what a week ive had

it was very quick i wasnt really prepared for her arrival had a mad rush for my mum n dad to go out and get stuff shes a good sleeper too
well shes settled in really well only wakes once for a feed this morning she woke up at 5.30 her last bottle was at 11 last night. she had been sick an awful lot after feeds so i worked out the bottles i had the milk was coming out to fast for her and they were newborn teets too so got her some tomee tipee onec and shes been very good on them not being sick just lil bits, she has got a sore bum bless her :( but thats with her being small too but shes changing cant belive shes a week already :) im so proud of her and amy and she likes to hold her head up too shes been doing it since she was born
a few more pics of her too


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I'm sorry I've only just seen this, congratulations!! :love:

Where did your pregnancy go?! It only seems like yesterday I was reading Amy's birth story lol!! xx
i know it went so fast lol the midwife says its a good job i came up north lol as they probs of left me to go full term i recon if they did shed be a bit bigger and more weight lol they went made that my old hospital didnt tell me lol as it was really all a shock that i was being induced with her, and how long it took from start of contraction was more of a shock lol they sed i have the quickest birth there on record lol
she really is a good baby like her sister although she likes toeat alot i really cant keep her fed sometimes shes ok, last night she was really good her last bottle was at 1 finished it at 2 as she played around wi it a bit and that was her till 9 this morning i did wake her every four hours but found that when i did that shell just eat and eat but if i leave her to wake herself shell just have what i make up and shes stopped being sick chaned her bottles from cheapies to tommy tippee ones, she has to see a peaditration due to her head being small and everything else being the rght centile line but its just a precaution a they think it might be microcephaly which is what they think amy has too, but when i googled i dont think aamy has it due to what she can do as shes a bit further along than she shud be but there both fine and healthy
they can still be healthy and develope normally mentally but still have this condition i dont want to scare you or anything with all disabilities they can be mild or severe xx

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