Thanks for your kind words everyone, appeciate it

. Very shocked, keep bursting into tears, but am ok. Going to work tomorrow, hopefully will take my mind off it a bit. I think Im going to let nature take its course, though theres no signs whatsoever of a miscarraige happening!! Strange that the bpdy holds on to the pregnancy, but I guess the placenta is still there and until the HcG drops low enough, the body doesnt realise theres no pregnancy

I have read stories of women who were told they had a blighted ovum, but found out a fetus at a late on stage. But I'm doubtful thats even a posssibility in my case, since I have felt like hormone levels were dropping

I know surgery gets it over and done with, but I had a surgical abortion (with no anaethetic) 10 years ago, and I really dont want to go through that again ;(;(
We're hopefully going to try again for a baby in 3 or so months time, fingers crossed this doesnt happen again xxxx