He doesnt want to find out sex!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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22 weeks scan is coming up and my OH and I cant get on about if we want to find out sex or not. He really really want it to be suprise but I really really want to find out sex so we can plan things... Driving me mad, what do we do ???
lol bugger u cud find out but cud u hold it back from him? it be nice tofind out because of buying clothes etc if my fella told me he did not wanna know id just go ahead anyway but thats me x
Ask the sonographer to write it on a piece of paper for you so you have the option to find out and he can look later if he changes his mind.
Yeah, and then start buying things in pink/blue. Lol Why is he so reluctant?
He is just stubborn.. lol.. Hate it when his mum think its a great idea too and keep saying its not the same these days knowing the sex before birth.. I am going to find out I think.. I want to know what colour on pram Im going to get, what colour on clothes, no way Im buying just all in white etc.. Cant stand that.. lol
i found out on my dd and her dad didnt know i told him if he doesnt want to know the sex then just dont go in the draws where all her things was kept he never once peeked and we never slipped up
All the way through me and OH were set on finding out whether it was a boy/girl then we got the the aiting room and he was all like i don't wanna know :o I put my foot down and when we got in there are the sonographer asked i just said yes before he had a chance to open his mouth he he :) he's happy to know now anyways ha ha x

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