went to baby clinic today!


Sorry I havent replied for ages - I have been so busy trying to cope with Heidi's constant crying and not sleeping - I have hardly found time to come on here :cry:

Melhoney - I know exactly what you mean - about "ohh isnt she lovely" - yes, we know that they are lovely but we would like some answers!!!

I am even more madder with that doctor now. When I was at the surgery he said "oh I have filled in your red book" - he disappeard with it whilst I was dressing Heidi. Anyway I have now noticed that he has ticked all the boxes on a questions page - questions he was meant to ask me, and what he has done is answer them (without even asking me them!) I happened to come accross the page whilst flicking through :shock:

Anyway long story short - her belly button is weeping now so I rang the docs and I got a prescription - they have given me powders. Mel - Is the Fucidin cream working for Maheen ???? and I am going to make a complaint about that doctor. I am hoping these powders do the trick as it looks very uncomfortable to me and her nappies keep rubbing on it.

I bought some Oilatum as Heidi has exma too - on her face and loads of it on her right ear!!??!!

Mel what are you doing about Maheens eye then? I cannot believe what these doctors are like. :talkhand:

Hope you are all well x

L x
Poor babe, hows the powder working on her belly button?? Are you folding her nappies down Lisa so they dont rub?
Charlie has been constipated, i didnt bother with Dr or HV...instead i looked at old posts on here to see what others recommended. After 3 days she has had a real good poo, afer a couple of mls of warm dilute OJ.
The doc wwho filled in your red book sounds like mine, he asked a couple of Q's but not all of them on the list. It really isnt good enough is it? I think there should be a surgery that is solely for children and babies. The GP's and nurses should have specialised in peadiatrics and be a whole lot more knowledgable in that field than what we get now.
Its a very scary thought our childrens lives are in these peoples hands.
I hope Heidi is settling down a bit now Lisa.
haven't replied for ages either!!! too busy with my little cheeky girl! :lol:

Well, I haven't used the cream yet, because we strated putting antiseptic I got from france, so wanted to see how this would work first, but I got the cream yesterday, and I think I am gonna start using it...though, her belly button is much better, doesn't smell anymore, it still is a bit mucky inside, so will let you know!

For the eye, well, it's not getting better! not the shape of it, it's just getting dirty and mucky over and over again! I could just wash it every 2 minutes!!!!!!!!!! :roll: Tomorrow is the baby clinic, so I will call to get a GP appointment as well, because she can't remain like this! Se is being very good about it, and even smile when I wash it ( must give her some very short-term relief, I guess!), but I am sure it must disturb her! or even her vision!!!!
I'll try seeing another GP, the one I saw for the 6-week check did not impress me! She never asked me any of the red book questions!!!! But you see, I hadread them before hand, and made some notes on a separate paper of all my concerns, so in the end, I think we talked about most things...but only because I mentionned them...otherwise, she was not asking!!! :evil:

Lisa, how is oilatum working?
It had stopped working on Maheen's face (dryness, not eczema), and she did not like it because it's quite thick on the skin, and a friend of mine has given me a bottle of Aveeno, it is so much better for Maheen! She still has spots on her face, but it does not look rash anymore, her skin looks much healthier and is softer!...And she really enjoys me putting it on her face! a real little girl, fond of her day cream, already!!!!!!!! :D :wink:

Hope Heidi's ear is better! I used to suffer from eczema when I was a child, and my cousin used to be covered in it, it's not nice at all! poor little "lovely" baby!!! :wink:

hugs to all,
mel xx
Yes! I too have been busy with my cheeky girl - who is being a right monkey tonight.

The oiltum is working well - it has started to clear up the excema on her ears and the dry skin on her face is not as bad.

Melhoney - what did the doc say about Maheens eye?

L x
Nothing!!! and I took Maheen to baby clinic yesterday again, for weighting,and asked her and she said there was not much to do, but keep on washing it and massaging under the eye to help tears come out more easily! but that's what I am doing already, and we face god days and bad days. Yesterday was not too bad but today it was going mucky all the time!!!! :roll:

By the way, Maheen is now also drinking 180ml per feed, 5 times a day! she strated waking up more at night, so from 120ml we went to 150ml, but she was crying at the end of the feed, like she was still hungry, so we tried 180ml and she took it. Sometimes she will take less, but she is doing fine. She is now 4kg 96 (10lbs 15) she put on nearly 500gr in a week's time!!!!!!! :shock:
so I guess the crying and grixxling was about growing! :wink: She is a bit better but maybe just because we put her more in her bouncer as this is a favourite place!

I know what you mean about feeding times going out of the window when you try to live normally!!! I am due to attend my first session of mother/baby group next thrusday (just before her jabs!!!) and I am dreading it!!! Maheen's feed time is right in the middle of the session! so I have to bring everything for the feed and for the changing! and Lord, That 's gonna be a bag full!!! And waht if she cries!!?? :? :think:
I am a bit worried about it, though I really want to go...want to meet someone to talk to! (though I really lovce this forum, I need to see people!)
Ok, me going to sleep for...well, 3 hours to a max!
Take care,
Mel xx
Cant believe they arent doing anything else about it! - I dont know it makes you wonder whether its worth seeing anyone about anything these days :roll:

Well it is not quarter to 12 and Heidi is still screaming.................D/H is looking after her - i have a major headache and dont know what to do...

L x
melhoney said:
I am due to attend my first session of mother/baby group next thrusday (just before her jabs!!!) and I am dreading it!!! Maheen's feed time is right in the middle of the session! so I have to bring everything for the feed and for the changing! and Lord, That 's gonna be a bag full!!! And waht if she cries!!?? :? :think:
I am a bit worried about it, though I really want to go...want to meet someone to talk to! (though I really lovce this forum, I need to see people!)

Mel if she cries she won't be the only one. Seren nearly always cried at baby group, but now she is ok and other tiny babies are the ones that cry now. Don't let the worry of that put you off, I love my m&b group and have made some great friends, and Seren loves it too. My m&b group provide a changing mat, and bottle warmers so it may be worth enquiring what is provided at yours, lighten your load a bit. Hope you have a good time x

Lisa, at baby massage we were told that when baby is upset it helps to relax their tummy as this gets really tight when upset. We were shown a hold where baby is lying with their head nearest your hand, back against your tummy and your arm along their front, if that makes sense. It might not work but it could be worth a try? I know I have said this on another post but Seren was the same, it does pass honest. She still gets kranky but settles alot quicker x
My mother & baby group has finished :(

You're only allowed to go for 6 weeks then the next set come in. We have all swapped numbers though and are going to still meet up somewhere every week.

It's a shame though cos I loved it
yes, mine will also only be 6 weeks.

I have asked to know what will be there, and as it is in a church hall, there is a kettle but that's it! and I don't use water from kettle! well, I will manage, one way or the other :)

After that, there will be baby massage lessons, and I really want to attend these as well!

Lisa, I don't know if it will help, but when Maheen is a bit grumpy, I take her feet in my hand and I make her pedal, like she was on a bike, and she loves it...it makes her fart sometimes! :oops:

Love to you and thanks for your support, girls :clap:
mel xx
Lisa, I don't know if it will help, but when Maheen is a bit grumpy, I take her feet in my hand and I make her pedal, like she was on a bike, and she loves it...it makes her fart sometimes!

Yeah that's what I was told to do to Olivia when she's screaming with her colic (trapped wind), usually is very good for getting the farts out and like you say, they seem to love it!

Ive tried that cycling thing - but she wriggles too much lol!

I think she would be the same if I tried baby massage
L x
Charlie has been a but grumpy the last couple of days, she keeps putting her fist in her mouth, but isnt hungry. We gave in and gave her a dummy as she was really 'sucky' which worked. when ever she has been awake the last couple of days she is really grizzly and cries, she wont settle with cuddles anymore, as soon as i put her in her swing she is fine. i feel awful dumping her in there when she is upset, i just want to soothe her better, but she preferes to be on her own. doesnt do much for the new mum confidence LOL! Im sure she is finally having a growth spurt as she took 100mls all in one go today (that is really unlke her, its a huge amount!) and is grumpy and feeding lots!
Don't feel bad, Maheen is exactly the same! She does not really like to be picked up anymore! She much prefers to be in her bouncer!!! :roll:

Sometimes, when I feel all broody about her, I just want to take her in my arms, and I make her cry! :think: But it's not just with me, it's verybody! That suits my back well, actually! :wink:

I think it's much better to be an understanding mummy who will give her little girl what she needs, rather than a mum who will just satisfy herself but not her little one!
If she prefers her swing, then don't feel bad! that's the way you make her happy :)

I have developped a routine with Maheen where we really bond and have our moment when I change her and just after: that's when she likes being picked up and I put her on her blanket and we play for at least 30 minutes and giggle all the time, singing and dancing!...and smiling!
Otherwise, she is in her bouncer! and I rock her with my foot!!!!

Don't worry, be happy :) :dance:
Mel xx

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