Hi ladies - can I join you? I'm ttc pregnancy number two, but everything crossed that the baby w make will make it home with us. We first began ttc in April 2012, fell after only three on this but sadly my little girl was born sleeping in feb 2013. We were given the go ahead to ttc in May 2013 but in July that year we were told to stop as I was diagnose with rare auto immune disease (which caused us to lose our baby). We began trying again officially in jan this year (tho pins fom
October we were dtd at the right time of the month so ntnp) so adding all months up we've been trying this time or 10 months but really since April 2012 to bring a baby home! We are so desperate to be parents, we have everything a baby needs (I still havnt been able to put our baby things up in the loft).
On Friday we went to the dr and explained we were concerned about fertility. My immune disease began when I was pregnant and I worry it stopping us from falling pregnant again. My oh had mumps at 21 and so he's really worries it's him. Thankfully after a few tears the dr agreed to some bloods and sperm analysis. So I'll be getting 21 day bloods done next week I think. I'm worried in case the results show something is wrong but also worried in case they don't show anything too!
Iv seen this thread a few times and thought about joining but because I've fallen pregnant before didn't know whether I would fit? But since it's now taking us a while this time round I hope I'm ok to join you all! X