my birth experience. WARNING MAY UPSET PEOPLE!!

Just read your story, congratulations, she's beautiful. How is she doing now? I'm so sorry to hear you got treated badly in the first hospital, it sounds like they've given you great care at the lgi though. I live in Leeds and thats where i plan to have my baby, so its nice to hear you've been treated well there. Hope your all doing well xx
rrrrrrrrrrrr I'm crying.....I do feel for you and I am sure she is going to be ok.

All I can say she is beautiful and must be a treasure to you

Donna xx
yeah shes doing really well LGI is great theyve done a really good job, i know i dont have much money but i made a donation to them for helping look after amy i even got them some chocolates and a card to say thanx but they are great
well it was suppose to be wednesday but now that airedale phoned them and say they have a bed for her i dunno know lol im a bit peed off with the hospital coz they phoned this morning asking if i can stay there tomoz night and wee can take her home but phoned at three and they sed that airedale just phoned them saying they have a bed for her i just hope shes only going to be in a night then come home coz lgi sed there is no medical reason for her being in hopefully i can stay there and get her home wednesday
Do they have to move her, is it best for you if she's moved, to get her home from there? I can understand why you wouldn't really want her moved though back to there. Hope she can come home wednesday xx
well it is abit easier for us to get her from there coz OH step mum is american and hasnt really drove to far so she wouldnt no how to get to leeds and she cancelled her plans of bring his grandma over on wednesday so that changed to thursday.

it would be better plus they still havent done her hearing test either shes been in for 5 weeks now i hope we get her this week coz in about 7 weeks she has to go back upto leeds to go back down to theatre aswell and coz she is in leeds atm we havent spent that much time with her aswell well weve been goin up when we can weve been mucked around to mine times im at the brink of say look if you keep saying she can come home and then changing your minds ill end up discharging her because atm shes happy shes alert she putting on weight taking her milk and iss sleep good i hope when she comes down here theyll assess her to see thatshe is well enough to come home and doesnt need the bed that long i know they want best but i think shes alot lot better then she was and doesnt need to be there another baby could be in need of the bed shes using too
:dance:Just read your whole thread, ahh she is lovely, with gorgous big eyes! (perfect for a girly)
Hope she comes home really soon, and you can get down to normal family life then
Huge well done by the way, I think you you have coped so well with all this

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