether we are having a Tina or Timmy Turnip (haven't decided on his/her real name yet!).

Sarah xxx
CH0C0H0LIC said:
We call ours "Turnip", as it was a nickname given by a friend. When we find out the sex we'll know whether we are having a Tina or Timmy Turnip (haven't decided on his/her real name yet!).

Sarah xxx

Aww my second son was turnip!! :D
My first son was Sausage! :D
I call mine Baby Boo. That's about it. Or Brandon which is going to be his name! :wink:
Mine was Bean to begin with, then baby bump (as my friend used to sing "you love her baby bump" to Phill)

Then we called baby Trevor after the first scan as i hate calling babies "it" and i was convinced i was having a boy.

After my 4D scan and finding out the sex my mum changed Trevor to Tallulah so she calls her that and i call her Tally atm.

She'll probably get called Tally when she's here too but she wont be called Tally on her brith certificate, i think i've got her name decided now, but depends what she looks like when she pops out.
ours has been called bean (or slightly less glamourous...bean bag!!) or baby since we found out

even though we've picked names for a boy and a girl we're staying team green so it looks like we're stikcking with bean until baby is born.

I think I'm going to find it hard to call them their proper name when they're born...... I'll probably still be calling them bean when they're 18!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
lol ours is also called bumpy! :cheer: :hug:
Started off as blob...then became bump once it started lookin a bit more like one heehee but decided 'bumpy' sounded more affectionate :wink:
aww such cute names lol.
Well, ours was bebe/bubs first then my two year old daughter named my belly Jimmy :lol: noooo idea how or why but she said either timmy or jimmy and we laughed it totaly stuck although it could yet be a girl :rotfl:
my DDs name is Elle but we call her Bella likr the cheese (babybel) just because it rhymes :lol:
Aww loving all the different names and reasons for them girls!!

Lol Noor_usman how cute we both call our LO's Bumpy :cheer:

We dont like saying 'it' either so at least with a nickname around OH's dad (who doesnt want to know what he is) we can call him Bumpy and it could be for either sex, i think it'll be really weird to not call him Bumpy once his born.

So to those who have had their babies/ children and had given them a nickname when they were still inside you was it easy to call them something different after 9months? x

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