Hi ladies,
Andrea, it was emotional to say the least, all the children gave him cards. So sad but lovely too. Hope you're ok from today too.
Bethyboo, that's great about the referral
Stace, you're not selfish at all, its so natural and normal to feel like that xx
Sarah, I am not sure about the 'A' thing, I am not familiar with that I'm afraid.
Well had my follow up appointment yesterday, the results are not good. The numbers are 2 when they should be 10 for someone my age so time is not on my side. I still have eggs and am ovulating fine but I don't have time to waste. 3 months trying and then straight to IVF. I don't feel as terrible as I thought I would, he said there is still every chance it can happen naturally, my chances are not reduced in that sense but we have to be careful how long we leave it before intervening. He said everything else is fine, apart from endometriosis which does impact and is confident that OH quitting smoking will make all the difference. I also have a prescription for progesterone to use from ovulation now.
To all my ltttc ladies I would say, please get your FSH tested and if you're being seen by fertility then get AMH done, I am young so have been told so often, you will be fine, you're young. It just shows it doesn't work like that and sometimes mother nature has her own ideas. Its best to know, I am happy I know cos now we have a plan.
I got tips out of him that you all might be interested in, I asked how often is ok to dtd, he said every other day is good enough but every day will in no way reduce your chances (unless sperm issues of course). He said egg lives for 12-24 hours and I think he said sperm 48-72 (so not as long as we're lead to believe) so for me, I have a 26-27 day cycle and ov around 13-14, he said if I bd from cd11-16 every other day (or everyday if we have the energy lol) then would be plenty covered. He said to try hard for 3 months, so we have our instructions from the professional