finding out the sex


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2005
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hi i have got my 20 week scan 2moro and i dont know whether to find out the sex or not
at first i did want to but im worried the second i find out i wish i didn't know.

did anyone find out then wish they hadn't?
thanks emma
hi hun, i didnt really want to kno this time around but my OH did so i went with his decision. i am glad i did tho because i have looked around for clothes and its impossible to get enough clothes that are neutral unless i dressed baby in white until she was 3 months old lol. shops dont cater for people who dont want to know anymore and its a shame!! i dont regret knowing tho hun and im sure you wont regret it i think its great to know im having a little girl or boy and to definately decide on a name instead of having choices. hope you decide whats rigt for you and everything is fine. xxxxx
i didnt find out and part of me wishes i had, but only for when i buy clothes, still glad i didnt. i want a suprise for when ive put all that hard work into pushing. in my birthplan i want OH to tell me the sex
I found out the sex and i'm really really glad I found out because now her room is all pink and I know what colour clothes I can buy her.
I really wanted to know and it has made things easier when buying stuff (unless they got it wrong and we have to dress a boy in pink for the first year!).
For me the labour will be overwhelming enough, I don't feel like I need the surprise then - it's better for me to get the news now and imagine the baby as she grows up. But then, everyone is different, good luck deciding!
I found out with 2 of mine and although I'm glad I did, it did take some of the exicitment away. I didn't find out with my 1st and it was just a lovely surprise.
I didnt know with my first but have with this one and i personally find it better knowing so i can sort his name, clothes, nursery stuff out, it also helps with bonding my big bump isnt just a bump to us, its our baby boy, :oops:
Surely whether you find out at the scan or at the birth - it's still a surprise.

My OH didnt want to know initailly, but like Fee Fee said, it helps you bond with the bump, and my OH couldnt stop grinning after we found out. I don't regret at all.

Good luck with the scan !!

Piglet xx
thanks for all you replies still dont know what to do
with our first we didn't find out when she arrived it took us ages to realise what we had as we were so excited to be holding our baby for the first time
it was hubby that said oh what have we got

another quick question is it best to have a full bladder at 20 weeks to see baby better can't remember
thanks again xx
I didn't find out and was really pleased I hadn't, it was a lovely surprise when he arrived!

As for clothes - I bought enough in neutral to last a few days, knowing that I would either receive loads of clothes as presents or send my OH or mum off to the shops once we knew the sex! I wsan't disappointed, he has far too many blue clothes most of which were given as presents.

Good luck making your decision.

(if you can't decide you could always ask them to write it in a sealed envelope?)
hi there....... :wave:
Well i never asked what mine were until #3....I always wanted a boy and had three girls.....I kept n havinhg girls and finally i ended up with 7girls and 1 boy.....I am hoping to find out this time as i would like another girl, but my son would love a brother......Have my scan 29th june so i might find out there...Chances are it will be another girl.....Aparently it is down to the womans cervix that filters out the chromozone that it wants and gets rid of the one it does not...I know i have mainly girls but he got through as a twin and my consultant reacons thats why i managed a boy...Apaprently if yuou ahve mainly one of male or female then you are more likely to have aanother of the same sex...If only i had known that at the begging and not when i got to 8......Good luck and enjoy whether you know or not. :hug: :hug: :hug:
mellowbird said:
hi there....... :wave:
Well i never asked what mine were until #3....I always wanted a boy and had three girls.....I kept n havinhg girls and finally i ended up with 7girls and 1 boy.....I am hoping to find out this time as i would like another girl, but my son would love a brother......Have my scan 29th june so i might find out there...Chances are it will be another girl.....Aparently it is down to the womans cervix that filters out the chromozone that it wants and gets rid of the one it does not...I know i have mainly girls but he got through as a twin and my consultant reacons thats why i managed a boy...Apaprently if yuou ahve mainly one of male or female then you are more likely to have aanother of the same sex...If only i had known that at the begging and not when i got to 8......Good luck and enjoy whether you know or not. :hug: :hug: :hug:

omg mellowbird... that's a lot of babies :shock:
i forgot to ask the sono but then my OH asked her and she said we gottta do a form first so we did. when she was down there she wasnt really looking properly and she couldnt find boy bits so said its a girl and was definate lol so i really still dont know.

but ive been buying clothes for both genders and we got a black pram so its suitable for both :)

its up to you and your partner if u do wanna know :)
yeah sorry back to the post..

we didn't find out. i wanted to know but OH didn't so we didn't find out. we're convinced it's a boy but we're up for the surprise, as tangerinedream said, it would make the pushing seem so much more worthwhile for the surprise!

though we have a 3d scan coming up at the end of the month and it's going to be difficult not to find out. i hope we don't as i've waited long enough, i'll wait out the rest!!

leckershell said:
mellowbird said:
hi there....... :wave:
Well i never asked what mine were until #3....I always wanted a boy and had three girls.....I kept n havinhg girls and finally i ended up with 7girls and 1 boy.....I am hoping to find out this time as i would like another girl, but my son would love a brother......Have my scan 29th june so i might find out there...Chances are it will be another girl.....Aparently it is down to the womans cervix that filters out the chromozone that it wants and gets rid of the one it does not...I know i have mainly girls but he got through as a twin and my consultant reacons thats why i managed a boy...Apaprently if yuou ahve mainly one of male or female then you are more likely to have aanother of the same sex...If only i had known that at the begging and not when i got to 8......Good luck and enjoy whether you know or not. :hug: :hug: :hug:

omg mellowbird... that's a lot of babies :shock:

i know.And i love it all
mellowbird said:
leckershell said:
mellowbird said:
hi there....... :wave:
Well i never asked what mine were until #3....I always wanted a boy and had three girls.....I kept n havinhg girls and finally i ended up with 7girls and 1 boy.....I am hoping to find out this time as i would like another girl, but my son would love a brother......Have my scan 29th june so i might find out there...Chances are it will be another girl.....Aparently it is down to the womans cervix that filters out the chromozone that it wants and gets rid of the one it does not...I know i have mainly girls but he got through as a twin and my consultant reacons thats why i managed a boy...Apaprently if yuou ahve mainly one of male or female then you are more likely to have aanother of the same sex...If only i had known that at the begging and not when i got to 8......Good luck and enjoy whether you know or not. :hug: :hug: :hug:

omg mellowbird... that's a lot of babies :shock:

i know.And i love it all

fair play to you to be fair!! :D

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