Wedding plan!! help!!

I completely agree with everyone else. Somethings you can do is not tell people that what you are buying for is for a wedding. since they charge more. You can have freinds and family put together food for your reception. have the wedding in a spot that is free... lots of beaches let you do that or in a park or even a freinds back yard. somewhere beautiful. you can make most of your own decorations. lioke center peices with sand an sea shells and candle. buy your own alcohol instead of hiring a caterer. you can order wedding inviations online a lot cheaper and the envelopes come adreseed. will post more when i think of it. hope that helps.
I can't believe I've missed this thread so far...

Firstly - congratulations Steph!!!!

I got married in June 2005, in a church with a proper wedding breakfast for 60 after, then an evening reception for 150 with food and a disco, then the next day off on an AI honeymoon to Cyprus. All together (if I exclude the honeymoon) the day cost about £8000 - ish! I know this sounds mega expensive, but I did save money on loads of things. If I had paid full price for everything, it would have been double!!!!

It sounds daft, but Ebay can be your best friend. Here goes with my list of bargains.

My engagement ring - I wanted to choose it myself as I've got to wear it for the rest of my life. I found a platinum and 1/2 carat diamond ring. Found it on Ebay from a company in Canada that makes one-offs. Brand new. I've had it valued for insurance purposes and it is £1850. I got it for £775 and paid £56 customs charge.
Wedding rings - Solid Platinum for both. Mine is 3mm, DH's is 6mm. Together, they are valued at over £2500, but cost £800 from a company on Ebay. And they are also brand new.
My dress - Again Ebay. There are loads of dresses on Ebay from the Far East. You choose the design, bid for it, then send them your measurements and they make it from scratch and send it to you within 4 weeks. Mine cost me £39 postage, and the actual dress was £19!!!!! And the detail on it is fabulous.
Flowers - I bought artificial bouquets for myself and my daughter from Ebay, and she emailed me and asked how many buttonholes I wanted, and they were thrown in!! £60 for the lot. And I have my bouquet for ever!
Cake - MIL is a cook so she made it. It was a beautiful 3 tier one, although we still have 2 tiers left. It is such a waste........ How about having the bottom tier as cake to cut, and then the top 2 false?
Balloons on tables - Bought a complete kit from Ebay of 60 balloons and helium tank for £28. It gave DH and the best man something to do on the morning of the wedding!! :wink:
Wedding favours - Made them myself. I bought 60 drawstring net bags from Ebay and also 2 boxes of sugared almonds. I bought a pack of pretty blank business cards and printed my own placecards which were holepunched and attached to the bags. The kids got rolls of Just Married Lovehearts in their bags. And I also gave the kids bottles of bubbles that looked like wedding cakes!
Disposable Cameras - I spent £60 on these and wouldn't recommend them. Not one of the photos was any good. :(
Photographer - I spent £475 on a photographer (and that was cheap), and his photos were awful. The photos we have in frames are from my dad and brother. I would ask all friends and family to get an extra set of photos for you. A photographer is a waste of money.
Disco - I was lucky that it was a friend and he did it for the cost of paying his roadies (the reception was on the 5th floor!!)

Things I learnt. Only have basic food in the evening. We had a 4 course meal at about 4.30, and then the evening reception started at 7.30. I had only catered for 75% of the guests in the evening, but still over half of it was left at the end of the night, and we weren't allowed to take any of it off the premises at the end. :(
Only have sparkling wine for the toast. We had real champagne and not one person noticed.
Go for a local mobile beautician for your makeup. I found a lovely lady. She did a test on me the week before to see what I like. She came round the night before and did a manicure, pedicure and facial. And then came to my mums on the morning of the wedding, and did my makeup and my 12 year old daughters- the lot for £60!!
Wedding gifts - I too had everything. So, as we were going to Cyprus, we asked people for Cypreat Pounds to spend.
Church - if you want a church wedding, ask around. I live 3 miles outside the city centre in a large village with 3 churches. If I wanted to get married in one of these it would have cost £800 as I was divorced. But I found a beautiful church in the city centre (recommended by a friend). Very old church with 2 aisles. The lady vicar was so eccentric she made everyone laugh during the service. I've never heard a vicar mention the word erotic during a marriage ceremony before!!! As she only had a very small congregation, once we had booked the day, that whole day was ours. She had no other weddings booked on the day. So on the Thursday before, she rang me and asked what colour flowers we wanted for the large displays on the alter. They changed the flowers on a friday, so she said she might as well have them matching my colour scheme!! And it only cost £150.

Blimey - I've waffled!!!!! I'd better go and get some work done!! If I remember anything else Steph, I'll let you know.

And above all - enjoy your day!!!!!!
Blimey Tankett, your the woman to know!!!!
I too am getting maried, August 5th this year, and at the moment its not baby keeping me awake all night its the bloomin wedding!! they are stressful, its hard to please everyone. we have been lucky enough to have some financial help from my parents, but all in all we are hoping to spend approx £3000. this is more than we hoped, but lots of corners have been cut and to have it as we'd like, we cant get much cheaper.
my tips are...........
1. sure you'll know people who can make your stationary (or do it yourself) favours, decorate tables, etc.

2. uncle has a white VW Passat, he's taking my dad and i to church...FREE (saving £200!!!)

3. PHOTOS... a friends dad has a nice camera, he's taken some lovely pics of his grandkids, and i dont want any 'posey' type photos, just natural fun pics, as some one said, £475 for a pro is cheap :shock: mine will be FREE!

4. VENUE.....weve gone for the church, not as expensive as i thought, you dont have to have bells and choir etc which makes it more expensive. and then across the road to the village hall, which between family and friends you can decorate really nice. £100 to hire for 3 full days (time for prep, the day, and clear up) bargin!!

5.DRINKS....were opting for a couple of bottles of champers (cos i LOVE IT!) but as a lot of people dont, were having an alternative of Pimms, and G&T. really fresh and summery. nicce and cheap!

6. you know some one who knows someone??? my dads work mate does them...and will do it for free (catch being "i dont play none of that modern shit, steps and all that!!) it may be a bit cheesey, but it saves us £300, and it''l be a laugh if noithing else!!

7.TIME/FOOD ....get married later in the day, then just go straight on to night do after photos etc. Chose a buffet that family or fiends can help you with rather than expensive sit down meals. We have a lot of kids going to day do, so were doing a 'kids corner' with cold pizza and jelly etc for them!

8. Tankett said, posibly your best mate!! i got my DRESS off there too, but as i d idnt spend time and bought 1st one it wasnt what id hoped, was only £35 inc delivery from HK tho! lots of bargins to be had!

hope this has been of some help??? please PM me if you come up with any other shoe string tips!!!

I arranged the whole thing in about 6 months, and after it was over, I felt like I'd lost an arm. I absolutely loved planning it, and didn't get stresses once!!! (not that I can remember anyway!)

I'm not happy unless I'm planning anything!!

House move and baby next. :lol: :lol:
Just "bumping" this thread as it has some helpfull ideas for yvonne,Kx , and others who are planning a wedding!! :D
Any one else getting married soon? or next year etc? its so exciting planning it although there seems so much to do!!!!

those that are planning, what have you done and what have you left to do??

I still havent got my dress!!!! yvonne calls me "slack" !!! :rotfl:
Some fantastic tips in there!!!
Wish i'd've known that about the dresses off of ebay!!!
Gosh how bizzare reading that Steph lol, i was still planning on being a MRS then teeheee!
If any one wants any advice, just catch me on mSN, i love talking weddings..... :dance:
we did it cheap and it was fantastic (if i may say so my self) i just cant believe its all done and dusted. :(
awww thats true hels, so much excitment then its all over with too quick! bit like xmas!!

If anyone else wants to add any wedding money saving ideas etc then feel free to add!!
Steph, definately check out charity shops for a dress, Ive seen absolutely stunning ones in some of them. My dress was hired and after my wedding she decided to pack it all in and she gave all her dresses, mine included, to charity shops!!

Imi-mum-2-B!! said:
Hi there,

Well here goes... I can't get married to my partner as i am still married :( (Ex hubby a pratt n won't sign papers!!)

Imogen, get his arse in court! I had the same problem with my ex and the threat of court was enough to make him sign as they mentionned that "Costs may be set against you"
I'm also still married as we own a house. I have a decree nisi and was advised against the absolute until financial issues resolved. I found out last week that this is in case he dies before the house is sold and as he hasnt made a will I will get the house. Like thats going to happen NOT!!! Going for the absolute in october now :)
Thanks Minime,

i have looked on ebay for dresses and wow there are some lovely ones on there!!!

I love hearing about peoples weddings day or how they are planning it!!! :cheer:
Slowly at the mo steph.......

I'm confused with everything lol :D

To be honest i don't want a bigger do as i am planning for, to be honest i think paying all this money for it to look nice is just to impress everyone else.
I keep thinking.. " i have to make this look good cos such a body had this" blah blah

I want to get married to Andy and then take my close family for a meal.. thats it.
:( I'm boring
For those who are married (or getting married!) how much did you pay for your photographer and cars to hire?
ive been looking around and some cars to hire are around £200 each?! that seems really expensive to me!!!

Ive found a really nice photographer and the 'cheapest' he charges is £395 for 30 8"x8" colour photos in a leather album, is this a good price?? ive seen some which charge £700-£1000 !!!!! :shock: thats madness!! the next option up is £495 for 40 photos but i think 30 will be enough????
I can't help I'm afraid but you have reminded me - my uncle's just starting his own photography business and has offered to do the pics at my wedding free as our present BUT I'm a bit worried about accepting:

1. Is it rude to ask to see his portfolio? I'm worried that he might not be too good...

2. What if something goes wrong? Eg. photos come out wrong, he puts in effects we don't like etc.

Is it rude to say know? Or look at his portfolio then say no? What do you think...
I was very lucky with both - my 2nd cousins' DH offered us a lift in his classic Bentley - we were gonna get a cab! We found a sweet local photographer who developed every phot she took, gave us the negatives so we could get as many as we wanted re-printed for other people, all for about £150.

Photographer was just with us for the ceremony - I think a lot of the cost comes from how long they spend with you...if you want them with you while you put your rollers in the night before, and still taking pics of your guests puking after the party :shock: it will cost more than if they're just waiting for you to arrive at the church for eg.

BTW my photos are still in a shoe box 3 years later!!! My aunty says we'll ahve divorced by the time she gets her reprints - said tongue in cheek I hope :rotfl:
Your photo's are your life-long record of the big day so I don't think you're being too careful asking to see his portfolio. If he's planning to make money out of it he's probably pretty good and it'll set your mind at rest!

As for cars, ask around. You must know someone who has an unusual/special car to help you out? Rolls Royces and Bentley's are lovely but so many people arrive for their nuptials in different choices like Beetles, hackney cabs or even buses! I'm getting my dad's friend to drop me off in his Morris Minor (complete with wooden panels!) Like a lot of people, we're having civil ceremony, reception and evening do all at the one venue so there's not much travelling anyway! :)
My MIL's photographer had an accident with her negatives when she got married in 1971...she never got any photos :( except the proof ones with the copyright message all through them. She's just had the proofs reprinted and remastered technology or zummat.
Steph i am having the same problem. the photographers round here are £600 for the cheapest! i agree it is the only chance for nice photo's etc but its still alot if you haven't got it.

My uncle has a royal blue vintage which i am using as a wedding present! its lovely, its been used for all the family weddings for years!

I have booked the registry office........ 2.40pm Can't wait

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