Weed and ttc?

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Some will take the research approach and some will go on ethics and morals.

I find it hard to hear that i have dubious ethics and no morals because i did a lot of research and made a choice for myself based upon that.

I would not judge you for things that you do without knowing the full story and i would ask that you do the same for me.

it is not as black and white as 'good and bad' when it comes to cannabis use during pregnancy and researching the pros and cons of an alternative herbal treatment (wether its branded illegal or not) compared to the pros and cons of a medical treatment and making a decision for yourself and your family does not make you immoral or unethical.
Some will take the research approach and some will go on ethics and morals.

I find it hard to hear that i have dubious ethics and no morals because i did a lot of research and made a choice for myself based upon that.

I would not judge you for things that you do without knowing the full story and i would ask that you do the same for me.

it is not as black and white as 'good and bad' when it comes to cannabis use during pregnancy and researching the pros and cons of an alternative herbal treatment (wether its branded illegal or not) compared to the pros and cons of a medical treatment and making a decision for yourself and your family does not make you immoral or unethical.

I didnt mean it to sound as if I was saying that you were unethical or immoral. I was saying that for some its about wether its illegal and the research they have done and for some its about their own morals and ethics-i was aiming that at myself. As I said I have not researched it but I have my own views and opinions to which I will follow. I am going on experiences in my life and what I have seen. In my opinion its wrong but that doesnt mean that everyone will or should feel the same as me.
I am not judging you at all. I have my opinions and you have yours and I respect them.
I am not going to comment further on this thread as I am not going to get in to some full on debate about it, I am not out to offend anyone at all. I was just responding to Corrinne and giving my thoughts and opinions as is everyone else. Nothing I have said has been aimed at any one person.

Again, hope you're ok Corrinne and that you get it all sorted xxxx
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I think this thread should be closed, I am stopping myself posting not to offend anyone
I think this thread should be closed, I am stopping myself posting not to offend anyone

Snap, I'm not going to say what I really want to say on this thread, for once I will hold my tongue x

Sent from my knackered iPhone
Think closing it's a good idea. It's off topic already and the way it will go won't help anyone. X

Hi Ladies,
Since I had my 2nd MC, and OH has taken it really bad he went and got some weed to help him thorough, I admit I had some too back then as my head and emotions were in such a mess. Since then he has had it 3 other times (one lot lasts him 3 or 4 days) he smokes it til all gone then says ok no more. As he knows I dont like it in the house or him smoking it.

Now hes just told me he has some more for this w/e. I went mad. Feel a bit of a hypocrite as I did have some that time, but only as I was in such a state and thought it might chill me out. Now its like he thinks its ok.I dont want to go down that road! And have now made my feelings clear. Its becoming way too often and Im not happy about it.

He has now promised me no more after this lot (well maybe a little at Christmas he said when he goes and stays with his mate (atleast he honest about that as I wouldnt really know) I think he does means it.

But does anyone know how a man smoking weed affects ttc??? If it relaxes him could it help? Or is it really bad? Just coming up to my fertile time now.

Any advice please. xx

I also looked into this as DH would smoke a bit now and then. The advice I found is that the THC in weed makes sperm hyper. This means after ejaculation they rush too fast and by the time they reach the egg they are tired out and too tired to break through the egg. Thats not to say that stoners can't conceive but it does mean that a man is border line fertile/infertile - smoking pot could cause him to be infertile. That was based on a man smoking at least two joints a day over a long period of time.

So basically its not good to smoke pot when ttc. the study even said that even if a woman smokes pot nad the man doesn't the THC present in the female can still over -excite the sperm - weird!!

DH has cut back drastically but still has the occasional smoke. If we haven't conceived by the end of the year I will be enforcing a complete ban until we do. I don't think its fair on me when I have quit smoking, cut back on coffee and alcohol.

hope this helps.
I think it has different effects on everyone leeleekitty. My man is a mini hardcore smoker. I have had no problems on his side of things :S. But like everyone has said its unresearched and not widely looked at.

I hope she gets things sorted tho. I am still battling him to quit as its not fair around me and our son in my eyes. Even if he smokes it outside his clothes still smell of it :( x
there are going to be very conflicting opinions on this matter, but nobody should be judged. Corrine, i hope everythings ok for you hun
Thanks everyone for posting, sorry I have been quiet but been working long shifts since I posted.
I dont agree with it , if he starts it long term or even happens again outside of what he promised I will leave him = end of!
Not with a little one in the house.
I have cut out alcohol, caffiene, Im eating healthy, exercising regularly, taking vits, why then put nicotine and chemicals into the mix - its stupid.
Thing is we were both being healthy and not both not drinking smoking, when both previous MC;s have occurred.
My OH does not drink or smoke, this is his only little weakness , release, and times have been so stressful over everything that has happened. I want to cut him a little slack.
Just wanted to know if people knew how it affected sperm, so thanks everyone for your comments.
Really dont want to cause a debate.

Lol its just a debatable subject there absolutkey nothing wrong with having an opinion i am glad you posted this hun.

Your right about smoking around kids though, weed or just cigs i dont think kids shud be exposed to it, smoking is a decsion you make and its a bad one at that lol! I did quit smoking cigerettes when i was pregnant, but started up after the MC heavier than ever.

Weed is also a thing you should try get out your system when your younger when you just smoke it all the time ( not everyone obv ) but my mum for example, she is a straight laced high level nurse, who barely swears etc yet every year she fancies a little smoke of weed, nothing wrong with it.

Glad you two came to an agreement
He always smokes it outside, would never ever allow smoking in the house, but yes I can still smell it on him a mile off!!
It doesn't affect fertility at all - just watch jeremy kyle. All they do is smoke weed, drink cider and pop out sprogs.

God only knows how they never seem to have any difficulty conceiving!

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
It doesn't affect fertility at all - just watch jeremy kyle. All they do is smoke weed, drink cider and pop out sprogs.

God only knows how they never seem to have any difficulty conceiving!

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

LMAO - I think sometimes it can help my personal experience it helped me :S x
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rofl jayjay, you hit the nail on the head there x
I'm sorry but I think it's wrong on so many levels I am shocked anybody would want to take any sort of illegal drug while carrying a baby or ttc. Believe me I am very open minded but I don't care what research shows it is wrong wrong wrong wrong!!!! What the hell is wrong with just wanting to nurture and protect your unborn baby from any possible harm it could come to? It saddens me that that a pro drug debate could even take place. Maybe at the very old age of 34 I'm a prude.
I am most definitely not a prude Amy and have been :shock: reading this thread but agree with you 100% x

Sent from my knackered iPhone
Don't want to be a buzzkill but now that this forum has turned into a pros and cons drug debate, it's actually against forum rules. Just saying!
Noone has said its been taken while growing their baby..... Please get this locked now its sprialled way out of control x
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