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Trying to set a routine for a 2week old.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2007
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Now that I have had a bit of sleep, I am trying to establish a bit of a routine with Adam. I am trying to hold off the feeding on demand and get him to take a feed every 4 hours so that I can actually manange to eat a meal, get a bath and have a nap.

Do you think it is much to early to start this, and how long migh it take to see some results. xxx
My personal opinion (please don't take offence) is that it's far too early to try and make him feed 4 hourly. At his age his stomach is too tiny to manage to go that length of time between feeds.

Why not start a little night-time routine of bath, feed and bed in the quiet so he can start recognise the signals for bedtime and will gradually start sleeping longer?
I agree, try the bath and bed at say 9pm and when he wakes for a feed after that feed him with a lamp on really dim so he starts to recognise night time from the day.
Definitely agree, even now I feed on demand - but you can certainly try to introduce bath, baby massage, story, feed in room with dimmed lights at a similar time every evening.

Valentine Xxx
Thanks. :D

I think I might have sounded a little harsh. It was really more just trying to introduce a night time routine to Adam. More so at night as this is when we are having real problems with his sleeping.

Tonight we are going to try bath at 8pm, massage, bottle then bed. We are hoping that Adam will soon learn the night time routine quite quickly.

As for the 4 hourly feeds, he is taking 3 - 5 hour feeds at the moment, and thought averaging them out to every 4 hours was the next step.

Seems I have got a little over excited about setting a routine. I suppose it's just me trying to get organised and make like a little easier.

I'll let you know how my night time routine plans work out over the next wee while.

Thanks again. xxx
Good luck :) We really perservered with the bedtime routiine and it really helped. Charlotte is always ready for her bed by 730 now. Let us know how you get on :hug:
I personally did everything on demand with Isaac so I do know how hard it is to get a meal, a bath, I think I must have been starved and stinky for the first 2months :lol: I would say the less you try to plan, get in routine, the BETTER you'll feel, because its normal to want a routine, to feel things are running well, but babies don't often run to routines, especially small ones, so do not feel its a negative thing if you don't acheieve your routine, even though you're trying to do it for your LO, just be happy he's feeding well and happy and healthy for now, and very best wishes, it is hard but it does get more manageable, you kind of learn to go with an un-seeable flow :hug: :hug: :hug:
We did the night time routine from day one...bath, bottle bed @ 7pm and she has followed it ever since, and slept through from 7 weeks old.

On the sucess of the night time routine, I tried to get into a day time routine and I got SO stressed.....I ended up demand feeding and she became such a content baby!! She found her own day time routine at around 6 months. She naps 2 hours in the morning, 2 hours of an afternoon and still goes down @ 7.30pm most days. I am a firm beliver in letting her sleep when she needs it, and feed her when she needs it too!!

Good luck, night time routines are hard work to establish but are so worth it :hug:
I want too say goodluck, and with the feeding babies will settle their feeding when there ready - so carry on demand feeding and hope he settles soon for you :hug:

8pm - Adam had his bath.
9pm - Took 4oz bottle and went to sleep.
0.20am - Woke for a 3oz bottle, then back to sleep.
4.10am - Woke for a 3oz bottle, then back to sleep.
6.45am - Woke for a 3oz bottle then dressed for day.
8am - Back to sleep.

I am really pleased with what happened last night. Heres hoping that we can follow this night time routine for a while.

I'll let you all know how things are going over the next few weeks. xxx
It was a difficult night last night. Adam did not settle and cried most of the night.

7pm - bath
8pm - 4oz bottle then bed.
0.45 - 4oz bottle then short nap and constant crying.
4.20 - 4oz bottle then awake and constant crying.
7.30 -dressed and 4oz bottle. Awake and short moaning times.
9.30 - short nap then play time.

I thought he should sleep more than this. Looks like a good afternoon for a nap for mummy. :pray:
NIE said:
It was a difficult night last night. Adam did not settle and cried most of the night.

7pm - bath
8pm - 4oz bottle then bed.
0.45 - 4oz bottle then short nap and constant crying.
4.20 - 4oz bottle then awake and constant crying.
7.30 -dressed and 4oz bottle. Awake and short moaning times.
9.30 - short nap then play time.

I thought he should sleep more than this. Looks like a good afternoon for a nap for mummy. :pray:

maddison had alot of days like above it does sound like growth spurts .

i feed maddison on demand and tried to get her in a routine but i dont want to put a downer on things it didnt all start working for me until she was about 12 weeks old and then it wasnt perfect.

it does get better as time goes on :hug: with alot of tears and moans and alot of growth spurts .

were all here if you need a chat god these girlies are great :hug: :hug:
Well we had a good night last night and Adam really seems to be sticking to the midnight, 4am and 8am feeds wihch is fantastic. Fingers crossed it will continue. xxx
My Midwife Says To Give 4 Hourly Feeds As Feeding On Demand Or Too Often Is What Contracts They're Bellys & Can Help Cause Colic & Constipation. However, Lovella Quickly Got Into a Routine Of Wanting Feeds Every 3 Hours & Only Wakes Every 3 Hours For Them. Shes Like Clock Work All Day Long Until Her 3am Feed. She Wakes 2 Hours Early & Cries Until She Gets It, Then After That Shes Back On Track Again.

My Midwife Said Not To Give More Than 6 Feeds In 24 Hours Too. I Dont Listen To That Though & Its Nice To See Others Opinions. I Might Now Start Giving Lovella and Extra Feed Before 3am.
Personally your MW sounds like a cow who isn't really up to date with current info, is her name Claire Verity? If she starts suggesting you leave bub outside all day then run for the hills!

Im Glad Iv Read This Thread, Im Going To Do What I Feel Is Right From Now On :)

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