Well ladies I got mine from Mary....
I feel conception for you in less than 16 weeks.I have the number 11 in connection with conception, Could be in relation to month , Day, or time of conception. I can see a healthy a baby boy born at 40 weeks plus 3 days of your pregnancy. I do feel c-section delivery
Birth- Tuesday 13.12pam Weight 6lbs 9oz , 19 inches longHe sleeps through out the night from 11 weeks old His cord comes away when he is 3 days oldI can see he has a full head of hair at birth-----------------Providing you try again and I can see conception when your son above is 2 years old with a baby girl
Suzy said...
Your reading reveals that your conception news will come in the month of August 2014 from a cycle that starts in July. The baby shows as a boy and the expected birth date is in the month of May 2015 with attention being paid to the date of the 7th. I can also see another child in your future, another boy, born in early 2018.
Well I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get my bfp from this cycle...AF is due any day now (not entirely sure when as having a long cycle) but even if I was pg, I would know before august. Still sure I'm not though cos it's a weird cycle and I'm sure I missed ov.
Both said a boy though...so here's hoping for my bfp before the end of the year if either is right!
Mylullaby, feel free to add me to the list at the top of the thread