Unsure whether to find out the sex . . .

We decided not to find out, but I must admit I kind of wish I had now, it's not just clothes that seem to either be pink or blue, I was looking at dummies yesterday and even they seemed to lean toward one sex or the other! Also people keep asking what we're having and when I say I don't know, they're very keen to know why we chose not to ask which is doing my head in a bit now!

Having said that though, I am pleased we decided not to find out because I'm really looking forward to the surprise, there aren't that many nice surprises in life it seems, so I'm keen to grab them while I can :)
I'm starting to fill this way! As soon as I found out I was pregnant straight away I was like I'm finding out but now my scans getting closer I'm thinking it would be nice to keep it secret. I didn't find out with DD cos her legs were shut and that wasn't too bad. We brought everything White or yellow and as soon as she was born we started buying pink. This time I do think financially it would be easier to find out as I still have alot of daughters things but the suprise at the end of the pregnancy would be nice too!!
did anyone have a gutfeeling that turned out to be wrong?
Im so sure its a girl in there and thought that since i found out i was pregnant i be really suprised if its a boy. We are so sure we even call her by the name we have choosed. We have not even talked about boy names.
I have NO idea what is currently residing in my tummy...no gut feeling at all!

Everyone thinks it's gonna be a boy as all my OH's side of family seem to produce lads - however i'm secretly hoping that LO proves them all wrong! Haha!

We're off for a 4D scan in a couple of weeks so if LO decides to wave his/her backside in front of us then we'll just have to accept it as fate! lol! x
With my first we didn't find out, With the 2nd we didn't find out, i thought she was a boy all through the pregnancy and obviously got it wrong lol

With this one i asked oh if he wanted to find out as i did and he said he did so this time round we will be asking :D

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