Very Bad News - Empty Sac :(

Karolina I am very sorry to hear your sad news and wish you all the best for next time. xxx
Hi hon,

I have just been through this and had a D&C last week at what would have been 11 weeks. I would recommend it - it was painless and I was put to sleep for it and it was over very quickly. It allows your body to move on quickly.

All the best hon. xx
Sorry to hear your news, hope you're ok x
Thanks for your kind words everyone, appeciate it :). Very shocked, keep bursting into tears, but am ok. Going to work tomorrow, hopefully will take my mind off it a bit. I think Im going to let nature take its course, though theres no signs whatsoever of a miscarraige happening!! Strange that the bpdy holds on to the pregnancy, but I guess the placenta is still there and until the HcG drops low enough, the body doesnt realise theres no pregnancy :(
I have read stories of women who were told they had a blighted ovum, but found out a fetus at a late on stage. But I'm doubtful thats even a posssibility in my case, since I have felt like hormone levels were dropping :(
I know surgery gets it over and done with, but I had a surgical abortion (with no anaethetic) 10 years ago, and I really dont want to go through that again ;(;(
We're hopefully going to try again for a baby in 3 or so months time, fingers crossed this doesnt happen again xxxx
Really sorry to read this sweetheart. Take care :hug:
I'm so sorry this has happened KarolinaMoon - I had one at 11 weeks, I didn't realise how many people have this till I had one myself tho.

Wishing you a speedy recovery, don't expect too much of yourself at work with colleagues etc till all sorted out, your going to be all up in the air for a bit, I took a week holiday from work while waiting for my D&C, but there are other options available as you sound like you wanted to avoid surgery.

Sending you a hug X

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