Empty sac :o(

I was the same hun when i went back a week later all was fine babe had caught back up to what i thought it was
I was the same hun when i went back a week later all was fine babe had caught back up to what i thought it was

How far along were you when you had your scan? Glad your little bean caught up - hope mine is doing that right now!
I had my scan today and there was just a wee sac there, no heartbeat yet. and I'm further on that you. Totally not worried as I am just so happy to see the wee bubs there. Going back in two weeks to check for heartbeat. It can be anytime up to 7 weeks before you see it. Try to stay positive (I know it's hard) and do something fun to distract yourself. I've been listening to really cheesy 90s pop music to keep my happy vibes going xx
sending prayers your way.hopefully its just a little erlier than expected xx
Thanks everyone. Had my hcg level checked again and it had increased from 5,400 to 9,221 so although it's not doubled in 48 hours, they're happy that it had increased by over 66%.

I have to go back again on Monday to check hcg again.

Every day is going so slowly!
That's great that hcg level has increased and they're happy with it too :) that's got to be a good sign. Only one day to go and it'll be Monday hun, hang in there :hugs: x x
It also says the further along you get the longer it will take to double, when your 6 to 7 weeks til can take up to 84 hours for hcg level to double! So I think your results are pretty good hun :hugs: x x
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Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Hoping its just a little too early to see anything
It also says the further along you get the longer it will take to double, when your 6 to 7 weeks til can take up to 84 hours for hcg level to double! So I think your results are pretty good hun :hugs: x x

Thanks Vixxie. I was looking it up last night too and it seems my levels are on target. Just keeping fingers crossed that tomorrow's results show the same increase.

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